2 2018年牧师结婚誓词英文版

2 2018年牧师结婚誓词英文版

【2 2018年牧师结婚誓词英文版】牧师:
Now you will feel no rain,for you will be shelter for each other 。
从现在起,你们将不再害怕风雨,因为你们将相互庇护,挡风遮雨 。
Now you will feel no cold,for you will be warmth for each other 。
从现在起,你们将不再寒冷,因为你们将相互温暖,彼此呵护 。
Now you will feel no loneliness,for you will be friends for eachother 。
从现在起,你们将不再孤单,因为你们将成为彼此的伴侣,长相厮守 。
Now you are two people,but there is only one road you will walktogether 。
你们将执子之手,与子偕老 。
Judge: I think it's time for the wedding to begin. 好,时间差不多了 。
Judge: All right, ladies and gentleman. Please take your place. The weddingceremony is about to begin.
好,女士们,先生们 。请各就各位,婚礼马上就要开始了 。Judge: OK, (Sb.) start the music.好,(某某)请放乐曲 。
[the music and ceremony begin.]