描写三亚的英语作文60词 去三亚旅行的英语作文50

三亚,位于海南岛的最南端,是一座拥有热带海滨风光的国际旅游城市 。还有关于三亚的英文作文 。你想知道如何写一篇关于三亚的英语作文吗?这里有一些边肖收集的描写三亚的英语作文100词 。让我们来看看!
Located 25 kilometers east of Sanya city,Asian Dragon Bay(Yalong Wan/ Yalongwan Guff/Yalong Bay)is regarded as the best beach in Hainan province. Asian Dragon Bay(Yalong Wan/ Yalong wan /Yanlongwan Gulf/Yalong Bay) boasts unparalleled beauty. The 7. 5-kilometer(4.7-mile)long,crescent-shaped bay with an area of 18.6 square kilometers(about 7.2 square miles) is pne of the famous scenic spots in Hainan Province.
亚龙湾位于三亚市东25公里处,被视为海南最好的海滩 。亚龙湾全长7. 5公哄(4.7英里),月牙形的海湾而积为18.6平方公里(约7.2平方英里) 。亚龙湾的美丽无与伦伦比,是海南省有名景点之一 。亚龙湾位于海南省的最南端,即离热带海边旅游城市三亚25公里(约7.2英里 。
Yalong Bay boasts the five essential elements of modern tourism :sea,sands,sunshine,lush green plants and fresh air. In 1992,the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization once marked that this bay embraces the unique and unparalleled natural settings,sands,crystal sea water,endless seashore,unspoiled hills and pristine vegetation,making it a paradise for holiday travelers.
亚龙湾现代旅游业引以为豪的五个根本要素是:海水、沙滩、阳光、繁茂的绿色植物和新鲜空气 。1992年,世界旅游组织秘书长曾经评价说:这个海湾拥有独特和无与伦比的自然设施、沙滩、水晶般的海水、绵延无尽的海滨、保存完好的山丘和原始植被,所有这一切,使她成为假日游客的天堂 。

描写三亚的英语作文60词 去三亚旅行的英语作文50


During the winter, my father and a friend Wushu Shu fly through a three-hour flight from Beijing to the cold climate of Sanya hot, as if moved from fridge microwave oven. Differences in climate motherland is so great, really a wonderful feeling!
To Sanya, we find a place to live and settle down. From the next day, we started an interesting Sanya tourism. Longevity is the first attraction we went to. Lush flowers and trees in the mountains. Longevity is the most significant feature is a more than 100词 meters high statue of Buddha.
We went to the Bay. Where thin white sand, sea blue and clear. That morning we swim. In the afternoon, the sea at high tide, and we went to the depths of the sea, a big wave came, we were rushed ashore. so fun.
Then, we came to the ends of the earth, where the weather is very hot, we have to cool off, slowly walked into the sea. Start the water just knee, suddenly, came a big wave, our whole body wet. Hey, wet it in the water for a while and then play it.
We have a hot soak. This is not a general hot springs, hot springs where fish live a way of life in hot water, they eat your feet dander, fish biting my feet skin, itch, especially fun.
The beach is our paradise. We play all kinds of games, such as heap dunes, sand ball … do. One of the most interesting is buried shoes to let others find. Others not to be found, let me find, and finally even I could not find on your own, I feel strange, I thought:?! I could not find it, how to find someone that I would no longer let others find it a buried me I kept thinking buried one, boy children! I just only the second burying, stood up, and the results of previous exactly the same to everyone happy to laugh, I do not know how it was.
The last day, we went Wuzhizhoudao. It is an island Well, of course, by boat to myself. Windy day, the waves of chaos Lao Gao Lao Gao, past the boat from the waves, there will be a feeling out of control, really fun.
We play a total of six days in Sanya every day we have a special pleasure, feel special, so I broadened my horizons. This time travel, so I was fully relaxed, full of spirit I greet the arrival of the new semester.
寒假期间,我和爸爸的朋友吴叔叔一家坐飞机经过了三小时的飞行,从寒冷的北京到了气候闷热的三亚,仿佛从冰箱搬到微波炉里 。祖国的气候差别如此之大,真是一种奇妙的感觉!
