拖延症英语作文初中 英语作文 拖延症

拖延症是指自我调节的失败,这是一种即使你可以预见有害的后果,也要推迟你计划要做的事情的行为 。英语里也有关于拖延症的短文 。你想知道写拖延症的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于拖延症的英文短文 。让我们来看看!
Some people may wonder why procrastination advice seems to never work for them and if there is a deeper issue at hand. Well, for 20 percent of the population who are chronic procrastinators, it is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.
一些人会觉得治疗拖延症的方法对他们总是不起作用,会不会症结不在这里 。其实,20%的人都有拖拉的毛病,这个问题值得好好讨论一下 。
Surround yourself with doers: It's healthy for a chronic procrastinator to surround herself with people who are likely to do things. It'll be a good influence on those with a tendency to delay tasks.
和有执行力的人在一起:对拖延症患者来说,和愿意做事的人多相处是很有裨益的 。这会给他们施加正面力量 。
Just take a small step at a time:For example, if you're supposed to write an essay, start with a few paragraphs, and if that's too much for you, resolve to write just one. If that's still overwhelming, stick to a couple of sentences or even a few words.
每次做一小步:比如,如果你要写论文,先写几个段落,如果你觉得完成几个段落对你来说量太多,那就先写一个段落 。如果这样还不能完成,可以先写几个句子,甚至是几个单词 。
Set up a reward system: People like to do things they enjoy doing. Rewarding yourself with something you enjoy after you complete something that you've been dreading to do. For example, reward yourself with half an hour of Desperate Housewives after doing laundry.
建立奖励机制:人们总是会做他们喜欢做的事,在你完成某件事后可以奖励下自己 。比如,洗完脏衣服后可以看半小时的《绝望主妇》犒劳下 。
Public posting: Because procrastinators care so much about how others view them, they are more likely to do tasks when they publicly announce it. Then when you've completed it, let everyone know that you've done what you set out to do. The "likes" and congratulatory tweets will feel very satisfying.
公众监督:拖延症患者很介意别人对他们的看法,所以如果别人都知道他们最近在忙什么,他们会因为顾及面子尽快完成 。当做好事情后,让每个人都知道你的成果 。微博上的“顶”和鼓励的话会让他们很有满足感 。

拖延症英语作文初中 英语作文 拖延症


Procrastination means delaying huge and important deals on uncertain time because of out of understanding how we must to do it.As we know to spot and to focus on some problem we had been solved it on 50% already. There are many ways to fix this behavior and I want to tell about some good ideas which helped me. The most known management theory called ?Eating Frogs? the main idea is to do most difficult and unpleasant deals at first without thinking how – just do it. When you have eaten such frog (means have done unpleasant deal) you feel powerful sense of satisfaction. This sense is very important motivation like a real narcotic. After that you will be depend on. Another way to do huge deals is dividing on small and clear for done parts.
Loss of interest in learning, people's thinking is simple rigid body since sitting for long periods without the emergence of a variety of homework can not be more time close to nature, so that the brain is more pure
For me, the teacher assigned too many jobs for themselves and their students any good. Let me talk about the evils of the students it! If a student work too much, then night, he will do 1:00 or 2:00, then he would sleep, then the class the next day will go to sleep, wake up have been the class was over. Also, according to expert analysis, not if ten at night to sleep, then height will be affected, if the situation according to the students to analyze, then the absolute height of his very short. Now talk about the evils of the teachers it! The first point and the same as before, will cause lack of sleep, when the lecture will be asleep. The second point is, if the job too much, then face every day, only piles of homework, and even a little leisure time are not, the final will have a depression, if severe, then life will be shortened by half, if This is not serious, then the reader's mind a bit wrong with it. So, students, teachers and ask you to stay away from work too much this kind of problem, or that you suffer.
Recentlyprocrastination has been brought to public focus because of a song which givesa very proper description of it. Procrastination is an unnecessary behavior thatwould cause bad consequence which has been a significant subject in managementand psychology.
最近,拖延因为一首歌成了公众关注的焦点 。这首歌很确切的描述了拖延 。拖延是一种会导致不良后果的不必要行为,在管理学和心理学上这已成为一个重要课题 。
Asa matter of fact most of us have some symptoms of procrastination. However inmy opinion we can get rid of it by following these suggestions.
事实上,我们中的大部分人都有一点拖延症状 。然而,在我看来,只要遵循下面的建议我们可以摆脱它 。
Firstof all it’s essential to come to realize that procrastination is totallyunnecessary. We can do many things on time on most occasions without anyprocrastination. Therefore we have to be determined to eliminate it as much aspossible. Second we should try to find out the reasons why we procrastinate sothat we can take actions to eliminate it step by step. Last but not least itis wise for us to get rid of other disturbances deliberately when we areworking or studying such as QQ and mobile phone. If we can do that we willfind that it will be easier to concentrate on our work or study.
首先,意识到拖延是完全不必要的很重要 。在大多数情况下我们只要不拖延时间我们可以按时完成很多事情 。因此,我们必须要下定决心尽可能地消除它 。第二,我们应该找出我们拖延的原因,使我们可以可以采取措施来一步一步消除它 。最后但并非最不重要的,当我们工作或学习时要刻意排除其他干扰,如QQ和手机 。如果我们能做到这一点,我们会发现,集中精力工作或学习更得容易 。
Ina word procrastination has bad impacts on our lives and we should eliminate itas much as possible.
总之,拖延对我们的生活有不良影响,我们应尽可能地消除它 。
In daily life many people have a tendency to put things off. These people don’t start to deal with their work until the last minute. Even there are so many things waiting for them to do they always say to themselves: “ I will finish it tomorrow”. As time goes by they find that they can never get rid of their bad habits of postponement. Though there is still someone insists that procrastination is a kind of art for it can give delayers enough time to make their decisions or choices I am convinced that a bad habit of procrastination is detrimental to people’s life. Putting things off has a bad effect on people’s health. If people are accustomed to putting things off they will never begin to do it until the last minute. They chat with their friends through QQ surf the Internet and go shopping as if they were unoccupied. However when they have to hand in their reports or have their work examined they have no choice but to work overnight. In order to complete their task sometimes they even have to work through the night which is certainly bad for their health. Of course not only postponement does harm to their physical health but also to their mental health. Obviously delayers are accustomed to piling up their work. Therefore when they start to deal with their business they usually become extremely nervous because so much work put a lot of
【拖延症英语作文初中 英语作文 拖延症】pressure on them. Sometimes faced with much work to be done they may become anxious and upset. There is no doubt that these negative emotion and great pressure is detrimental to those delayers’ mental health. Anyway a bad habit of procrastination is bad for people’s health both physical and mental health. In addition a bad habit of postponement may decrease the quality of one’s work. Some people think that a habit of putting things off is good for people to make decisions. However the truth is not the case. Almost nobody can benefit from their bad habits of procrastination because procrastination always cut down the quality of work in most cases. Since delayers don’t start to deal with their work until the last minute they usually do their work in a hurry at last for time is very limited. Apparently the quality of their work can not be guaranteed in that they do not spend enough time and energy on their work. Therefore procrastination is not a kind of art which is helpful to people’s work but a bad habit which does harm to the quality of people’s work. In a nutshell putting things off has so many bad influence on people’s life so it is very essential for those delayers to try to get rid of this bad habit. Or this bad habit of procrastination will continue destroy these people’s health and work.