关于商务餐的小谈话英语 商务英语点餐情景对话

关于商务餐饮的商务英语情景对话 。“商务英语”是商务和英语的结合 。商务英语交流总是有一定的目的和一定的结果 。因此,在商务英语中练习情景对话是很有必要的 。网络英语为你带来一些关于商务餐的商务英语情景对话,让你在职场中应对任何情况,表现得越来越好 。
A: Mr. Bai, you are leaving Nanjing tomorrow, have you got any plans tonight?B: Not really. Why?A: If not, I'd like to invite you to dinner this evening at Nanjing Roast Duck Restaurant.B: Roast duck? My friend introduced into me before I came here. It's very kind of you to ask. I'd be delighted to go.A: All right. I will meet you at the lounge of the hotel at 7 o'-clock this evening.B: Thank you. I will meet you then. Bye.
【关于商务餐的小谈话英语 商务英语点餐情景对话】A:白先生,您明天离开南京,今晚有什么安排吗?B:还没有 。怎么?A:如果没有,今晚,我想请你去南京烤鸭店吃饭 。B:烤鸭?我来之前朋友就介绍过 。谢谢您邀我 。我很乐意去 。A:好吧 。我今晚七点在饭店大厅等您 。B:谢谢 。到时见 。再见 。
A: Good evening, sir. What can I do for you?B: Good evening. Would you please offer a table far from theen trance for us?A: Yes, of course. This way, please.(After the customers being seated) 。A: Are you ready to order, sir?B: What's the special here?A: We have steamed chicken, braised pork, Peking roast duck and so on. Here's the menu. What would you like to have?B: Well, let's try some braised pork, sweet and sour fish and some fried beans.A: Would you like anything to drink?B: Just some soft drinks and only a bottle of beer.A: All right. Wait for a moment, please.
A:晚上好,先生 。能为您效劳吗?B:晚上好 。能提供一张离入口远点的桌子吗?A:当然可以,这边请 。(客人就座以后) 。A:可以点菜了吗,先生?B:这里有什么特色菜?A:我们这里有炖鸡、红烧扣肉、北京烤鸭,等等 。菜单在这儿,来点什么?B:嗯……来个红烧扣肉、糖醋鱼和炸豆子 。A:喝点什么饮料?B:就来点饮料和一瓶啤酒好了 。A:好的,请稍等 。
A: Nice to meet you, Mr. Miller.B: Nice to meet you too. Thank you for holding such a colorful Chinese cooking dinner.A: It's my pleasure. Please have a seat here.B: Thanks.A: I was so busy yesterday that I was not able to go to the air port. I am very sorry.B: It doesn't matter.A: I wish you good luck in your business.B: Cheers to your health.A: Cheers to everyone.
A:米勒先生,欢迎欢迎 。B:见到您很高兴 。感谢您今天为我准备了如此丰盛的中国菜 。A:谢谢,别客气 。请这边坐 。B:谢谢 。A:昨天很忙,没能到机场迎接您,真对不起 。B:没关系 。A:祝您生意兴隆 。B:为了您的健康干杯吧!A:为了大家的健康干杯!