到了三亚,我们找到住的地方,安顿了下来 。从第二天起,我们就开始了有趣的三亚旅游 。万寿山是我们去的第一个景点 。山上树木花草郁郁葱葱 。万寿山的最大特色是有一尊高达100词多米的佛像 。
我们又去了亚龙湾 。那里沙子又白又细,海水又蓝又清 。我们上午在那游泳 。到了下午,海水涨潮了,我们到海水的深处,大浪一过来,我们就被冲上岸了 。真好玩 。
接着,我们来到了天涯海角,那里天气十分炎热,我们为了凉快凉快,就慢慢的走进大海 。开始海水刚到膝盖,突然,来了一个大浪,把我们全身都打湿了 。哎,打湿了就在水里接着玩一会儿吧 。
我们还泡了温泉 。这可不是一个一般的温泉,温泉里生活着一种可以在热水里生活的小鱼,它们能吃你脚上的皮屑,小鱼咬着我脚上的皮,痒痒的,特别好玩 。
沙滩是我们的天堂 。我们玩各种各样的游戏,比如堆沙丘,做沙球… 。其中最有意思的是埋鞋子让别人找 。别人找不出来,就让我找,最后连我自己找都找不着了,我感觉莫名其妙,我想:我自己都找不着,别人怎么找?那我就再埋一只让别人找吧!我想着想着就埋了一只,好家伙儿!我刚把第二只埋好,站了起来,结果和上一次的一模一样,把大家乐得哈哈大笑,我也搞不清楚是怎么回事 。
最后一天,我们去了蜈支洲岛 。它是一个岛屿嘛,当然要坐船去喽 。那天风很大,把浪乱的老高老高,船从浪上过去时,会有一种失控的感觉,挺好玩的 。
我们一共在三亚玩了六天,每一天我们都有特殊的乐趣,特殊的感受,使我开阔了眼界 。这一次旅游,让我得到了充分的放松,使我以饱满的精神迎接新学期的到来 。
Dadonghai,one of the most popular tropical seaside holiday areas in Hainan Province,is located 3 kilometers(about 1 .9 miles)southeast of downtown Sanya,between Mt. Tuziwei and Mt. Luhuitou一Dadonghai has a crescent-shaped beach 2. 3 kilometers long(about1.4 miles)and clear blue sea ,sunshine,.white sand and green trees creating a beautiful location in the Torrid Zone.
大东海是海南省最受欢迎的热带海宾度假地之 。大东海旅游区位于距三亚市区3公里的兔子尾和鹿l回头两山之间其月牙形的海湾长2. 3公里,这里白沙融融,辽阔的海面如镜,阳光、碧水、沙滩、绿树构成了一幅美丽的热带风光 。
The famous beach is ideal for diving,beach sports,bathing and sunbathing.And as it has everything to support a seaside tourist location,including a large shopping square on the shore,amusement companies and a famous dive company that can provide scuba diving,ship diving,seabed strolling,speed boat,motorboat,luxury yacht,sail boat,ocean fishing,beach sports and underwater photography,this location is renowned for water activities in Sanya and throughout China.
大东海有名的海滩是潜水、海滩运动、旅游(洗海水澡)和日光浴的理想场所 。它具有海边游区的一切便利设施,包括一个大型岸边购物广场、娱乐公司和一家可以提供潜水、海底漫步、快艇、汽艇、豪华游艇、帆船、海洋捕鱼、海滩运动和水下摄影服务的有名潜水公司 。此处以其水上运动闻名于三亚和整个中国 。
Dadonghai has spring-like weather all year round. The water temperature is about 20℃even in winter,hence its reputation as an idyllic spot for winter holidaying and relaxation.
大东海四季如春,冬季水温约20,是冬日度假和休闲的理想之地 。
About 5 km(3 miles)south of Sanya City in Hainan Province lies a hill extending in the shape of an enthralling deer looking back. This hill is the very same one mentioned in the legend of the Li Minority Group. There once lived a diligent and brave hunter in the Wuzhi Mountain area so the legend goes. This young man came across a charming deer one day while out hunting in the mountain. He chased the deer for about nine days and nights,traversing numerous hills and dales.
海南省三亚市区南边区约5公里处绵延座落着一座小山 。这座山形如一只凝望的迷人小鹿 。这就是黎族传奇故事中提及的完那座山 。
Having reached the Luhuitou cliff edge,there was no way(where)for the deer to escape except into the churning sea below. Just as the hunter was about to shoot the deer with an arrow,it miraculously transformed into a beautiful and enchanting girl Surprisingly,the deer was originally a fairy girl and was fond of the excellent character of the young man. She took a fancy to the seaside around Sanya and led the man here in the guise of a deer.They fell in love,got married and later settled in a village here一Hence the hill,the peninsula and the village are all named Luhuitou. Sanya City is also referred to as"Deer City".
据传说,很久以前,五指山地区有位勤劳勇敢的猎人 。一天,这位年轻人在上山打猎时偶然发现了一'只美丽的花鹿 。他穷追不舍,一直追了九天九夜,翻过了无数山头和溪谷 。
Luhuitou Hill,at an altitude of about 280 meters(918 feet),is the main peak of Luhuitou Peninsula. It's a pleasant place to appreciate the sunrise and sunset,and overlook the downtown area of Sanya City. At the foot of the hill,you can see various kinds of halobios,including starfish,crabs,sea cucumbers,actiniae and jellyfish. Up along the hill,a kind of red flower called Triangle Plum will come into view. It's the City Flower of Sanya. Halfway up the hill,a tuft of Triangle Plum,de-scending like a waterfall,is a really amazing sight. Not far from the flower and at the foot of an old tree stands a tablet inscribed with the red Chinese characters 'Hai Shi Shan Meng'(a solemn pledge of love.On the branches of the old tree are hanging many ribbons indicating the permanent love of peoples prayers. Walking along,you will see a pavilion called Shanmeng(unalterable love)Pavilion containing the Shanmeng Tablet,which corresponds to the four characters mentioned before. At the top of the hill,towers a twelve-meter(39 feet)high granite statue.The statue is really unique in its design;consisting of a deer looking back,flanked by the young Li hunter and the beautiful fairy girl,it's a visual reminder of the memorable legend.
