

总是想念着你,虽然我们无法共同拥有每分每秒.以下是学习啦小编为你精心整理的关于英文的情感语录,希望你喜欢 。
【英文的情感语录】劳动的意义不仅在于追求业绩,更在于完善人的心灵 。
The significance of labor is not only in the pursuit of performance, but also to improve the human mind.
活着就为了幸福,而幸福,是我们的追求,我们崇尚这样的生活,在人生的旅途上我们寻找着,追逐着 。向往着,挣扎着,然而幸福其实就在我们身边 。
To live for happiness, and happiness, is our pursuit, we advocate such a life, in the life of the journey we seek, chasing. Yearning, struggling, but happiness is actually around us.
世界上没有不争吵的感情,只有不肯包容的心灵;生活中没有不会生气的人,只有不知原谅的心 。感情不是游戏,谁也伤不起;人心不是钢铁,谁也疼不起 。好缘分,凭的就是真心真意;真感情,要的就是不离不弃 。
There is no quarrel in the world, only the soul, there is no one who can't get angry in life, only the heart of forgiveness. The sentiment is not the game, who also can not hurt; the heart is not the steel, who also can not hurt. Good luck, with is true feelings, to genuinely and sincerely; is never abandon.
Is the whole world egg United can break the stone?! So be a man or a reality...
那些离别和失望的伤痛,已经发不出声音来了 。
The pain of parting and disappointment, has no voice came.
要遇上一个人只要用一分钟的时间;要喜欢上一个人只要用一句话的时间;要爱上一个人只要用一天的时间;但要忘记一个人却要用一生的时间 。
To meet a person has only one minute of time, like a person as long as the use of a word; to fall in love with a person, as long as the time of day, but to forget a person has to use a lifetime.
心微动奈何情己远,物也非,人也非,事事非,往日不可追 。
But love has far heart fretting, content is not, nor the people, everything can not recover the past.
如果不会飞翔,理想的翅膀反倒成了生活的累赘 。
If you don't fly, the ideal wing is a burden to life..
作为失败的典型,你实在是太成功了 。
As a typical failure, you are so successful.
人可以有理想,但不可以过度幻想 。
People can have ideals, but not over fantasy..
自从我变成了狗屎,就再也没有人踩在我头上了 。
Since I became shit, no one on my head.
The empress dowager, overturn the world for whom?
相信别人,放弃自己,这是许多人失败人生的开始 。
Trust others and give yourself up. This is the beginning of a failure by many people..
人生,说到底,活的是心情 。
Life, in the final analysis, is the mood of life.
人生,在历经大大小小的各种坎坷与收获后,我的思想真的成熟了,不再幼稚的面对问题,而是沉着冷静的思考 。
In life, after the ups and downs of various ups and downs and harvest, my mind is really mature, and no naive to face the problem, but calm and calm thinking.
你若流泪,先湿的是我的心 。
If you tear, first wet my heart.
When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. When you passed away, you were smiling and you were crying.! Everything is rebirth! We are all in the cycle of!