带点英文的唯美句子( 三 )

41、总以为时间会过滤一切,原来只是自己一昧的在逃避 。
Always think that time will filter everything, originally only their own ignorance in the escape.
42、辛辛苦苦的走了这段感情路,回头的时候才发现是多么的泥泞不堪 。
Hard to walk this emotional road, when I look back, I find how muddy it is.
43、这世界太多纷纷扰扰,想要的一切却都得不到 。
There are so many disturbances in the world that everything you want is not available.
44、所谓白头到老,没什么秘诀 。只是在相爱时,存下点感动,在冷战时,懂一些感恩 。
There is no secret to the so-called "white head to old age". Only when in love, save a little touching, in the cold war, understand some gratitude.
45、成熟,不是你能用很多大道理去开导别人,而是你能说服自己去理解身边的人和事 。
Maturity is not that you can use a lot of principles to enlighten others, but that you can convince yourself to understand the people and things around you.
46、我不太主动找人聊天 。所以,我主动找的,都是我在乎的人 。
I don't take the initiative to talk to people. So, I am looking for the people I care about on my own initiative.
47、爱情带着不能触碰的光芒,靠太近只会使自己被灼伤 。
Love has a light that cannot be touched. Too close will only burn itself.
48、纵使时光飞逝,纵使人在天涯,我依然爱你爱得一塌糊涂 。
Even though time flies and people are at the end of the world, I still love you in a mess.
49、在有生的瞬间能遇到你,竟花光所有运气 。
To meet you in the moment of my life is to spend all my luck.