中国四大古都之一的南京,素有“六朝古都”、“十朝古都”之称 。是中华文明的重要发祥地,历史上长期是中国南方的政治文化中心 。你想知道如何写描写南京的英语作文?吗这里有一些边肖收集的关于南京的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu. It's in the southeast of China. It's a beautiful city. There are many places of great interest in it. The streets are wide and clean and there are many trees and flowers along them. The air is clean and the water of the rivers is very clear. Nanjing has a long history. There are many old buildings in it and you are sure to enjoy them. The people in Nanjing are very kind and friendly. Welcome to Nanjing!南京是江苏的首都 。它在中国的东南部 。这是一个美丽的城市 。有很多地方很感兴趣 。街道又宽又干净,沿途有许多树和花 。空气清新,河水清澈 。南京历史悠久 。里面有许多古老的建筑,你一定会喜欢的 。南京人民非常善良友好 。欢迎来到南京!

Hello, I'm Michael. I think my hometown Nanjing is a great place to visit. It is the capital of Jiangsu Province. It has a long history.
There are lots of interesting places to go. You can see beautiful views in Xuan Wu Lake Park.
You also can take a boat trip on Xuan Wu Lake Park. It will be very comfortable and enjoyable.
The Purple Mountain is another place that is worth visiting.
You can breathe fresh air there. It's also a good place to go climbing.
At the top of the Purple Mountain, you can see the view of the whole city.
【描写南京的英语作文200字 描写南京的英语作文大学作文】If you are an animal lover, HongShan Zoo is a good choice. There are different kinds of animals in it.
Xin Jie Kou is a good place to go shopping. There are hundreds of stops in Xin Jie Kou District.
You can go to the Golden Eagle International Shopping Center to buy some beautiful clothes.
Welcome to my home town!
Early in the morning, when I searched the Internet, I found there were many news about the Nanking Massacre, our country’s flag had low down half, for the purpose of commemorating the people who were killed during that hard time.
The massacre is such brutal, about 300 thousand people died, it is shame for our country, the Japanese who did the massacre deny their brutal act all the time.
As the time went by, Some Japanese want to clear his criminal with denying it, but we can’t forget the pain, we must remember it all the time, so that we learn the lesson and be strong.
For those 300 thousand people, it will unrespect to them if they are forgotten, we must respect history, now we are still fight against the Japanese government.
Nanjing is the capital of China's Jiangsu Province and a city with a prominent place in Chinese history and culture.Nanjing has served as the capital of China during several historical periodsand is listed as one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China.Nanjing is also one of the fifteen sub-provincial cities in China's administrative structureenjoying jurisdictional and economic autonomy only slightly less than that of a province.In additionthe Republic of Chinawhich controls Taiwan and neighbouring islandsclaims it as its de jure capital.
Located in the downstream Yangtze River drainage basin and Yangtze River Delta economic zoneNanjing has always been one of China's most important cities.Apart from having been the capital of China for six dynasties and of the Republic of ChinaNanjing has also served as a national hub of educationresearchtransportation and tourism throughout history.It is also the second largest commercial center in the East China regionbehind only Shanghai.
Nanjing Confucius Temple is for consecrating and worshipping Confucius the great thingker and educator of ancient China.
Nanjing Confucius temple was built in Song Dynasty (A.D.1034) and expanded in East Jin Dynasty. These architecture was ruined and rebuilt for several times. The Confucius Temple once was rebuilt in Qing Dynasty (A.D.1869) but was serious fired and destroyed by the Japanese aggresser troops in 1937. In order to protect the old city the Chinese Government appropriated funds to rebuild and fix the Confucius Temple. Nowadays it has re-expressed its splendid civilization to the world and has been Nregarded the special scenery of anjing. In 1991 the Confucius Temple was elected the "Forty Best Scenery Spots".
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