pronunciation怎么读 Pronounce怎么读

pronunciation怎么读 Pronounce怎么读

【pronunciation怎么读 Pronounce怎么读】大家好,小豆豆来为大家解答以上的问题 。Pronounce怎么读,pronunciation怎么读这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、pronunciation英[pr??n?nsi?e??n]美[pr??n?nsi?e??n]n.发音;读法;发音方法;发音方式名词复数:pronunciations[例句]Then he thought the problem must be his pronunciation.然后他觉得问题一定出在发音上 。
2、 of the major skills is mastery of pronunciation. 口译的主要技能之一就是要掌握好发音 。
3、 number "8," for example, is considered a lucky number as itspronunciation is similar to that of the chinese word for "wealth." 例如 , “8”被认为是幸运数字,因为它的读音与中国汉字“发”相似 。
4、 how much does pronunciation guide our perceptions of people? 那么发音对我们认知的引导作用有多大呢? is how weir acquired its modern pronunciation. 这是weir取得现代英语中发音的方式 。
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