bunches bunches of blooms

bunches bunches of blooms

大家好,小豆豆来为大家解答以上的问题 。bunches of blooms,bunches这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、bunch生词本 中频词,你记住了吗?英 [b?nt?] 美 [b?nt?] n. 束,串,捆;一串 , 一群;一帮,一伙;[非正式用语]大量 vt. 聚成一串 , 形成一串;聚成一组;使起褶:使(织物)起褶 vi. 形成一串,形成一组;打褶;膨胀,凸出 网 络 花束; 束; 一群; 串 复数:bunches 过去式:bunched 过去分词:bunched 现在分词:bunching 第三人称单数:bunches 词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. N-COUNT 可数名词一伙,一群(人) A bunch of people is a group of people who share one or more characteristics or who are doing something together.【搭配模式】:usu sing【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式My neighbours are a bunch of busybodies... 我的邻居们是一群爱管闲事的人 。
2、We were a pretty inexperienced bunch of people really... 我们事实上是一些相当没有经验的人 。
3、The players were a great bunch. 球员人数众多 。
4、2. N-COUNT 可数名词一束(花) A bunch of flowers is a number of flowers with their stalks held or tied together.【搭配模式】:usu singHe had left a huge bunch of flowers in her hotel room. 他在她宾馆房间里留下了一大束花 。
5、bunch英[b?nt?]美[b?nt?]n.束,串 , 捆;一串 , 一群;一帮,一伙;[非正式用语]大量vt.聚成一串,形成一串;聚成一组;使起褶:使(织物)起褶vi.形成一串 , 形成一组;打褶;膨胀,凸出[例句]Many simply called them a bunch of phonies.很多人把他们称为一伙骗子 。
【bunches bunches of blooms】本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。