英文的情感语录( 二 )

早晨,手机是闹钟;上班路上,手机是手表;上午,手机是搜索引擎;中午,手机是聊天工具;下午,手机是浏览器;晚上,手机是游戏机;临睡,手机是安眠药 。
Morning, mobile phone alarm clock; on the way to work, the mobile phone is a watch; in the morning, the phone is search engine; at noon, the mobile phone is the chat tools; in the afternoon, the mobile phone browser; at night, the mobile phone is a game machine; go to bed, the phone is sleeping pills.
我们的生命,就是以不断出发的姿势得到重生 。为某些只有自己才能感知的来自内心的召唤,走在路上无法停息 。
Our life is to continue to start the posture to be reborn. For something only to perceive the inner call from the inner, and walk the road to stop.
甜言蜜语,说给左耳听 。
Sweet talk, say to the left ear..
白马啊…你死去哪了!是不是你把王子弄丢了不敢来见我了 。
White horse ah... You're dead.! Did you dare to see me out of the prince..
遇到对自己好的人,就不要让他从自己的身边溜走,要他对自己一辈子好 。
When you meet someone who is good for yourself, don't let him slip away from his side..
When I thought I had bad luck, I would think: This is in the sway my bad luck, sway after, the rest is all lucky!
知道你想要什么,一半在于知道得到它之前必须放弃什么 。
Know what you want, half to know what you must give up before you get it..
别人怎么评价你都不重要,最重要的是自己得看的起自己 。
How people evaluate you are not important, the most important is that you have to see yourself.
The early bird catches the worm, the early worm eaten by the bird!
用情最深的女人,有最绝对的洁癖,容不得背叛的感情 。或,她总在对方背叛前,千方百计甩掉这份感情,再回头也绝对不要!
With the woman, has the absolute cleanliness, not betrayed feelings. Or, she always in the other side of the betrayal, do everything possible to get rid of this feeling, and then turn back also absolutely not!
一个看似错误的选择说不定是你一生最美的奇遇 。
A seemingly wrong choice might be the most beautiful adventure of your life.
请不要欺骗善良的女孩 。这个世界上,善良的女孩太少 。
Please don't cheat the kind girl. The world, the good girl too little.
我是胖人,不是粗人 。
I am not a fat man.
这个世界上我只相信两个人,一个是我,另一个不是你 。
I only believe in two people in the world, one is me, the other is not you..