莎士比亚作品英语作文 关于莎士比亚的英语作文

威廉莎士比亚,在中国社会常被称为莎士比亚,是英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,欧洲文艺复兴时期最重要、最伟大的作家,也是世界上最杰出的作家之一 。你想知道写莎士比亚的英语作文写了什么吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于莎士比亚的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Shakespeare is one of the most famous playwrights of the world. He was born in 1564 in Stratford on Avon in England which is a really pretty town and he opened the Globe theatre in London I think at some stage but the main thing why Shakespeare is so famous… he had a really short life. Back in those days to make it to 40 was considered old age but in his relatively short life he produced an enormous body of work. He produced historical plays, tragedies, comedies, poetry, sonnets… So he was an extremely prolific writer and I think the reason that he's so famous even today is because the themes he chose for most of his work were universal. They're themes that touch us whether we speak English, whether we speak Spanish or Russian, whether we're in the 21st century or in the 16th century. They're themes that are eternal and they concern humanity, and have concerned humanity for such a long time.
莎士比亚是世界上最知名的剧作家之一 。他于1564年出生在英国艾冯河畔的美丽小镇斯特拉特福,他曾在伦敦建立了环球剧院,但是莎士比亚如此知名的最主要原因是……他的生命非常短暂 。在当时那个年代,活到40岁就已经算长寿了,但是在他相对较短的生命中,他创作了大量的作品 。他创作了历史剧、悲剧、喜剧、诗歌、十四行诗等等……所以他是个多产的作家,我认为时至今日他依然这么出名的原因是,他大部分作品中的主题都具有普遍性 。无论我们的母语是英语、西班牙还是俄语,无论我们生活在21世纪还是16世纪,这些主题都会打动我们 。无论过去多长时间,这些主题都是永恒的,而且充满了人文关怀 。

