英语判断发音规律小技巧 如何看懂英语单词发音

1 英语 单词发音判断技巧
英语单词在发音的时候,不是一个字母一个字母地来发音的,而是几个字母几个字母地拼起来发音的,因此英语单词叫“拼音文字”,几个拼起来发音的字母叫一个“音节” 。接下来小编告诉你英语单词发音判断技巧 。
数一数元字组的数目 。有几个元字组就有几个音节 。
划分音节时以元字组为核心 。
关于ia ie io iu
ie是个元音字组,而ia io iu有时发两个元音,是两个字组,如:radio;有时只发一个元音 。如:patient nation allegiance,但是在计算音节的数目时要把它们当成两个音节来计算 。

英语判断发音规律小技巧 如何看懂英语单词发音


音节头:指字母表中的辅音字母及辅音组合字母 。
音节中:指字母表中的元音字母及元音组合字母 。
音节头:指字母表中的辅音字母及辅音组合字母 。
【英语判断发音规律小技巧 如何看懂英语单词发音】2.快步英语的四种音节
有一个小秘密要告诉你,别看音节的标准结构是上面的样子,但实际上一个音节只有音节中不能缺,而音节头和尾是都是可以缺的 。音节中为什么不能缺呢,因为它是元音字母,元音字母是音节的心脏,元音字母的“元”字就是“源泉”、“根源”的意思,没有了元音字母,就没有了英语发音 。
1)头中尾音节:(头尾都不缺)cat, fat, hot, dog, flag, match,cut, tip, march, meet, food, coat
2)中尾音节:(缺头)at, am, of, old, egg, art, aid,eight
3)头中音节:(缺尾)he, me, go, so, she, far, door,sea,
规律一:一个说英语不超过十个小时的中国人,根本就没有什么顽固的英语口音 。
对于不自信的同学我们应该这样来理解,我们虽然学外语十几年了,读的却不多,真正到说就更少的可怜了,所以即使有错误习惯,或是发音的口音都不是什么大问题,况且对于一个说英语不超过十个小时的中国人来说,我们根本就不具备什么英语口音 。
所谓精听是体现在反复多遍的听,同时亦是反复多遍的听一个句子 。其实我们的母语学习就能很清楚的反映出这个规律 。任何一个土生土长的中国人或是美国人,他们的地道的发音,第一句话“爸爸,妈妈”又何尝不是反复的听了上千遍,又模仿了上千遍才变得这样地道的呢?
在学习绘画的时候,我们会被要求要仔细观察物体的轮廓,明暗,及色彩细致入微的每一处变化,如此才可以在画纸上表现得更出色 。
一个观察不仔细的人是画不出出神入化的作品的 。对声音的印象越深刻,也就越能更好的让自己开口模仿 。
同学们知道在模仿发音的时候要多听,但是许多同学们还只是多听,很少开口去读自己所听到的东西,更很少去细心比较两者之间的不同,这就好比学习舞蹈一样,在仔细观看教练跳的同时,我们更要仔细的观察自己跳舞的动作,再作出比较 。
规律五:真正决定你发音好坏的不仅仅是你的嘴型,舌位,而是你的脑海中对正确发音的印象深刻与否同学们一提到发音的学习,就会很快联想到嘴型,舌位,口腔图 。可是大多数在学校或是班里发音很好的同学,他们无一例外的是经过大量的听,而并不都是很熟悉这些所谓的嘴型,舌位的解释,更有很多外国人,也根本讲不清楚他们的嘴型与舌位如何,如何,显然提高发音的练习重在体会,而体会的养成在于一开始你听的多吗?对英语的声音你听到了很熟悉吗?
1. Learn the phonetic alphabet
1.学习音标 。Getting familiar with the phonetic alphabet will help you identify new sounds and provide you with some markers to navigate the language you want to learn. Familiarity with a language’s phonemes helps you recognize sounds that your ear isn’t "tuned" to natively. Once you can recognize these sounds, you’ll start noticing them way more often when speaking and listening in your new language.
2. Get familiar with the spoken language
2.熟悉口语 。Switch from theory to practice: try to expose yourself as much as possible to the language you are learning. Talk as much as possible with native speakers if you have the chance. When you have trouble pronouncing a particular word, ask people to repeat it and record it on your phone. You can then replay it and train your pronunciation as often as you wish. You can also listen to the correct pronunciation on some online dictionaries so that your ear gets familiar with all the sounds that initially strike you as unusual. Listen to podcasts or stream TV shows in the language. Even if you can’t understand everything, put it on in the background when you’re doing your chores so you get used to the particular melodies and unfamiliar sounds.
3.Identify what’s "weird" about the pronunciation
3.弄清楚“怪异”的发音 。With this exposure, you’ll quickly notice that your new language has many sounds in common with your native tongue (even if those sounds are written differently). With the similarities identified, you can focus in earnest on the sounds that don’t exist in your native tongue. Resist the temptation to systematically compare these unfamiliar sounds with similar ones from your native language. This might seem like a useful shortcut, but it’s a bad habit that will make bad pronunciation even harder to correct in the long run.