面试英语对话场景 英语面试情景对话范文

A: Good morning, Mr. White. I am Zhang Yan coming for an interview.B: Nice to meet you. Take a seat, please.A: Thank you.B: We have been looking over your application. I see you have got several years' experience in secretarialwork. What kind of work did you do in your previous job?A:I mainly did typing, filing, answering telephone calls and such routine work in the beginning. I started the job as a junior secretary, but within the year I was promoted to senior secretary and I drafted business correspondence for the General Manager.B: Tell me three qualities your coworkers would useto describe you and your work style.A: Firstly they say I am very punctual. Secondly theythink I am a cheerful person to work with. I always try to have a positive attitude towards work. And thirdly, they believe I am flexible and efficient.B: Tell me something about your education.A: In 2010, 1 was admitted into Dalian Institute ofForeign Languages. I specialized in Englisr Secretarial Studies.B: Thank you for coming. I'll let you know as Boorr as we've made a decision.
【面试英语对话场景 英语面试情景对话范文】A:早上好 , 怀特先生 。我叫张燕 , 是来面试的 。B:很高兴见到你 。请坐 。A:谢谢 。B:我们已经看过你的申请表了 。我知道你已经有几年的文秘工作经验 。你以前的工作具体做什么?A:开始主要是打字、文件归档、回电话等日常工作 。刚开始工作时我是初级秘书 , 不过在一年内我被提升为高级秘书 , 为总经理起草商业信件 。B:说说你的同事评价你的为人以及工作方式的三个方面 。A:第一 , 他们会说我是一个非常守时的人 。第二 , 他们认为和我一起工作很愉快 , 我总是努力以积极的态度来面对工作 。第三 , 他们觉得我工作灵活而且高效 。B:说说你所受的教育吧 。A:我于2010年被大连外国语学院录取 , 专业是英语秘书学 。B:非常感谢你参加我们的面试 。我们做出决定后会立刻通知你 。