年轻的魔法学生哈利波特讲述了哈利波特在霍格沃茨六年的学习、生活和冒险经历 。也有关于哈利波特的英文文章 。你想知道写一篇介绍哈里波特的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于哈利波特的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
In 2001, there was a famous movie named Harry Potter, which turned out to be the most popular magical movie all over the world. The movie is about magical thing, now, as the success of the movie, the original novel has been a hot seller. When I was in high school, my English teacher let us to see the forth series of the movie, I was deeply attracted by the magical world. The three main characters are so funny, they are loved by the fans from the world. Harry Potter is such a great success that it leads the trend of magical novel series. The later popular novel book named Twilight is kinds of imitate Harry Potter. As the book is so popular, the woman writer J.K Rawlings earn a lot of fortune, she is one of the most powerful and rich women in the world.
【哈利波特介绍作文英语 关于写哈利波特的英语作文】在2001年 , 有一部很出名的电影叫《哈利波特》 , 后来这部电影成为世界上最受欢迎的魔幻电影 。这部电影讲的就是有关魔幻的东西 , 现在 , 随着电影的成功 , 原版小说成为了热销 。当我在高中的时候 , 我的英语老师让我们看这部电影的第四个系列 , 我被里面的魔幻世界深深吸引了 。三个主要人物很有趣 , 他们被全世界的粉丝所喜爱 。《哈利波特》很成功以至于它引起了魔幻系列小说的潮流 。随后出来受欢迎的《暮光之城》就是有点模仿《哈利波特》 。随着书本的成功 , 这本小说的女作家—J.K Rawlings赢得了很多财富 , 她现在是世界上最有权力和有钱的女人之一 。

Harry Potter studio tour
Anticipation is running at fever pitch; excitement off the scale. Now, this week, the brand new Harry Potter studio tour finally opened its doors to the public.Fans have been impatient for more of Harry Potter and his friends since the book and film series came to an end.Since last year, when Warner Bros. announced they would be allowing the public to get a glimpse inside the world of Hogwarts, Muggles fans have been eagerly awaiting the opening day.Tickets were made available in advance and have been selling like hot cakes, with fans looking forward to stepping into the shoes of Harry Potter. So after a fanfare grand opening this week, keen families flocked to the new attraction in north London.The tour, which lasts approximately three hours, highlights many of the aspects that made the films such a success, from props and costumes, to models and original film sets, including the Grand Hall from Hogwart's school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.This behind-the-scenes experience was always going to be a great selling point for diehard fans and initial reviews have been generally positive, with enthusiasts praising the decoration and attention to detail.But the high admission prices have been criticised. At 28 pounds (280 yuan) for an adult ticket, and a family of four having to pay around 85 pounds (849 yuan), critics have questioned the intention of the attraction.With such fervour for the books and films, are Harry Potter's creators now cynically cashing in on the global popularity of the series?It is unlikely the high costs will put off most fans, but at what price should people pay to enjoy the imaginative world of Harry, Hermione and Hogwarts? Are we Muggles now being mugged?
在极度狂热地期待中 , 兴奋之情难以抑制 , 本周 , 全新的哈里波特摄影棚终于对外开放了 。自从《哈利·波特》书籍和系列电影完结后 , 哈迷们都迫不及待地想要进一步了解哈利·波特和他的朋友们 。自去年 , 华纳兄弟公司宣布他们将允许公众一睹霍格华兹世界的真容以来 , 麻瓜迷们就一直期待着摄影棚对外开放的那一天 。门票已经提前预售 , 非常畅销 , 因为哈迷们都一直期待着能亲身体验哈利·波特的世界 。因此 , 自本周摄影棚展览盛大开幕后 , 一直盼望着这一天的家庭们都聚集到了伦敦北部的这处新旅游景点 。这场旅行大约持续三个小时 , 那些使《哈利·波特》电影如此成功的方方面面成了旅行的亮点 , 从道具和服装 , 到各种模型和拍摄时的电影场景 , 其中包括霍格华兹魔法与巫术学院的大礼堂 。对铁杆粉丝们来说 , 幕后体验无疑是最佳卖点 , 总的来说 , 初步审查期间的情况还是很乐观的 , 粉丝们盛赞了场景的装饰和对细节的重视 。但高昂的门票票价却招来了公众的不满 。成人票票价是28英镑(280元) , 一家四口需要支付近85英镑(849元) , 批评家们开始质疑创作者设立该景点的目的?随着公众对《哈利·波特》书籍和系列电影的热情日益高涨 , 现在《哈利·波特》的创作者凭借电影的全球影响力来赚钱?真是可笑 。高昂的门票费似乎没有让哈迷们望而却步 , 但人们要想欣赏哈利·波特充满想象力的世界应该支付多少钱呢?我们现在是在被抢劫吗?
