动词用法 stop的反义词是什么


动词用法 stop的反义词是什么


(1) look、see、watch、read的用法:四个词均与眼睛有关,
read限制为看书面材料,译为“看、阅读”,后面跟“书、报纸、杂志”等词 。
如:What are you looking at?(你在看什么?)
Please look at the blackboard. (请看黑板)
Let me go to see the film, mum, will you? (妈妈,让我去看电影吧,好吗?)
He won’t feel well until he finishes watching the football match.
Reading gives us knowledge.(阅读给我们知识)
(2) hear、hear of、hear from、learn的用法:
hear of“听说”,后面跟人,指对某人有耳闻但没有见过面;
hear from“收到……的来信”,后面加人;
learn“听说、得知”,后面跟从句,含义与hear相似 。
如:I hear Mr. Green is coming to see us tonight. (我听说格林先生今晚要来看望我们)
Have you ever heard of the man who once went to the Himalaya Mountains?
How often do you hear from your father? (隔多久你收到你父亲的信?)
He learned the musician himself was in town.(他听说音乐家本人就在城里)
(3) speak、talk、say、tell的用法:四个词与“说”有关 。
speak“讲话、发言、演说”,是不及物动词,涉及人时要加介词to, speak作及物动词时后面跟语言名称;
say 是及物动词,后面跟名词、代词、从句等,表示说的内容;
tell是及物动词,后面首先要跟人,然后再跟从句或者介词短语等 。
如:Do you speak English? (你讲英语吗?)
Who spoke at the meeting? (谁在会上发了言?)
Our teacher is talking to Lin Tao’s parent. (我们的老师正在跟林涛的家长讲话)
Can you say it in English? (你能用英语说出它吗?)
Please tell me something about the strange flying object. (请跟我讲讲那个奇怪的飞行物的事情吧)
(4) be able to(do)、can的用法:
be able to表示能力上“会”,有多种时态形式,to后面跟动词原形,有时可以与can/could互换 。
如:Can you speak English? (你会说英语吗?)
He couldn’t(wasn’t able to) swim when he was 12. (他十二岁时不会游泳)
(5) there be、have的用法:两个词都可以译为“有”,
there be表示“存在”的概念,主语在there be之后 。
如:How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have only one brother.
(你有多少兄弟?我只有一个兄弟 。)
How many chairs and desks are there in their classroom? There is none.
(他们教室里有多少张桌椅?一张也没有 。)
[注解]there be sb./sth doing与there be sb./sth to do 有所不同:
用doing表示一个正在发生的事情,而用to do 则表示一个滞后或迟于there be的动作 。
如: Look! There is a dog lying on the stairway.
Take your time. There is nothing for you to do tonight.
(6) borrow、lend、keep的用法:表示“借”的三个词,
keep“保存”用来表示借一段时间 。
如:I have lost the book ,I borrowed from my teacher. What can I do? (我丢掉了从老师那里借来的书)
How long have you kept my dictionary, eh? For more than two months!
(7) bring、take、carry、send、lift的用法:
lift指把东西由低向高“提起、拎起” 。例略 。
(8) hope、wish的用法:两个词都表示“希望”,
wish表达实现的可能性不大的事情,后面跟名词、宾语从句(用过去时)或者作宾语补足语的不定式 。
如:We all hope to see him very soon. (我们全都希望尽快见到他)
I hope it will be fine tomorrow so that we can go out. (我希望明天天好,这样我们就能出去了 。)
How I wish it was not raining at the moment!(我多么希望此刻不在下雨!)(事实上天正在下雨)
spend的宾语通常是金钱或时间,句型:sb.+(spend)+时间/金钱+on sth / (in) doing sth. ;
take的主语通常是事情,句型:sth./It + (take)+sb.+时间+to do…。(如果是动作则常用it作形式主语将动词不定式后移);
cost的宾语通常是时间、金钱、力气,句型:sth. +(cost)+sb.+时间/金钱/力气. ;
如:She spent the whole night reading the novel. (她花了一个晚上看那本小说)
This job will take me two days.=It will take me two days to do the job. (做这件事情要花我两天的时间)
How much does a house like this cost? (像这样的房子要花多少钱?)
I paid him twenty dollars for the book.. (我花了20元从他那儿买了书)
如:When did you begin/start to learn English? (你什么时候开始学英语的?)
They started getting in the crops after the rain stopped. (雨停后他们开始收割庄稼)
This time he could not start his car. (这次他没法启动他的汽车)
(11) arrive in/at、reach、get to的用法:
arrive是不及物动词,到达具体地点时后面加介词at,到达一个大的地方(国家、城市)时后面加介词in, arrive后面可以直接跟地点副词here/there/home等;
get表示“到达”时是不及物动词,涉及地点(无论大小)时后面加to, get后面可以直接跟地点副词here等;
reach是及物动词,后面直接跟地点名词 。
如:He arrived in San Francisco last Sunday. (上个星期天他抵达旧金山)
How did you get there in the night? (你是怎样在夜间到达那里的?)
We hurried all the way and reached the station just five minutes before the train left.
(12) be made of、be made from、be made into、be made in、be made by、be made for的区别:
be made of指从制成品中可以看得出原材料,
be made from则指从制成品中看不出原材料,口语中都可以换成be made out of 。
be made into表示“被制成……”,
be made in表达被制造的地点,
be made by表达制造的人,
be made for表达被制造的目的 。
如:This kind of paper is made from bamboo. (这种纸是由竹子生产的)
The desk is made of wood and metal. (桌子是铁和木头打的)
A lot of paper has been made into paper birds. (许多纸被折叠成了小鸟)
Computers are made in these cities. (计算机是在这几个城市制造的)
This kite was made by Uncle Wang. (这个风筝是王叔叔做的)
【动词用法 stop的反义词是什么】A big bag was made for me to hold my waste things.(一只大包做好了让我装废物)