讨论天气的英语对话12句带翻译 英语有关天气的对话

【讨论天气的英语对话12句带翻译 英语有关天气的对话】(1) A:Lovely weather, isn't it?天气真好呀!
B: Yes, it is.是啊 。
(2)A:How is the weather today?今天的天气如何?
B:It's a fine day today!今天的天气真好!
(3)A:It's a wonderful weather after a long cold winter.这是长冬之后的好天气 。
B: I hope it stays fine for the whole day.希望整天都是好天气 。
(4) A: Is it going to rain this night?今天晚上会下雨吗?
B:I don't think so.我想不会 。
(5)A:Look,it's clearing up!瞧,天晴了 。
B: Yes, it is.是呀 。
(6)A:It changes so quickly this time.这个时节的气候变化快得很 。
B: Yes, it is.是啊 。
(7)A:What's the temperature today?今天气温怎么样?
B:It's about thirty degrees centigrade today.今天大约摄氏30度 。
(8) A: The temperature will drop to three below. 温度将降到3度以下 。
B:Oh, it's so cold.噢,那太冷了 。
(9)A:It's warm today.今天很暖和 。
B: Yes. it's a fine day.是啊,今天是个大晴天 。
(10)A: He isn't afraid of the freezing cold.他不怕天寒地冻 。
B: He is from the North.他是北方人 。
(11)A:I just heard the forecast. It's supposed to stop snowing sometime tomorrow.我刚听到气象预报,明天可能会停止下雪 。
B:I hope it's right.我希望预报是准的 。
(12)A:lt's humid.今天很闷热 。
B: Yeah, my body is sweaty.是呀,我浑身都是汗 。
(13)A:I feel like I was roasting inside the house. Let's go to the beach to cool off.我觉得屋里就像火烤似的 。我们去海滩凉快凉快吧 。
B:That's not a bad idea.这主意不错 。
(14)A:It's gloomy.天阴沉沉的.
B: It looks like we are going to have a thunder shower.看样子我们会遇上雷阵雨 。
(15)A:A typhoon is coming.台风快到了 。
B: Let's hurry up!咱们快回去吧!