参观工厂的商务英语对话 关于参观公司的英语对话

拜访公司英语情景对话 , 带领公司周边客户 , 一方面是规范公司对外管理程序 , 提高接待管理水平;另一方面方便客户更快了解公司整体环境 , 展示公司专业有礼的形象 。
Visiting the Company
Mr. Wang, a manager in China Textile Import and Export Corporation, is receiving Mr. Smith who is paying a visit tohis company.
A: Welcome to our company. Please be seated. What would you like to have, tea or coffee?
B: Tea, please. Thank you. We have heard a lot about your company. You're one of the leading textile manufacturersin China, aren't you?
A: Yes, our corporation specializes in the import and export of textiles.
B: How about the sales position?
A: Well, because our products enjoy a solid reputation both at home and abroad, each year we can sell about 30 millionpieces of products in the domestic market only and ourproducts have been exported to more than 150 countries and regions in the world. We have a turnover of about 50billion yuan. In China, we now have a 35% market share.
B: Very impressive. I understand that you're going to be multinational, aren't you?
A: That's right. We now have 60 distributors and 27, 000sales outlets across the world.
B: We are also quite interested in your products. You know,Chinese textiles find a good market in our region now.Could we have detailed information about your products?
A: Sure. I'll get a couple of product catalogues for you.Please have a look at our samples first. These are the latest models.
B: They're fantastic!
A: We can ensure you of the best quality and the lowest price.
B: I think I have already seen some items we might like to order, although we would still like to study them a bit more.
A: Good, willing to be at your service anytime.
B: Thanks. Then when was your company founded?
【参观工厂的商务英语对话 关于参观公司的英语对话】A: In 1980.
B: And how many employees do you have?
A: About 50,000altogether, including both administrative staff and technical staff.
B: Really? That's a lot.
A: Yes, mainly because we have totally nine departments:Administration, Accounts, Production, Sales, Research,Legal, Personnel, Transport and Purchasing.
B: Can you show me around?
A: Sure. This way, please.
中国纺织品进出口公司的一位部门经理王先生正在接待来公司访问的史密斯先生 。
A:欢迎来到我们公司 。请坐 。您想喝点什么 , 茶还是咖啡?
B:我喝茶 。谢谢 。我们久仰贵公司的大名 。你们是中国主要的纺织品生产商之一 , 对吧?
A:是的 。我们公司专营纺织品进出口 。
A:由于我们的产品在国内外均享有盛誉 , 我们每年仅在国内市场就可以销售3000万件 , 并且我们的产品已销往全世界150多个国家和地区 。我们的年营业额大概为500亿人民币 。在中国 , 我们产品的市场占有率为35% 。
B:真了不起 。我知道你们正在向跨国公司发展 , 是吗?
A:是的 。我们在全世界现有60家经销商、27000个销售点 。
B:我们对贵公司的产品非常感兴趣 。你知道的 , 中国的纺织品现在在我们地区很畅销 。我们能进一步地了解你们的产品吗?
A:当然可以 。我去给您拿几本产品目录 。请先看一下我们的样品 , 它们都是新款 。
A:我们可以向您确保产品质量优良、价格低廉 。
B:我想我已经看中了几种我们想订购的产品 , 尽管我们还想再深入了解一下这些产品 。
A:太好了 。随时为您效劳 。
B:谢谢 。那贵公司是什么时候创立的呢?
A:在1980年 。
A:大概共有五万名员工 , 包括行政人员和技术人员 。
B:真的吗?这么多呀 。
A:是的 。主要是因为我们公司共有九个部门:行政管理部、财务部、生产部、销售部、研发部、法律事务部、人事部、货运部以及采购部 。
A:当然可以 。这边请 。