你的了解我爱你就算狂风让这片密林刮倒也从不会变 。
You know I love you even if the wind blown down also never let this piece of the forest.
如果你丢弃,就当我爱错 。没什么关系,何必去委屈 。
If you discard, just love it when I am wrong. Has nothing to do, why go to injustice.
独木桥上两个人相遇,对了一起行走、不对独自行走 。
A wooden bridge on two people meet, for the walk, not to walk alone.
只对我温柔的你,看前路的风景多美,全是因为有你 。
Only to my gentle, you beautiful view of the road ahead, all because of you.
我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁 。
I love you not because of who you are, but who I am when I am with you.
爱情就像人生,必须荆斩棘,才能尝到甜美的果实 。
Love is like life, must cut spine thorn, to taste the sweet fruit.
在心中深深地爱着一个人,是人的一生中浪漫之最 。
In the heart deeply in love with a person, is the most of romance in your life.
通常愿意留下来跟你争吵的人,才是真正爱你的人 。
Usually willing to stay with you quarrel, was the one who really loves you.
爱情宣言经典语录中英文版集锦只有不懂得爱情的人,才会说出自己爱对方有多深 。
Only those who do not understand love, will say how much you love each other.
爱情经过岁月、加上责任和压力,必然会面目全非 。
Love through the years, plus the responsibility and pressure, is bound to be unrecognizable.
所谓的幸福,就是看着你笑,看着你哭,看着你闹 。
The so-called happiness, is looking at you laugh, looking at you cry, look at you.
如果爱情有不同的形状,我把最像你的样子存在心底 。
If love has a different shape, I put the most like your heart.
过马路时,你紧紧的牵着我的手,我知道这就是幸福 。
When crossing the street, you tightly holding my hand, I know it is happiness.
我羡慕的不是风华正茂的情侣,而是搀扶到老的夫妇 。
I envy is not young couples, but help to the old couple.
太阳底下无新鲜事,只有爱情故事永远令人摒息注目 。
No new under the sun, only compelling love story always breathtaking.
悉数记忆的流沙,那些逝去的年华,洗尽了我的尘沙 。
All memory of the quicksand, those lost time, I did wash with dust.
浮夸如流水,逝水年华 。浮夸了年华,年华书写了浮夸 。
Such as grandiose water, intimate lighting. Pompous mood, time writing the grandiose.
我相信你,我知道你会牵着我带往我去到最美丽的未来 。
I believe you, I know you will take me to I go to the most beautiful in the future.
你开始有你的另一个天堂,我已经有我云淡风轻的天空 。
You start with your another paradise, I already have my cloudless sky.
你记得也好、忘记也罢,只要我知晓你一切安好,就好 。
You remember, forget, as long as I know you are well, it would be nice.
我的灵魂在悲伤,我的心在迷茫,我这一生只为了吻你 。
My soul in sorrow, my heart in confusion, I this lifetime just to kiss you.
失去的东西,其实从来未曾真正地属于你,也不必惋惜 。
Lose things, actually never really belong to you, also do not have to regret.
喜欢用优闲的脚步走着,一步一步感受他也曾走过的路 。
Like to use the optimal idle footsteps walking, step by step, feeling he had walked through the road.
爱情的发生要顺其自然,强求来的爱,自己也是受害者 。
Love happens to let nature take its course, forced to love, oneself is also a victim.
没有人能超越肉体用心灵去爱,我想我可以,但没人配合 。
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