“母亲”是母亲的口语,是世界上最神圣的称谓,母亲是世界上最伟大的职业之一 。那么你知道妈妈的英语口语怎么说?跟边肖学的吗:

鹅妈妈 Mother Goose ;
妈妈爸爸 Mamas & the Papas ; mama-papa ; Mother father ; The Mamas and the Papas
单亲妈妈 The Single Mother ; single mom ; MOTHER IN A SINGLE-PARENT FAMILY
每日妈妈 Mainichi Kaasan ; Kaasan Mom's Life
妈妈装 Mother Dress ; Mothers Evening Dresses ;
地球妈妈 Earth Mama Angel Baby ; Earth Mama
坏妈妈 Dirty mama ; Bad Mother
月亮妈妈 MaMaMoon ; Mamamoon
1. Mommy, you don't need to stay while we talk.
2. Though Sybbis complained bitterly, Mama would not let up on her.
尽管西比斯大发牢骚,但妈妈不会放她一马 。
3. She scribbled a note to tell Mum she'dgone out.
她匆匆写了个便条告诉妈妈她已外出 。
4. Mummy says I can play out in the garden.
妈妈说我可以到外面花园里玩 。
5. He was about seven years old, small and fine-boned like his mother.
他大概7岁,骨架像他妈妈一样娇小均匀 。
6. Ma was still at work when I got back.
我回来的时候,妈妈还没下班 。
7. Hugh glanced at the child on her mother's lap.
休瞥了一眼坐在她妈妈膝上的小女孩 。
8. During the war, Joan helped her mother knit scarves for soldiers.
战争期间,琼帮妈妈给战士们织围巾 。
9. I've asked Mum to sit for us next Saturday.
我已经拜托妈妈下周六为我们临时照看一下孩子 。
10. His mother looked ten years younger in jeans and flats.
他妈妈穿上牛仔裤和平跟鞋,看上去年轻了10岁 。
stay-at-home mom
这些妈妈向NBC表明的观点在全国范围内大部分参加工作的妈妈和全职妈妈中引起了共鸣 。
What these mothers told NBC News echoed what a larger sample of working and stay-at-home moms said nationwide.
n. 停留,制止,依靠,支柱
v. 制止,平息,延缓,继续,保持,坚持,忍耐
stationary stay
Settle down or stay, as if on a roost.
安歇或暂住,好像在栖息所 。
He was stayed by the doctor.
他被医生制止了 。
n. 家,住宅;家庭,家庭生活;家乡;避难所;产地
adj. 家庭的;家用的;国内的;本地的
adv. 在家;回家;深入地
v. 回家;把…送回家;为…提供住处
They are rowing home.
他们正划船回家 。
You will find our dorm a home from home.
你将会觉得在我们宿舍就像呆在家一样舒适 。
Homing pigeons are bred for their ability to race home.
人们喂养信鸽是因为他们能够迅速找回家 。
n. 妈妈
Seniors and moms flocked to their booth.
老年人和母亲们蜂拥来到他们的摊位 。
Remember to say hi to Mom.
记得跟老妈打声招呼吧 。
We must have a tree,mom insisted.

这个女孩非常幸运,她的妈妈是她的知心朋友 。
【妈妈的口语英文怎么说 妈妈英语的口语怎么写】The girl was fortunate enough to have her mother as a bosom friend.
她妈妈是一个节俭的主妇 。
Her mother is a thrifty housewife.
我妈妈是个家庭妇女 。
My mother is a housewife.
我妈妈总把我们当孩子看待 。
My mother always treats us like children.
我妈妈昨天表扬了我 。
My mother lauded me yesterday.
我妈妈买了一打鸡蛋 。
My mother bought a dozen eggs.
孩子哭着要妈妈 。
The baby cried for his mama.
爸爸妈妈去散步了 。
My father and mother went for a walk.
I have no reason to vex myself.
The boy often acts up with his mother when she keeps him from smoking.
Morn had struggled to raise three daughters while holding a full-time job, yet worked hard to maintain a cozy home for her family.
我母亲艰难地一边干着全职的工作,一边抚养着3个女儿,还努力为家人营造一个温馨的家 。
beatrice was my mother, a small woman with intense blue eyes
碧亚翠丝是我的母亲,一个身材娇小的妇人,长着一对湛蓝的眼睛 。
One food supplement that my mother would have snatched off the supermarket shelf, had it been around when I was growing up, is biotin.
有一样东西,如果在我长身体的时候有的话,我母亲会毫不犹豫地从超市货架上拿下来,那就是维生素H(生物素) 。
As they talked, the younger woman could almost smell the tantalizing aroma of purple lilacs hanging on the big bush outside her parents'back door
在她们通话的当儿,年轻女人几乎可以闻到悬垂在父母亲后门外大灌木丛上的紫丁香醉人的芬芳 。
The Head Master means to punish Nancy, but her mother is trying to beg her off.
校长打算处罚南希,可是她母亲想方设法为她求情 。
When her mother was ill, the girl had to function as both cook and nurse.
这个女孩在她母亲生病时,必须担任厨师和护士的职务 。
The awkwardness of searching for him lay in enlighten Elizabeth, a proceeding which her mother could not endure to contemplate
去寻他,就要向伊丽莎白说明,这是一个难题,怎么说法呢,是她母亲不敢考虑的 。
The success of her business made it difficult for her to fulfill her role as wife and mother.
她在事业上的成功使她难以尽到当妻子和母亲的职责 。
"Realizing that he could not talk his mother round, Xue Pan had perforce to order his servants to make straight for the Rong Mansion."
His mother fell ill, and he rushed back to bonn
因为母亲病了,便匆匆赶回波恩 。
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