关于多读书的英语名言( 三 )

life is short and art is long. -sophocles
人生短暂,学术无涯 。-萨福克里斯
much learning shows how little mortals know. -francis young
博学而后始知人类所知有限 。-拂朗西斯·杨
my life is limited while knowledge is limitless. -chuang-tze
吾生也有涯,而知也无涯 。-庄子
our pride chiefly rests on ignorance. -gotthold lessing
骄傲主要来自于无知 。-戈特霍尔德·莱辛
people die, but books never die. no man and no force can abolish memory. -franklin roosevelt
人会死亡,书却无朽 。没有任何人可以丢弃记忆 。-拂兰克林·罗斯福
reading is not merely sympathizing and understanding; it is also critizing and judging. -virginia woolf
阅读不仅是同情与理解,也是批评与判断 。-拂吉尼亚·伍尔夫
reading is to the mind what exercise it to the body. -richard steele
读书之于心灵,犹如运动之于身体 。-理查德·蒂尔
students of ancient times all had their teachers. for a teacher is a man who transmits the way, imparts learning, and dispels doubts. no man is born with knowledge, and then, how can a man be free from doubts? if a man has doubts and does not learn from a teacher, his doubts can never be solved. -han yu
古之学者必有师 。师者所以传道授业解惑也 。人非生而知之者,熟能无惑?惑者不从师 。其为惑也终不解矣 。-韩愈
swelled eads are so preoccupied with the few things they know, so that there is no room left for the innumerable things they don't know. -bernard show
自命不凡者,脑中被其所知的少数事物所占据,以致没有空间去容纳无数其所不知的事物 。-肖伯纳
the more a man learns, the more he knows his ignorance. -the book of rites
学然后知不足 。-礼记
the success of revolution hinges on profound learning. -sun yat-sen
革命的基础在于高深的学问 。-孙中山
to be fond of learning is akin to knowledge. to practice with vigor is akin to benevolence. to possess the feeling of shame is akin to courage. -confucius