写钱学森的英语作文高一 写钱学森的英语作文简单

钱学森 , 出生于中国上海 , 浙江杭州 , 中国空气动力学家 , 中国科学院院士 , 中国工程院院士 , 中国两弹一星功勋奖章获得者之一 。你想知道写钱学森的英语作文写了什么吗?这里有一些边肖收集的钱学森的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Born in 1911 in Shanghai, is a three-year-old with his father to Beijing in 1934 and graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University, one year after the United States to study, in 1955 and his family returned to China, then he is committed to research. He's in the new Chinese missile and nuclear weapons development have made outstanding contributions to obtain the "Father of the missile," the honorary title.

写钱学森的英语作文高一 写钱学森的英语作文简单


Qian Xuesen is a great Chinese scientist. He was born in Hangzhou China in 1911 He graduated from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934 and left to study in America in 1935. He lived and studied for many years there. He first studied at the Massachusetts’s Institute of Technology (MIT) and later received his Master’s Degree. Then he went to California. In 1939 he received PhD in both aerospace and mathematics and stayed there to work on rockets and missiles. In 1955 he returned to China and became the director-general of Mechanics Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1956 he helped begin a programme to build China’s first rockets and missiles. From then on he was in charge of China’s missile and rocket programme as well as its spacecraft programme. Qian Xuesen has won many international awards. In 1991 he was honoured in China as an outstanding scientist with outstanding achievements.
China's "qian xuesen's" father of missile, the "father of space, 1938, graduated from Shanghai jiaotong university. People think he is unique, extraordinary, but in my opinion, he is just an ordinary person, but among ordinary but revealed his side's extraordinary.
Qian xue-sen in 1935, to leave their home country to study in the United States, said: "I'm going to study in the United States is temporary, I learn skills will come back to the motherland after the effectiveness of!" After 20 years, he returned according to oneself, also say to do! He helped China successfully developed missiles, satellites, etc, the bomb, space for the development of China has made outstanding contributions, this is his ordinary and extraordinary!
Qian Xuesen (simplified Chinese: 钱学森; traditional Chinese: 钱学森; pinyin: Qián Xuésēn; Wade-Giles: Ch'ien Hsüeh-sên) (11 December 1911 – 31 October 2009) was a scientist who made important contributions to the missile and space programs of both the United States and People's Republic of China. NASA documents commonly refer to him as H.S. Tsien.[1]
During the 1940s Qian was one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory[2] at the California Institute of Technology. During the Second Red Scare of the 1950s the United States government accused Qian of having communist sympathies and he was stripped of his security clearance[3] in 1950. Qian then decided to return to China but instead was detained at Terminal Island[4] near Los Angeles. After spending 5 years under virtual house arrest[5] Qian was released in 1955 in exchange for the repatriation of American pilots captured during the Korean War. Notified by U.S. authorities that he was free to go Qian immediately arranged his departure leaving for China in September of 1955 on the passenger liner SS President Cleveland of American President Lines via Hong Kong. He returned to lead the Chinese rocket program and became known as the "Father of Chinese Rocketry"
When qian asked returned by the United States without a stop, China also holds a group of American people, which are in violation of Chinese law and in accordance with the law by the Chinese government detention of diaspora in the United States, there is also a violation of China's airspace and detention of U.S. military personnel by the Chinese government. The U.S. government is eager to return to those americans detained by our country, but is reluctant to engage directly with China.
In April 1954, the five countries of the United States and China met in Geneva to discuss and resolve the north Korea issue and the international conference on the restoration of the Indochina peace issue. Present at the meeting the representative of China, zhou enlai has a group of students and scientists in China were detained in the United States, so he instructed and americans since British diplomats smooth relations with us, please, we should seize the opportunity, opening up new channels of contact.
On June 5, Chinese delegation secretary general wang binnan made preliminary talks with the U.S. representative Johnson on the issue of the two countries' diasporas. The us has submitted a list of us military personnel detained by the us in China and detained in China, asking China to give them the opportunity to return home. In order to show sincerity of China, zhou enlai instructed wang bing nan held on June 15th the third meeting, magnanimous to make concessions, at the same time also demanded that the americans stop holding such as qian xuesen China staff to stay in the United States. However, China's legitimate request was rejected by the us. On July 21, the Geneva conference concluded. In order not to interrupt the communication channel, zhou enlai directed wang bingnan and the us to arrange consular talks in Geneva from July 22. In an effort to further express China's sincerity in the talks, China released four American pilots detained.
当钱学森要求回国被美国无理阻拦时 , 中国也扣留着一批美国人 , 其中有违反中国法律而被中国政府依法拘禁的美国侨民 , 也有侵犯中国领空而被中国政府拘禁的美国军事人员 。美国政府急于要回这些被我国扣押的美国人 , 但又不愿意与中国直接接触 。
1954年4月 , 美英中苏法五国在日内瓦召开讨论和解决朝鲜问题和恢复印度支那和平问题的国际会议 。出席会议的中国代表团长周恩来联想到中国有一批留学生和科学家被扣留在美国 , 于是就指示说 , 美国人既然请英国外交官与我们疏通关系 , 我们就应该抓住这个机会 , 开辟新的接触渠道 。
【写钱学森的英语作文高一 写钱学森的英语作文简单】中国代表团秘书长王炳南6月5日开始与美国代表约翰逊就两国侨民问题做初步商谈 。美方向中方提交了一份美国在华侨民和被中国拘禁的一些美国军事人员名单 , 要求中国给他们以回国的机会 。为了表示中国的诚意 , 周恩来指示王炳南在6月15日举行的中美第三次会谈中 , 大度地作出让步 , 同时也要求美国停止扣留钱学森等中国留美人员 。然而中方的正当要求被美方无理拒绝 。7月21日 , 日内瓦会议闭幕 。为不使沟通渠道中断 , 周恩来指示王炳南与美方商定自7月22日起 , 在日内瓦进行领事级会谈 。为了进一步表示中国对中美会谈的诚意 , 中国释放了4个被扣押的美国飞行员 。