look funny;look interesting;
【看起来很有趣的英文是】例句:1、所以去做一些你时常想起,看起来很有趣但从未尝试的事吧 。
So do something you've always thought looked fun but never had the nerve to try.
2、是的,它看起来很有趣 。
Yes, it looks interesting.
3、尽管这可能看起来很有趣 , 但和真正掌握物质法则是完全不同的,因为在这样的舞蹈中,这个人只是非物质势力的傀儡 。
Although this may appear interesting it is far different that actual mastery over physical law as one is only a puppet to the nonphysical in such a dance.
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