莎士比亚作品英语作文 关于莎士比亚的英语作文


Shakespeare: Soul of the Age
Shakespeare was born on the 23rd of April 1564, at Stratford-upon-Avon, a little town in the heart of England. He was the eldest son of the family and educated at the local grammar school, but his father’s business went from bad to worse, he had to leave school and begin to earn his living.
1564年4月23日,莎士比亚出生于英格兰中部的小镇斯特拉斯特福德 。他是家中的长子,就读于当地的文法学校,后来父亲的生意每况愈下,他被迫辍学,自己赚钱谋生 。
When eighteen, he was a married man to a local girl. At the age of twenty-one, he set off to seek his fortune in the great city of London. There, he was in turn a horse-keeper, a stage-boy, a play mender and finally a playwright.Afterwards Shakespeare joined as an actor one or several companies of players. By 1584 he became as a rising playwright in London, and became soon a central figure in London’s leading theater company. During that time he wrote many great plays for the group. He was known in his day as very rapid writer: “His mind and hand went together,” his publisher reported, “and what he thought, he uttered with that easiness that we have scarce received from him a blot in his papers.”
18岁时,他与当地一个女孩结婚 。21岁,他离家前往大城市伦敦闯荡 。在伦敦,他当过马夫,干过杂役,改过剧本,最终他专职从事剧本创作 。随后,他曾加入多家公司,当过演员 。到了1584年,他在伦敦崭露头角,作为剧作家而开始走红,不久便成为伦敦头号剧团的核心人物 。那段时间里,他为剧团写了很多了不起的剧本 。当时,他以思路敏捷见长,他的出版商这样评价他:“他所构思的东西,马上就能跃然纸上,他一有灵感,便脱口而出,他的剧本里找不到一丝涂改的痕迹 。”
Shakespeare was also a great humanist. His interest in the life and people of his time made him watch with an observant eye the scenery of his native country, men and women in all walks of life, their appearances, habits and speech. He was familiar with the traditions of English folklore and showed deep concern for his people and his country’s destiny.
莎士比亚也是伟大的人文主义者 。怀着对生活、对世人的兴趣,他用善于观察的眼睛,捕捉故乡风物,观察各行各业的男男女女,观察他们的相貌衣饰、生活习俗和谈吐习惯 。他对英国的民间传统耳熟能详,对国家和人民的命运也表现出深切的关怀 。
His plays show us basic human flaws played out to their tragic conclusion. But Shakespeare doesn’t judge these faults. He doesn’t preach: he simply tells the story and we our own minds up. That is why they can be so effective because we as an audience draw our own conclusions. Recently, some people have even suggested that because of this, Shakespeare helped shape society.
他的戏剧以悲伤的结局向我们展示了人类最根本的缺陷 。但他没有对这些缺陷进行评判,他不是坐而论道,而只是向我们娓娓道来一个个故事,让我们自己去判断 。这也是他的戏剧为何感人至深的原因,因为我们观众可以得出自己的结论 。最近有些人认为,基于这一点,莎士比亚有助于构建社会 。
What’s more, Shakespeare’s contribution went beyond writing some good plays and dramas. He also introduced several hundred works to the English language including: aerial, assassination, countless, hurry, disgraceful and sportive. Besides, he coined phrases and expressions we still use to this day, such as “fair play”,“a foregone conclusion” and “to wear your heart on your sleeve”.
此外,莎士比亚的贡献,不仅仅是写出了一些好的剧本,他还将数以百计的单词引入了英语,例如:aerial (空气中的),assassination (暗杀),countless, hurry, disgraceful, sportive等等 。他还创造了许多词组和语,如 “fair play”、“foregone conclusion (预料中的结局)”、 “to wear your heart on your sleeve (十分坦率)”等,它们一直沿用到今天 。
All these came from an ordinary man. He didn’t come from a rich background, and he didn’t go to the best schools. He was from the midlands, went to a good school, but in those days if you were to be taken seriously, as a writer you normally had to go to university. The fact that William Shakespeare’s influence extends from theatre to literature to the English language itself justifies of his famous quotes: “Be not afraid of greatness: some men are bom great, some are achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.”
所有这一切都源于一个普通人,他没有出生在富裕的家庭,没有去最好的学校读书,他生于英格兰中部,在一所不错的学校读过中学,但那个时候你要想成为真正的作家,一般都得去读大学 。莎士比亚的个人影响从戏剧扩展到文学,再渗透到英语这门语言,这本身就印证了他那句名言:“不必怵头伟大这个字眼:有的人生就伟大,有的人成就伟大,有的人不得不伟大 。”
William Shakespeare
Of all the famous English writers,probably the best known is William Shakespeare.
在所有举世闻名的英文作家中,最知名的的也许要数莎士比亚了 。
He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564 on April the 23rd.
莎士比亚于1564年4月23日出生在埃文河畔的斯特拉特福德镇 。
His father was an important man in town so Shakespeare had a good upbringing.
其父亲在该镇是个重要人物,所以他接受过良好的教育 。
Shakespeare probably went to school(although no records survive to prove this) but not university.
莎士比亚很可能上过学,尽管没有记录能考证这点,但没有上过大学 。
He got married when he was 18 to Anne Hathaway and the couple had 3 children.
他18岁时和安妮?海瑟薇结婚,婚后育有3个孩子 。
Shakespeare wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets.
莎士比亚写了38部戏剧和154首十四行诗 。
He began working in his home town of Stratford but by 1592 was writing in London.
他在自己的家乡斯特拉特福德镇开始工作,但到1592年他去了伦敦开始写作 。
He became rich enough to buy a house in the capital and one in Stratford.
他富裕起来后就在首都和斯特拉特福德买了房子 。
He wrote sad stories called tragedies,like Romeo and Juliet,funny stories or comedies, romantic stories and stories about historical figures such as Julius Caesar.
莎士比亚写的悲惨故事,被称为悲剧,如《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,他还写有趣的故事或喜剧,浪漫的故事以及有关历史人物的历史剧,如《尤里乌斯·恺撒》 。
Shakespeare died on his birthday in 1616,almost 400 years ago.
莎士比亚死于400年前,也就是1616年他生日那天 。
But why is his work still popular today?
His work looked at common human themes,such as betrayal, murder, lust, power, ambition and love.
莎翁的作品着眼于大众主题,诸如背叛,谋杀,性欲,权力,野心以及爱情 。
These themes are as much a part of human nature today as they were all those years ago and are the themes we see in modern soap operas and Hollywood films.
这些主题从古到今都是人性的一部分,而且它们还经常贯穿于现代的肥皂剧和好莱坞电影当中 。
Even though his theatre, The Globe, burned down in 1613 it was rebuilt in London in 1997 and you can still see his plays performed there today.
尽管他的环球剧院在1613年被烧毁,但于1997年在伦敦得到重建,如今你仍然可以在那里欣赏他创作的戏剧 。
Shakespeare's influence on the English language can still be felt today.
时至今日,我们仍然能感受到莎士比亚在英文语言中的影响力 。
We talk about "fair play", meaning honest behaviour but this phrase was first used by Shakespeare.
我们说公平竞争,那意味着正当的行为举止,而最先使用这个词的却是莎士比亚 。
He coined the phrase "you can have too much of a good thing".
他用短语杜撰了这样的表达—你能够从一个好的事物中得到许多好的东西(启示或启迪) 。
And it was Shakespeare who came up with the expression to disappear "into thin air"which we still use today when we lose something.
当我们丢失某样东西时,我们现在仍然在用莎士比亚创造的短语:消失的无影无踪 。
Shakespeare's work has been translated into every major language in the world.
莎士比亚的作品被翻译为世界上各种主要的语言 。
【莎士比亚作品英语作文 关于莎士比亚的英语作文】And perhaps we'll still be as fascinated by his work 400 years from now as we've been for almost the last 400.
或许在往后的400年里也跟过去这400年来一样,莎翁的作品仍会让世人为之倾倒 。
Well if Shakespeare suddenly appeared in the 21st century he would be almost illiterate because back in those days English had a vocabulary of about 150,000 words, whereas now the vocabulary of English is one of the highest in the world. I think 300,000 now, probably more, so Shakespeare wouldn't be able to make himself understood if he came back today, so in a way the vocabulary he's using is really easy. But of course English has changed from that era from middle English until contemporary, English keeps changing even if you talk to your grandparents, well not just English, all languages change and develop over time so even if you talk to your grandparents they're going to use a slightly different variety of the language you're speaking.
如果莎士比亚来到21世纪,他可能都不会读写,因为当时的英语大约有15万个词汇,而现在英语的词汇量可以说是世界上词汇量多的语种之一 。我想现在大概有30万个词汇,也可能更多,所以莎士比亚如果来到21世纪,他可能无法清楚表达自己的意思,也可以说从某个角度来说,当时他使用的词汇非常简单 。当然从中世纪英语到当代英语,英语语言一直在不断的变化,你和你的祖父母聊天……随着时间的推移,不仅仅是英语,所有语言都在变化、都在向前发展,你和你的祖父母聊天时会发现,他们所说的语言与你使用的语言会有些不同 。