海豚作文英文 关于海豚的英语作文初中

海豚是一种水生哺乳动物,与鲸鱼和鼠海豚关系密切 。它从大约1000万年前的中新世进化而来,广泛生活在大陆架附近的浅海中,偶尔在淡水中发现 。你想知道如何写一篇关于海豚的英语作文吗?以下是边肖收集的一些描写海豚的英语作文100词汇 。让我们来看看!
In the vast ocean live many creatures with great intellectual and physical capacities.Dolphin is one of those great creatures,whose capacities to think and move at an astounding rate puzzle those who study their behaviors,Dolphins possess something that makes them different from all the other sea creatures.It is not strength or speed but the size of their brains.Dolphin' s brain is almost the same size as that found in the human head.They live for a ling time.
Dolphins' babies are born in the water.They can grow up to three and a half meters long.
Dolopins use sound to help them find their way,look for their food and talk with each other.Sound is just like their eyes and mouths.
【海豚作文英文 关于海豚的英语作文初中】

海豚作文英文 关于海豚的英语作文初中


My favorite animal is the dolphin. They live in the ocean. And they are cute and beautiful. They not only swim fast, but are also smart. Their color is gray. They can swim and jump in the ocean. They look like fish, but they are mammals. Dolphins can be trained by people because they can learn things very quickly. They are very friendly, so I love them very much.
我最喜欢的动物是海豚 。他们生活在海洋 。他们可爱,漂亮 。他们不仅游得很快还很聪明 。它们的是灰色的 。他们可以在海里游泳和跳跃 。它们看起来像鱼但它们是哺乳动物 。海豚可以被人训练,因为它们学习得很快,它们都很友好,所以我很爱它们 。
A young dolphin has died of suspected dehydration after being paraded around like a trophy and stroked by a crowd of sunbathers who then abandoned it on the sand.
阿根廷日前发生一起悲剧,一条小海豚在被当地游客像举奖杯一样巡游展示并抚摸之后,疑似因脱水死亡 。之后还被游客直接丢弃在沙滩!
The group of people huddled around the mammal taking selfies after it was found on the Argentine beach resort of Santa Teresita in the north-eastern Buenos Aires Province.
事发地点是在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯省东北部的圣特雷西塔海滨度假胜地 。当有人发现一条小海豚后,众人便纷纷上前簇拥与它合影 。
The La Plata dolphin – also known as the Franciscana dolphin can live to be twenty years old.
这条小海豚是拉普拉塔海豚海豚,也被称为Franciscana海豚,一般能活到20岁 。
The last tragic images show the body, abandoned on the sand, as people continue to take pictures.
最后的几张照片上是那条小海豚的尸体,就这样被遗弃在沙滩上,而还有人陆续上前合照 。
The episode has caused the Wildlife Foundation in Argentina to emit a public reminder about the vulnerable species, which only present off the coast of Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil.
这一事件引发了阿根廷野生动物基金会的关注 。该基金会对公众发出警告称,这一物种只出现在阿根廷、乌拉圭和巴西海岸,是容易受到伤害的物种,请公众自觉保护 。
'The Franciscana, like other species, cannot remain for much time outside of the water, it has thick fatty skin which gives it heat and means that taking it out of the water rapidly causes it to dehydrate and die', they said.
该基金会表示:“Franciscana海豚,和其他海豚物种一样,不能长时间的脱离海水,它的皮肤上有一层厚厚的脂肪以提供热量,因此一旦脱离海水,它就会迅速脱水死亡” 。
'This occasion serves to inform the public about the urgent necessity to return these dolphins to the sea as soon as possible if they find them on the shore. It is fundamental that people help to rescue these animals, because every Franciscana counts now', they finished.
阿根廷野生动物基金会最后说道:“这次的事件提醒我们,如果在岸上发现这种海豚,请尽快将他们送回大海 。我们帮助营救这些动物是最基本的要求,因为这些Franciscana海豚目前已经屈指可数了 。”
However, the Franciscana is of particular conservation concern because of its restricted distribution and vulnerability to incidental capture in fishing gear. There are only around 30,000 examples thought to be left in the world.
Franciscana海豚因其局限性的地域分布及偶然捕获的脆弱性,是需要特别保护和关注的品种,目前全世界仅剩将近3万条 。
Many animals use sounds to convey information. [Sound of wolf howl] Humans use particular vocal labels for objects and for people. We call these words, and names.
许多动物用声音来传递信息 。比如狼嚎 。人类用特殊的声音标签指称物体和同类 。我们把这些声音标签叫做单词和名字 。
A few creatures, such as parrots and dolphins, can learn specific vocal labels. And wild dolphins are known to have particular, individual signature whistles. Scientists at Scotland’s St. Andrews University wanted to know: can these whistles be used as labels?
一些生物,比如说鹦鹉和海豚,能学习特殊的声音标签 。野生海豚有特殊的个人专属口哨 。苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学的科学家想弄清楚这些口哨能够成为标签 。
The researchers analyzed sounds from dolphins off Scotland’s east coast, and extracted these signature whistles. [Dolphin whistle sound] Then they altered the sounds so the calls wouldn’t sound exactly like the originating dolphin. [Altered dolphin whistle]
They played those sounds back to the dolphins, along with whistles from dolphins familiar to the animals and whistles from strangers.
研究人员分析了苏格兰东海岸海豚的声音,并且截取了专属口哨 。然后他们改变了声音,让叫声听起来跟原始的声音不一样 。他们把这些声音重新放给海豚们听,包括原始声音和改变了的声音 。
When the dolphins heard their own signature whistle [Altered dolphin whistle] they routinely responded with that same sound. [Dolphin whistle sound] That reaction only happened twice when they heard sounds from their pals and not at all when they heard the alien dolphin. The research is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
海豚听到它们的专属口哨的时候报以同样的回音 。这种反应只在它们听到从它们同伴那里发出的声音时才发生了两次,而对陌生海豚的声音则没有回应 。研究发表在美国国家科学院院刊上 。
The researchers think dolphin signature whistles serve as self-identification, and maybe even as a label for addressing each other—just like a name.
研究人员认为海豚专属口哨是一个个人身份认证,甚至可能跟名字一样用来互相联系 。