感染者|研究:新冠感染明显增加血栓风险,轻症病例也不例外( 二 )

That study more generally found significant increases in rates of stroke, heart attack and blood clotting a month after a COVID infection. It also found these rates of adverse events were much higher after COVID-19 than after vaccination, validating the suggestion that the deleterious after-effects of COVID-19 are much more impactful than any potential harms caused by vaccination.该研究更普遍地发现 , 在感染新冠一个月后 , 中风、心脏病发作和血栓的发生率显著增加 。 研究还发现 , 在感染新冠后 , 这些疾病的发生率要比接种疫苗之后高得多 , 这验证了新冠后遗症的危害比接种疫苗造成的任何潜在危害的影响更大的观点 。
Another UK study published last year found incidences of and deaths from thromboembolism doubled in the first six months of the pandemic compared to rates seen in the years prior.去年发布的另一项英国研究发现 , 在新冠疫情发生的前六个月 , 血栓栓塞症的发病率和死亡率比前几年翻了一番 。
Ioannis Katsoularis, an author on the new Swedish study from Ume University, said the findings affirm the value of vaccination in reducing the likelihood and severity of COVID-19. 该最新研究的论文作者 , 瑞典于默奥大学的伊奥尼斯·卡苏拉里斯称 , 这些研究结果肯定了疫苗接种在降低感染风险和减少重症方面的价值 。
_原题研究:新冠感染明显增加血栓风险 , 轻症病例也不例外