高二英语时态试题 高一英语语法时态训练题

做一些真题巩固所学知识 。知识是通过不断的练习掌握的,所以适当的练习是必要的!下面就让我们来看看边肖收藏的高中英语时态练习题及详细答案吧!
〖06重庆〗Isn’t it time you got down to ________the papers?
A.mark B.be marked C.being marked D.marking
〖考点〗本题考查动词短语及非谓动词的用法 。
〖解析〗get down to “着手干某事” 。to为介词, 因此后面应接名词和动名词 。
【高二英语时态试题 高一英语语法时态训练题】〖06山东〗Police are now searching for a woman who is reported to________since the flood hit the area last Friday.
A.have been missing B.have got lost C.be missing D.get lost
〖考点〗考查动词的时态 。
〖解析〗由句意可知 “失踪”这一动作仍在持续中, 故须用进行时态;又由since知应用完成时态 。

高二英语时态试题 高一英语语法时态训练题


〖06江苏〗Although medical science ________control over several dangerous diseases, what worries us is that some of them are returning.
A.achieved B.has achieved C.will achieve D.had achieved
〖考点〗考查动词的时态 。
〖解析〗本句是以一般现在时为基础, 可由 “worries”推出, 故D项首先排除 。由句意 “尽管医学已经成功控制了几种危险的疾病, 但令我们担忧的是, 有些疾病正在发生反弹”可知 “achieve”动作先于 “worries”动作发生并对其造成影响, 故应采用现在完成时 。
〖06陕西〗The construction of the two new railway lines________by now.
A.has completed B.have completed
C.have been completed D.has been completed
〖考点〗考查时态和语态 。
〖解析〗从by now这个时间状语来看, 应用现在完成时;从文意来看, 应用被动语态;从主谓一致来看, 主语是the construction, 谓语动词应使用单数形式 。
〖06江西〗My cousin went to Canada two years ago.He________there for a few months and then went to America.
A.worked B.would work C.would be working D.has been working
〖考点〗考查一般过去时的基本用法 。
〖解析〗句中并列连词and连接两个发生在过去的顺承的动作, 时态应该一致 。
(1)动词wonder, hope, think, want等的过去进行时表示语气委婉、客气 。如:
We were wondering if you would stay with us for lunch. 我不知你能否留下来和我们一起吃午饭 。
I was hoping you give me a chance to try the job. 我很希望你给我一个机会来试一试这个工作 。

高二英语时态试题 高一英语语法时态训练题


(2)过去进行时表将来 。如:
—What were you doing when he came to see you?
—I had just finished my homework and was leaving to
He said his brother was leaving for Japan tomorrow. 他说他哥哥明天要去日本 。
(1) was (were) going to+动词原形 。
①表示过去某时准备做某事 。如:
Marsha said she was going to have a try. 玛莎说她准备试试 。
He was going to leave when I came in. 我进来时他正要离开 。
②was going to有时可表示过去未曾实现的想法或打算 。如:
I was going to see you last night, but I was too busy. 我昨晚本想去看你的,但太忙了 。
(2) was (were)+不定式 。
①表示定于过去某时将要做某事 。如:
He told me that we were to leave at 2:30pm.他告诉我我们下午两点半动身 。
He was to meet her at 10 outside the cinema. 他约定和她10点钟在电影院外见面 。
②若表示过去没有实现或被取消的计划,则用was (were) to+动词完成式 。如:
We were to have left at 6 last night. 我们本来计划昨晚6点离开的 。
主要表示按计划或安排即将要发生的动作 。如:
He is to leave for Beijing tomorrow. 他决定明天去北京 。
I’m to have coffee with my friend this afternoon. 今下午我要和我朋友去喝咖啡 。
When are you to hand in your paper? 你的论文什么时候交上来?
表示必须、有义务要进行的动作 。如:
The mail is to be handed to him in person. 邮件得亲自交给他 。
Nobody knew what are to be done. 没人知道该怎么办 。
You are to make the necessary changes.你要做出必要的改变 。
Tell him he’s not to be late next time. 告诉他下次不准迟到 。
Such books are to be found in any library. 这种书哪个图书馆都找得到 。
有时表示想要做的事 。如:
If we are to succeed, we must rely on the masses.