透明英文 透明英文单词缩写

透明英文 透明英文单词缩写

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。透明英文单词缩写,透明英文这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、透明:1. transparent2. open (non-secretive)Relative explainations: Examples:1. 普通的白玻璃是透明的 。
2、Plain glass is transparent.2. 雪纺绸是一种几乎透明的丝质薄织物 。
【透明英文 透明英文单词缩写】3、Chiffon is a kind of thin, almost transparent fabric.3. 角帖书一种早期初级读物,即为一张盖有透明角片作为保护的书页,以前供儿童认字用An early primer consisting of a single page protected by a transparent sheet of horn, formerly used in teaching children to read.4. 水晶一种具有晶体结构的矿石,尤指石英的一种透明形态,通常其晶面在同一平面上A mineral, especially a transparent form of quartz, having a crystalline structure, often characterized by external planar faces. transparent material透明材料Enamelling of Repousse Works透明珐琅Packing: in see-through plastic bags包装:透明塑料袋Glass is transparent.玻璃是透明的 。
4、Something that is translucent or transparent.透明或半透明的物质the state of being hyaline or having become hyaline.透明状态或变为透明 。
5、This is a transparent backboard.这是透明的篮板球 。
6、A usually transparent glass or plastic dome.透明玻璃(塑料)圆顶A transparent bowl in which live fish are kept.鱼缸养鱼的透明的缸The uniform matrix of hyaline cartilage.透明蛋白透明软骨的母体组织 。
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