


“占上风”,是指占据有利地位、处于优势(have the advantage (over)) 。常用于比赛或者战场等相互竞技时,对于有优势的一方用占上风 。与英文惯用语“ have/gain the upper hand”意思相同,表示“have or gain advantage or control over someone or something” 。
wǒ mén de sǐ duì tóu xià bàn chǎng kāi shǐ zhàn shàng fēng , zuì hòu wǒ mén zài zì jǐ de dì pán shàng shū diào le bǐ sài
我们的死对头下半场开始占上风,最后我们在自己的地盘上输掉了比赛 。
Our arch-rival gained the upper hand in the second half and beat us on our home turf.
dāng duì shǒu de míng xīng sì fēn wèi shòu shāng chū jú shí,zhǔ duì zhàn le shàng fēng
当对手的明星四分卫受伤出局时,主队占了上风 。
【占上风什么意思?占上风怎么翻译成英文?】The home team had the upper hand when their opponents’ star quarterback went out with an injury.