他一直追到鹿回头悬崖边缘,花鹿没有别的办法,要想逃命只有跳入下面的汹涌大海 。正当猎人搭箭射向花鹿时,花鹿奇迹般变成一位美丽迷人的姑娘 。令人吃惊的是,花鹿还是一位仙女 。她非常弃欢年轻人的出色品格 。她喜欢三亚附近的海滨,让这位年轻人假扮一只鹿来到这里,他们坠入爱河、结婚井在这里的一个村庄定居下来 。从此,这里的小山、半岛和村庄一起取名为鹿回头 。三亚市也因此被称为“鹿城” 。
The area around the statue has been turned into a park,called Luhuitou Park. The park contains the Observation Station for Halley's Comet,the white Tingchao Pavilion(a pavilion for listening to the tide).the romantic Lover Island and Monkey Hill among other attractions.
鹿回头山海拔高约280米,是鹿回头山顶公园的主峰,是观赏日出和日落、鸟瞰三亚市区的好地方 。山脚下,游客可以石到各种各样的海洋生物,包括海星、蟹、海参、海葵和水母 。沿山而卜,映人眼帘的是一种名叫“三角梅”的红花,这是三亚市的市花 。在半山腰,一簇簇“三角梅”像瀑布一样向下延伸,真是美极了 。在离花不远的一棵古树脚下 。竖着一块山盟碑,上面写着“海誓山盟”(爱的终言)几个红色汉字 。古树的枝条上悬挂着很多表明祈祷者爱心永恒的丝带 。向前走,游客会看见一个名叫“山盟亭”(不变的爱)的亭子,里面有前述写有四个汉字的山盟碑 。在山顶上屹众着一座12米高的花岗岩雕像 。雕像设计独特,上刻有回头鹿,侧面为黎族青年猎人和美丽的仙女 。这是一个令人难忘的传奇故事视觉提示物 。
Luhuitou Peninsula is not only a romantic peninsula,but also a lush,natural environment covered with deciduous frees and plants. It is the ideal place to spend a winter holiday in China.
雕像周围地区已经变成了一个公园,叫“鹿回头”公园 。公园里哈雷彗星观察站 。白色的“听潮亭”(听潮的令子),还有浪漫的“情人岛”以及“猴山”等其他景点 。鹿回头山顶公园不但是一个浪漫的半岛,还拥有一个被各种落叶树和植物所覆盖的青葱茂密的自然环境,是中国冬天度假的理想胜地 。
【描写三亚的英语作文60词 去三亚旅行的英语作文50】The view of bright sunshine,blue water and wide beaches at Sanya,the southernmost tip of Hainan Province,attracts many regular visitors from both home and abroad year upon year. It is said that Sanya has the most well-preserved and beautiful beach es in all of China. All of the destinations of Sanya are linked to water ,hence it attains its reputation as being the "oriental Hawaii".Now Sanya is well known and admired as a famous coastal tourist city,with a favorable climate that includes good sunshine seawater .beaches,green vegetation and pure air.
三亚地处海南省的最南端 。这里明媚的阳光、蔚蓝的海水和宽阔的海滩,年复一年地吸引着许多来自国内外的游客 。据说三亚有中国保存最好和最美丽的海滩 。三亚所有旅游景点都与水相关,由此,三亚获得了“东方夏威夷”的美誉 。现在,三亚作为有名的沿海旅游城市已经享有盛名且令人神往,其优越的气候条件包括美妙的阳光、海水、海滩、绿色植被以女清爽洁净的空气 。
Sanya has never run short of beautiful bcys for visitors to enjoy. The Asian Dragon Bay(Yalong Wan),Dadonghai and Sanya Bay are the top three holiday resorts of Sanya. According to their quite different natural beauties and appearante,the Asian Dragon Bay is praised to be a virgin and the Dadonghai represents an elegant lady and Sanya Bay is regarded to be an unadorned fisherman's daughter.You can definitely go to any of them to enjoy your holiday.
游客随时可以享用三亚的关丽海湾 。亚龙湾、大东海和一亚湾是一:亚名列前茅的三个度假胜地、根据它们各自迥然不同的自然美景和风貌,亚龙湾被赞誉为纯生态处女湾,大东海代表位典雅的夫人,三亚湾则视作一位质朴渔夫的女儿 。游客可以选择其中之一去享受假期的快乐
Besides the above three bays,there is also Wuzhizhou Island,which is in Haitang Bay,north of Sanya City .attracting lots of the medium and high-end tourists every year.A gorgeous natural landscape combined with various tourist facilities and well-developed entertaining events on the island support visitors and provide a paradise destination,just perfect for spending holidays at.
除上述三个海湾以外.还有每年吸引众多中、高端游客,位于三亚市北海堂湾的蜈支洲岛 。蜈支洲鸟是一个华美的自然景观,这个景观融各种旅游设施和精心开发的娱乐项目和活动为一体,为游客提供了一个天堂般的游览胜地和完美度假之所 。