J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Books Turn 20 Years Old
销量惊人 哈利波特诞生20周年
The world met Harry Potter, the boy wizard, 20 years ago.J.K. Rowling's first book about Harry and his friends at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was released on June 26, 1997.The publisher, Bloomsbury, only released 500 copies to stores in Britain and sent 500 to British libraries.Now, thanks to 450 million more copies of the first book and six others, Harry Potter and his friends are known around the world.Adults and children loved the books. But 12 publishers rejected the first one, known in many countries as "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone."That book, and the six others that followed, also became movies. The actor Daniel Radcliffe played Harry. Emma Watson played his friend Hermione.Rowling wrote the first book when she was unemployed and receiving assistance from the government. Her marriage had ended in failure, and she had a young child.Things have changed. Some observers believe Rowling is now one of the richest women in the world. She gives a lot of her money to good causes.On Twitter, Rowling noted the anniversary of the first Harry Potter book. She wrote: "20 years ago today a world that I had lived in alone was suddenly open to others. It's been wonderful. Thank you."The Huffington Post website called it "A Perfect Tweet."The comments were re-tweeted and liked about 800,000 times on social media.Many other people also posted messages about Harry Potter. If they used the hashtag #HarryPotter20, Twitter added an emoji of Potter's well-known glasses and lightning bolt scar.People wrote things like "Harry Potter is eternal," and, "happy anniversary to the book series that forever changed my life in more ways than one."Some young women called Hermione "my hero."The College Board produces the SAT, a test widely used for college admissions. Even the College Board tweeted about Harry Potter, writing: "These books will always be magical."Many teachers wrote that the series helped their students get interested in reading books.
20年前 , 小巫师哈利·波特(Harry Potter)走入公众的视线 。1997年6月26日 , J.K.罗琳执笔的第一本关于哈利·波特与小伙伴们在霍格沃兹魔法学校成长的小说出版 。起初 , 布卢姆斯伯利出版社只在英国发行了500册 , 另外的500册送至英国的图书馆 。如今 , 这部小说及后来的6本续集共发行了4.5亿册 , 全世界都认识了哈利·波特和他的伙伴 。成人和儿童都爱看这套书 。不过 , 刚开始有12家出版商拒绝发行第一本《哈利波特与魔法石》 。《哈利波特与魔法石》和其他6本续集都拍成了电影 。演员丹尼尔·雷德克里夫(Daniel Radcliffe)饰演哈利·波特 。艾玛·沃特森(Emma Watson)饰演哈利的朋友赫敏 。创作《哈利波特与魔法石》时 , 失业的罗琳只能靠领政府的救济金度日 。她经历了婚姻失败 , 还育有一个孩子 。生活开始逐渐好转 。一些评论者认为 , 罗琳现在当今世界最多金的女富豪之一 。她把大笔的收入捐给了慈善机构 。罗琳在推特上提到《哈利波特与魔法石》诞生20周年 。她写道:“20年前的今天 , 我紧锁的心门突然向公众敞开 。这趟旅程很奇妙 。谢谢你们的喜爱 。”《赫芬顿邮报》网站将其称为“完美的推文” 。这条评论在网上获得约80万次的转发和点赞 。许多网友纷纷发文祝贺哈利波特的周年纪念 。如果使用“哈利波特20周年”的话题标签 , 推特会自动添加哈利波特专属眼镜和闪电疤痕的表情包 。网友们写道:“哈利波特永存 , ”和“哈利波特系列书籍诞辰快乐 , 它从多方位改变了我的生活 。”一些女孩把赫敏视为“英雄” 。美国大学委员会创设了大学入学考试SAT(学术能力评估测试) 。该委员会也发推文祝贺哈利波特:“这些书的魔力不灭 。”很多教师也发推特表示 , 这一系列书籍有助于培养学生的阅读兴趣 。
Do you know Harry Potter? It's one of my favorite readings. The hero Harry Potter is a student in a magic school. He wears glasses and has no parents, and now he is sixteen years old. He is very brave and known to everyone, because he is the only person who will not die by devil.
When I read the book, I feel very excited and interested. So I have read it again and again, each time I have different feelings. Do you like Harry Potter? If you haven't read the book, read it now and you'll find a wonderful world.
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