in spite of in spite of 后面加句子吗

in spite of in spite of 后面加句子吗

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。in spite of 后面加句子吗 , in spite of这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、in spite ofadv.不管;尽管 ;不顾Notwithstanding; in spite of. 尽管;不顾In spite of that; nevertheless 尽管如此;然而;不过In spite of this; however 虽然如此;然而;但是;可是;不过express in spite of possible refutation. 即使遭到可能的驳斥仍然表达 。
2、He laughed in spite of himself. 他不禁笑出声来 。
3、She smiled in spite of herself. 她不禁微笑起来 。
4、Force a laugh in spite of pain. 尽管疼痛但强作笑容She came in spite of her cold. 她虽然着凉还是来了 。
【in spite of in spite of 后面加句子吗】5、She come in spite of her cold. 她虽然着凉还是来了 。
6、They went in spite of the rain. 他们不顾天下雨也去了 。
本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。