

结婚不是恋爱的坟墓,而是相知相守,白头偕老的开始 。Marriage is not the grave of love, but to know each other together, grow old together.以下是学习啦小编为你精心整理的爱情宣言经典语录中英文版,希望你喜欢 。
You can't cook, give me stay side, later I'll do it for you!
你还记得我吗?见了你一面后我就深深地爱上了你 。
Do you still remember me? Then I saw you a deeply in love with you.
透过你的瞳孔,我才看得见假面具背后苍白的自己 。
Through your pupil, I didn't see behind the mask is pale.
手指在琴键上弹奏,那一曲曲的是充满忧伤的旋律 。
Fingers on the keys to play, that we are full of sad melody.
一生那么长,一生又那么短 。很幸运,能遇见你们 。
Life so long, life is so short. Very lucky to meet you.
等与不等,我都等了 。在与不在乎,我都已在乎了 。
And vary, such as: I've been waiting for. In and don't care, I have to care about.
幸福就是,坚持了应该坚持的,放弃了应该放弃的 。
Happiness is, insisted that the should stick to, give up should give up.
一直向前走就是繁花似锦,只要回头便是万劫不复 。
Go straight ahead is the carpet of flowers, as long as the back is beyond redemption.
蝴蝶再美、终飞不过沧海誓言再真、终渡不过今生 。
Again the United States, the butterfly fly but the sea and the pledge to the true, the final but this life.
我们在这就离别了,我们约好谁都不许回头 。走吧!
In this farewell, we who all don't look back. Let's go!
爱情宣言经典语录中英文版最新我不贪心,只有一个小小的愿望:生命中永远有你 。
I'm not greedy, only a little wish: life always have you.
现世流年,虚浮尽染,谁还记得年少时惨白的誓词 。
The present time, the vain do dye, who remember the pale pledge of the youth.
因为喜欢你,借着你的光,瞧见了从未预见的世界 。
Because like you, by your light, and never saw the perception of the world.
有本事你照顾好自己,不然老老实实地让我来照顾 。
Dare you take good care of yourself, otherwise honestly let me to take care of.
你转身的那一刻,青春,已成往事,我,不再年少 。
The moment you turn around, the youth, has become the past, I, no longer young.
爱情不是最初的甜蜜,而是繁华退却依然不离不弃 。
Love is not the original sweet, but still busy retreat.
从今往后让我们一起走,细腻的心思我们一起拥有 。
Now let us go together, the exquisite idea we have together.
【爱情宣言经典语录中英文版】心情的浮动要让对方知道,不然他会以为你不爱他 。
The floating of the mood to let each other know, otherwise he will think you don't love him.
执笔书写年华的那点事,不过你与我的相遇与残缺 。
Write mood for that something, but you and I meet and the imperfect.
给你幸福的伊甸园 。爱你一生情不变,幸福似蜜甜!
The garden of Eden to give you happiness. Love your life unchanged, happiness like honey sweet!
渴望安定的人,在爱情中如果要冒险,绝对要保险 。
Eager to settle, in love if you want to risk, absolutely must be insurance.
你爱我,我爱你,一颗心,两个人,爱就是那么简单 。
You love me, I love you, one heart, two people, love is so simple.
青青河边草,爱你爱到老;野火烧不尽,明天会更好 。
Green grass by the river, love you love to the old; Wildfires burn, tomorrow will be better.