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Please don't talk so loud while others are working. While I was cleaning the window,my finger was seriously cut.2、“虽然 , 尽管”相当于although , 引导让步状语从句(常把while放在句首) 。
While she is a top student, she has some shortcomings. While the Internet is bridging the distance between people, it may also be breaking some home or will cause other family problems.3、“只要 , 如果”等于as long as , 引导条件状语从句 。
There is hope while there is life. While you study hard, your effort will pay off.扩展资料:1、 He was lost in the con-templation of the landscape for a while.有一会儿 , 他怔怔地注视着周围的景物 。
2、He rented out his house while he worked abroad.他在国外工作期间把自己的房子租了出去 。
3、 An airliner came close to disaster while approaching Heathrow Airport.一架大型客机在飞近希思罗机场时差点儿发生空难 。
4、While this conver-sation was going on, I was listening with earnest attention.这场对话进行的时候 , 我聚精会神地听着 。
5、He was caught out while lapping a slower rider.他在套圈超越一位落后的车手时出了错 。
6、Barry held the bowls while Liz ladled soup into them.巴里负责端着碗 , 由利兹向碗里盛汤 。
7、Sailors hung about while they waited to ship out.水手们在等待离港的时候四处闲逛 。
8、We sat in Lily's sunroom while I sketched in the situation.我们坐在莉莉的日光浴室里 , 我把目前形势的细节情况又补充说明了一下 。
while语句的特点? When和While的区别 ①when是at or during the time that ,  既指时间点 , 也可指一段时间 , while是during the time that , 只指一段时间 , 因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词 , 也可以是延续性动词 , 而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词 。
②when 说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时 , 也可以是先后发生;while 则强调主句的动作在从句动作的发生的过程中或主从句两个动作同时发生 。
③由when引导的时间状语从句 , 主句用过去进行时 , 从句应用一般过去时;如果从句和主句的动作同时发生 , 两句都用过去进行时的时候 , 多用while引导 , 如: 例句:a. When the teacher came in, we were talking. 当此句改变主从句的位置时 , 则为: While we were talking, the teacher came in. b. They were singing while we were dancing. ④when和while 还可作并列连词 。
when表示“在那时”;while表示“而 , 却” , 表对照关系 。
如: 例句:a. The children were running to move the bag of rice when they heard the sound of a motor bike. 孩子们正要跑过去搬开那袋米 , 这时他们听到了摩托车的声音 。
b. He is strong while his brother is weak. 他长得很结实 , 而他弟弟却很瘦弱 。
什么是while语句While作并列连词用 , 意思为“而 , 然而” , 表对比 。
如下例请仔细体会句意1.Some people waste food while others haven't enough.有些人很费粮食 , 然而有些人却吃不饱.2.The son was having a good meal at home,while the parents were working in the fields.儿子在家吃好饭而父母却在田里辛勤劳作.
while(1)是什么语句?while只指"时间段" , 不指"时间点" , 从句的动词只限于持续性动词 。
如: While I slept, a thief broke in.在我睡觉时 , 盗贼闯了进来 。
while英 [wa?l] 美 [hwa?l] conj. 虽然;然而;当……的时候n. 一会儿;一段时间vt. 消磨;轻松地度过短语:Short while 不一会DO WHILE 循环 ; 条件 ; 循环语句 ; 语句While they 今朝有酒今朝醉例句:While you are up, close the door. 你要是起来就把门关上 。