描写老虎的英语作文初一 描写老虎的英语作文三年级

老虎,一种大型猫科动物,是典型的山林动物 。在英语中,也有关于老虎的作文 。你想知道描写老虎的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于老虎的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Tigers are the kings of the forest.They have got “a brown coat” with black strips.
They have long tails and the tails are about 80-150cm long.
They catch small animals as their food.Their favorite animals are deer and boars.Tigers are never far from the water.
They are good swimmers and love bathing in pools and lakes.The young ones stay with their mothers in a family group for two years,learning to hunt.
They look like the large cats.When tigers roar,you can hear the sound almost two miles away.
But when they are in pain,they purr③,like a cat in your house.
Tigers have just about the same lifespan as your house cat.It is about fifteen years.

描写老虎的英语作文初一 描写老虎的英语作文三年级


The jaguar
The jaguar has his home in the New World. He lives in the great forests of South America.
美洲虎分布在新世界,住在南美洲的大森林里 。
His skin is covered with dark spots, something like the leopard's, and he may be called theleopard of America.
美洲虎身上覆盖着黑点,这与美洲豹身上的黑点类似 。人们也称其为住在美洲的美洲豹 。
The favourite food of the jaguar is the flesh of the monkey; but he finds it no easy task tocatch the nimble monkeys.
美洲虎最爱吃猴子的肉,但要抓住敏捷的猴子谈何容易 。
Sometimes, however, he finds them sleeping high up on the trees; and then he steals amongthem before they are aware that he is near.
然而,有时候,猴子们在高高的树上沉睡时,美洲虎会悄悄靠近,等猴子们意识到危险,美洲虎已经得到美味了 。
A few strokes of his terrible paw soon dashes some of them to the ground. The jaguar thendescends, to feast at his leisure.
它只要挥几下令人胆寒的爪子,就能把一些猴子打落在地,随后它会从树上跳下,享用大餐 。
Travellers in the forests often hear the fierce roar of the jaguar, mingled with the yells of themonkeys. These sounds tell of the deadly work that is going on among the trees.
游客们经常能在森林里听到美洲虎的咆哮,夹杂着猴子的尖叫 。这些声音表明,在某棵树上又有猴子成为美洲虎的盘中餐 。
The jaguar also feeds on other animals, and is strong enough to kill a deer or a horse.
美洲虎也吃其它动物,它很强,能杀死一只鹿或一匹马 。
If any animal pursued by the jaguar should take to the water, that makes no difference to him.He plunges into the water after it, and soon seizes his prey.
如果美洲虎追捕的动物跳进水里,那也是跑不掉的 。它会跳进水里继续追捕,很快就能抓住猎物 。
The jaguar is also fond of fish, and watches for them by the river-side.
美洲虎也喜欢吃鱼,经常在岸边潜伏 。
As soon as a fish comes within reach, he strikes it with his paw, and with his sharp claws hethrows it on the bank.
【描写老虎的英语作文初一 描写老虎的英语作文三年级】只要有鱼在它的攻击范围内,他就会用爪子攻击,将鱼抛到岸上 。
He catches birds too; and so quick are his movements, that he will bound within reach of a bird,and strike it down before it has time to escape.
美洲虎也能捕鸟 。它动作非常迅捷,跳起攻击在范围内的鸟,而小鸟没有机会逃走 。
As we all know,the number of Siberian tiger is becoming smaller and smaller. The appearances of Siberian tiger is terrifyingly.They are with an red-brown colour and brindle on their furs.They are mainly inhabit in forests and mountain area of the north by east in China.Their favourite food is fresh meat,especially the small animals.Their habitual behavior is to hide by day and come out at night. And we should try our best to protect them.
A tiger is a kind of catamount animal.It looks like a cat,but much bigger than a cat.A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat.
It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful.Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying.
Tigers live in the thick forests and small animals in the forests are tigers' food.
During the past years,many forests have been cut down and the living conditions of the tigers are becoming worse and worse.
There are fewer tigers left in the world now.Tigers are the animals of the world,and they should have their own living spaces.
We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment.