故宫位于北京市中心,原名紫禁城 。它是明清两代的皇宫,是无与伦比的古代建筑杰作,也是世界上最大最完整的木结构古建筑群 。来中国怎么能不去参观故宫呢?我现在就带你去故宫,好好游览一番 。如何用英文介绍故宫?怎么样

Realize the Imperial Palace
The Imperial Palace,popularly known as the Forbidden City,which has witnessed twenty-four emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruling China for some 500 years―from1420 to 1911,is the most splendid architectural complex in the world,also the brightest pearl in the human history.
Ancient Chinese people fully displayed their wisdom in building the Forbidden City.The Forbidden City is surrounded by 10-metre high walls and a 52-metre wide moat.Measuring 961 meters from north to south and 753 meters from east to west,it covers an area of 720,000 square meters.Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate,the Meridian Gate(Wu men)on the south and the Gate of Spiritual Valor(Shenwu men)on the north side,being used as the entrance and exit by tourists today.Once inside,visitors will see a succession of halls and palaces spreading out on either side of an invisible central axis.It is a magnificent sight,the buildings with glowing yellow roofs against vermilion walls,not to mention their painted ridges and carved beams,all contributing to the sumptuous effect.
Known as the Outer Court,the southern portion of the Forbidden City centers is on the halls of Supreme Harmony,Central Harmony,and Preserving Harmony.These are flanked by the halls of Literary Glory and Military Eminence.It was here that the emperor held court and conducted his grand audiences.
Mirroring this arrangement is the Inner Court at the northern end of the Forbidden City,with the Palace of Heavenly Purity,the Hall of Union,and the Palace of Earthly Tranquility straddling the central axis,surrounded by the Six Palaces of the East and West and the Imperial Garden to the north.Other major buildings include the halls for Worshipping Ancestors and of Imperial Splendor on the east,and the Hall of Mental Cultivation,and the Palace of Benevolent Tranquility on the west.These contain not only the residences of the emperor and his empress,consorts and concubines but also the venues for religious rites and administrative activities.
In total,the buildings of the two courts account for an area of some 163,000 square meters.These were laid out precisely in accordance with a code of architectural hierarchy,which designated specific features to reflect the paramount authority and status of the emperor.No ordinary mortal would have been allowed or even dared to come within close proximity of these buildings.
Today,the Forbidden Palace is open to the public.Splendid paintings on the royal architecture,grand and deluxe halls,and surprisingly magnificent treasures will be displayed before you.
(1)the three Harmony
Inside the Hall of Supreme gate,there are the Hall of Supreme Harmong palace,the Hall of Complete Harmony palace and the Hall of Preserving Harmony palace.These three palaces are the maintain architecture of the palace museum.
The Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿
The Hall of Complete Harmony 中和殿
The Hall of Preserving Harmony 保和殿
(2)the four entrances
There are four entrances into the city.The Meridian Gate to the south,the Shenwu Gate(Gate of Military Prowess)to the north,the Donghua to the east,and the Xihua Gate to the west.The Forbidden City was surrounded by a ten meter high city wall and enclosed by a moat of 52 meters wide.At each corner of the city wall,there is a magnificent watchtower.All of them were used for protecting the emperor and his imperial family.
Wu men 午门
Shenwu men神武门
Donghua men 东华门
Xihua men西华门故宫
【关于故宫的简单英文介绍 用英文介绍一下故宫】作为中国历史的代表,有着深刻的封建韵味 。它作为建筑的代表,完全体现了中国劳动人民的智慧与勤劳 。它经历着中国的兴衰荣辱,伴随着中国走过每一个阶段 。所以一提到故宫,每个中国人都会有种骄傲的感情,它在那里展示着曾经的辉煌,却也提醒着当日的没落 。
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