读书使我快乐英语作文带翻译 读书让我快乐英语作文

阅读是一种重要的娱乐 。阅读不仅可以增长我们的知识 , 还可以开阔我们的视野 。它可以丰富我们的思想 , 提高我们对生活的理解 。今天 , 边肖为大家准备了一个读书使我快乐英语作文 , 希望对大家有所帮助 。
【读书使我快乐英语作文带翻译 读书让我快乐英语作文】

读书使我快乐英语作文带翻译 读书让我快乐英语作文


I like reading very much.I have had already read some kinds of books,like about travel,about love,about essay,about regations reader magazine,about business,about Celebrity biography and so on.I am a reading hobbier.Reading will help you a lot,you will know more things about reading,some news,some history,how to keep fit,how to lose weight and so on.Be custom of reading will make me happy,and enjoy the reading time,give me some comfortable.I like reading so how about you?
Many students take study as task and they don't have much passion about gaining the knowledge from books. As teenagers, they like to hang out for fun instead of sitting in classroom. But I am enjoying reading books so much. Nowadays, people always say they want to see the world as it is so big. Though I can't travel around the world, for the lack of money and the age, I can see around the world through these books. I get to know different cultures and see the diversity of the world. It's full of charm and inspires me to keep searching the amazing nature. Reading books brings me great happiness.
许多学生把学习当做任务 , 他们没有什么激情学习书本上的知识 。作为青少年 , 他们喜欢出去玩而不是坐在教室里 。而我却喜欢读书 。如今 , 人们总是说这个世界很大 , 他们想要去看看 。虽然因为没钱和年龄小我还不能环游世界 , 但是我可以通过这些书籍来看世界 。我了解到不同的文化 , 看到了世界的多样性 , 充满魅力并激励着我继续探索神奇的大自然 。读书带给我很多快乐 。

读书使我快乐英语作文带翻译 读书让我快乐英语作文


As the development of the world, there is more and more entertainment for people to kill time. Reading used to be an important amusement. But now there are less and less people fond of reading. But there are still a large number of people stand on the side of reading. For me, I think reading is very important. The reasons are as following.
First of all, reading can broaden our vision. The main way we learn the things happen long time ago is according to the book. People will try their best to write the things in their stage in their way. When we read books, we have the opportunity to learn everything. The content in the books contains the knowledge all over the world and every aspect. We can read the knowledge about biography, science, technology, culture, economic and so on from the book. It is hard not to broaden vision from reading.
Secondly, reading can cultivate our taste. I am sure that reading some elegant sentence or the beautiful things described in the book will make us feel relax and comfortable. And we all know that the more knowledge a person has, the better-behaved he will be. I think this is the charming of reading. If there are more people like reading, the world will become more civilized.
The importance mentioned above just a part of reading. It has so many advantages that I can’t list all in a short time. It is irreplaceable in human beings’ life.
随着世界的发展 , 越来越多娱乐供人们消磨时光 。阅读在过去常常就是一种重要的娱乐 。但现在却越来越少人喜欢阅读了 。但仍然还有很多人是喜欢看书的 。对我来说 , 我认为阅读是很重要的 。理由如下 。
首先 , 阅读可以开阔我们的视野 。我们了解很久以前发生的事情的主要方式是通过阅读 。人们用他们自己的方式尽自己最大的努力写关于他们那个年代的事情 。我们看书的时候 , 我们才有机会了解到一切 。书中的内容包含知识的方方面面 。通过书籍我们可以了解到关于传记 , 科学 , 技术 , 文化 , 经济等方面的知识 。从阅读中 , 我们的视野很难不被拓宽 。
其次 , 阅读可以陶冶我们的情操 。我相信阅读一些优美的句子或者书中描述的美丽东西会使我们感到放松和舒适 。我们都知道一个人拥有的知识越多 , 那个人就会表现得越好 。我觉得这就是阅读的魅力 。如果有更多的人喜欢阅读 , 这个世界会变得更加文明 。
上面所提到的重要性只是其中一部分 。阅读有很多的优点 , 在短时间内我都不能一一列举我不能列举 。它在人类的生活中是不可替代的 。