东京的作文怎么写 关于东京的英语作文

东京,古称江户,是德川幕府时代以来日本的主要城市之一 。明治维新迁都江户,改名东京,从此成为日本的首都 。你想知道描写东京的英语作文写了什么吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于东京的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Tokyo is one of those places that you can love and hate at the same time.
In Tokyo there are always too many people in the places where I want to be. Of course there are too many cars. The Japanese drive very fast when they can but in Tokyo they often spend a long time in traffic jams.
Tokyo is not different from London Paris and New York in that. It is different when one wants to walk.
At certain times of the day there are a lot of people on foot in London's Oxford Street. But the streets near the Ginza in Tokyo always have a lot of people on foot and sometimes it is really difficult to walk. People are very polite; there are just too many of them.
The worst time to be in the street is at 11.. 30 at night.That is when the night-clubs are closing and everybody wants to go home. There are 35000 night-clubs in Tokyo and you do not often see one that is empty.
During the day most people travel to and from work by train Tokyo people buy six million train tickets every day. At most stations trains arrive every two or three minutes but at certain hours there do not seem to be enough trains. Although they are usually crowded Japanese trains are very good.
They always leave and arrive on time. On a London train you would see everybody reading a newspaper. In Tokyo trains everybody in a seat seems to be asleep whether his journey is long or short.
In Tokyo I stood outside the station for five minutes.Three fire-engines raced past on the way to one of the many fires that Tokyo has every day. Tokyo has so many surprises that none of them can really surprse me now.
【东京的作文怎么写 关于东京的英语作文】

东京的作文怎么写 关于东京的英语作文


Do you love travelling? Now,let me introduce a charming city for you,tokyo.Tokyo is the capital of Japan,the center of economy,policity and culture all over the country.it is a pretty beautiful city and its roads are very clean ,which are thought highly of by people.There are many places which are worth visiting in Tokyo.Take Tokyo Tower for example,it models the shape after 埃菲尔铁塔,but Tokyo Tower is higher than it.It is the highest building in Tokyo.It provides light from sunset to midnight.The color of the light varies with the season.In summer, it is black, while in spring,summer and fall,it is orange.There are many scientific sites in it which can educate tourists a lot .Another attractive place is Tokyo Disneyland.Both children and adults enjoy themselves .Beatiful scenes, pretty Disney characters and comfortable services can relax everyone.
What is more, 周恩来、鲁迅、郭沫若 were over-sea students in Tokyo in their youth.There is no doubt that Tokyo is educational and cultural .Tokyo held Olympic Games in1964,which was a really hit and is named as ‘an Olympics with legends“.
All in all,it is a good place for you to visit .
Tokyo is the capita1 of japan. Spring is the best time to visit Tokyo, especia11y in ear1y Apri1. Atthat time, peop1e can enjoy beautifu1 cherry b1ossoms and the city is most beautifu1. Autumn is a1so a good time to visit it, with its coo1 temperatures and many sunny days.Let' s see some famous p1aces of interest.
You can on1y visit the outskirts and the gardens unless you get an invite to tea.You can only go there on New Year's Day(January 2)and December 23(the Emperor's birthday).
The best place of the Imperial Palace is Edo-jo castle.
You can see Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck and most of Walt's other famous cartoon characters there.Both kids and grown-ups like it.
Ueno-koen Park is a good place to see cherry blossoms and one of Tokyo's most crowded parks on Sundays.There are also many of Japan's largest museums in the park.
Tokyo is the world's most populous metropolitan area and is the center of Japanese culture, finance, and government. A bustling cosmopolitan city, Tokyo is also a major transportation hub and a world economic and industrial center. The city boasts a large number of world-class institutions of higher education, the highest concentration of universities in Japan. Tokyo was known as Edo until 1868, when the Japanese imperial family was moved there from Kyoto. Metropolitan Tokyo is generally defined as the four prefectures of Tokyo, Saitaima, Kanagawa, and Chiba, while the city of Tokyo proper usually refers to the 23 wards in Tokyo prefecture itself. The metropolitan area includes the major cities of Yokohama (the second largest city in Japan), Kawasaki, and Chiba, as well as rural mountain regions west of the city, the Izu Islands outside Tokyo Bay, and the Bonin Islands to the southeast in the Pacific Ocean.
Tokyo Japan's capital city makes up an extremely small area but it's the heart of Japanese politics economy distribution and fashion. A true megalopolis. Tokyo is the Mekka the place everyone wants to live. And so in recent years it's become overpopulated to the extreme. An example compare to an American who can claim a living space of 180 (one hundred and eighty) square kilometers to himself there are 11 (eleven) Japanese people cramming to the same space but in Tokyo alone there are 192 (one hundred and ninety-two) people squished into the same extremely crammed living conditions. At the famous SHIBUYA scramble crossing about every green light during peak hours around 3000 (three thousand) people will cross at the same time. At a Tokyo's McDonald's it's perfectly normal to have just 50 centimeters of bench space per customer. Aren’t they like being a chicken in the coop isn't it?
东京,日本的首都,面积极小,却是日本的政治、经济、物流、时尚中心,真正的超大城市 。东京也是所有人都想去的地方,所以近几年来极端拥挤 。比如说,一个美国人可以独占180平方米的地盘,同样大的地方,在日本要11个人挤,而在东京,这块地方要塞192个人 。在涩谷的scramble路口,高峰时间,每次绿灯都有3000人通过 。在东京的麦当劳,平均每人50厘米宽的吧台座位是很正常的,像养鸡场一样,对吧?
A Map of Tokyo's 23 Special wardsTokyo (东京, Tōkyō; "Eastern Capital"), officially Tokyo Metropolis (东京都, Tōkyō-to), is the capital and largest city of Japan, and is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. It is located on the eastern side of the main island Honshū. Tokyo's government also administers the twenty-three special wards of Tokyo, each governed as a city, that cover the area that was once the city of Tokyo in the eastern part of the prefecture.The population of the special wards is over 8 million people, with the total population of the prefecture exceeding 12 million. The prefecture is the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, the world's most populous metropolitan area with 35 to 39 million people (depending on definition) and the world's largest metropolitan economy with a GDP of US$$$$$$$.479 trillion at purchasing power parity in 2008.Tokyo was described by Saskia Sassen as one of the three "command centers" for the world economy, along with London and New York City. This city is considered an alpha+ world city, listed by the GaWC's 2008 inventory and ranked fourth among global cities by Foreign Policy's 2008 Global Cities Index. In 2009 Tokyo was named the world's most expensive city for expatriate employees, according to the Mercer and Economist Intelligence Unit cost-of-living surveys and named the third Most Liveable City and the World’s Most Livable Megalopolis by the magazine Monocle.Tokyo is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family. Panoramic view of Shinjuku and Mount Fuji taken from Bunkyo Civic CenterSakura in Tokyo Imperial Palace.