when i was 10 years old 什么意思

when i was 10 years old 什么意思

大家好,小豆豆来为大家解答以上的问题 。when i was 10 years old 什么意思这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
【when i was 10 years old 什么意思】1、When I was 10 years old,my mother passed away because of illness.I had to move to the usa to live with my father.There I met my21for the first time and from the beginning she made sure that I was safe and welcome.Over the past several years she22everything I needed.I am happy today because I have a23stepmother.Yesterday I went to see her for Mother’s Day.When24my gift,she held my face in both of her hands and25me—even though I had the flu! Her simple act of affection26 me back to my very first night in America.After I was27from the airport 。
2、we went home and she unpacked my28.Then she took me shopping for new clothes29the ones I had brought with me from Africa were a bit worn.That night before I went to bed,she came to my room.She told me she was30to have me and that she would take good care of me.Because I was31shown affection as a child , I did not Know how to32what she said so I just stared at her.Before she walked out of my new room 。
3、she asked me for a33.But I had no idea what she was talking about because I had never heard the34before.35she didn’t give up.She told my father that she36me to give her a hug and asked him to explain to me what she37.My father explained38a hug was and told me why people hugged in America.Then my new mom opened her arms39and shyly I opened mine and we hugged.That was my very first hug and I was eleven at that time.I’m 23 now and,40,I havereceived many hugs since then.21.A.stepmotherB.cousinC.brotherD.sister 22.A.preservedB.providedC.managedD.designed 23.A.beautifulB.strictC.kindD.serious 24.A.orderedB.suppliedC.boughtD.presented 25.A.kissedB.praisedC.welcomedD.comforted 26.A.keptB.tookC.heldD.gave 27.A.brought upB.helped outC.seen offD.picked up 28.A.schoolbagB.purseC.1uggageD.scarf 29.A.sinceB.thoughC.whenD.if 30.A.eagerB.thankfulC.gladD.confident 31.A.frequentlyB.alwaysC.onceD.never 32.A.react toB.see toC.apply toD.refer to 33.A.chatB.hugC.favourD.help 34.A.questionB.wordC.storyD.suggestion 35.A.SinceB.SoC.ButD.And 36.A.determinedB.1ongedC.invitedD.wanted 37.A.meantB.requiredC.demandedD.ordered 38.A.whatB.howC.whereD.which339.A.directB.wideC.suddenlyD.quickly 40.A.surprisinglyB.interestinglyC.hopefullyD.thankfully21-25ABCDA26-30BDCAC31-35 DABBC36-40DAABDABCDA26-30BDCAC31-35 DABBC36-40DAABD少了一个awaythe interviewthe interview 。
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