拳头英文 拳头英文单词

【拳头英文 拳头英文单词】

拳头英文 拳头英文单词

大家好,小豆豆来为大家解答以上的问题 。拳头英文单词 , 拳头英文这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、拳头[quán tou]fist例句与用法:他用拳头打我. He struck me with his fist.他们举起拳头向领袖致敬. They raised their fists in salute to their leader.他用拳头猛击了一下桌子. He struck the table a heavy blow with his fist.她用拳头猛捶桌子. She banged her fist on the table.他紧握拳头. He clenched his fists.他用拳头敲著桌子为自己的辩驳助威 。
2、 He banged his fist on the table to emphasize his argument.我攥紧拳头向他击去 。
3、 I clenched my fist and hit him.他对我挥舞着拳头 。
4、 He shook his fist at 拳击是boxingfist[fist]fistFist 。
本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。