买单是人际交往中的一门艺术 。巧妙的处理可以让我们的人际关系更加顺畅,处理不当则会导致尴尬的局面 。买单英语口语怎么说?呢?让我们来看看:
have/get the bill
最常用的用法,其他类似表达:pick up the bill; foot the bill
Can we have the bill please?
麻烦,买单 。
take the check
check 在这里指“账单”的意思,也可以作动词表"买单"
We'll take the check./ Check, please.
我们买单 。
It's on me
我请客算我账上; 美国常用俚语:我请客;店老板请客:It's on the house(店里免费赠送)
On me this time.
这次我请客 。
Be my guest
“请便,不用客气”,类似于help yourself to it.
Be my guest. Please order whatever you want to have.
晚餐我请,你想吃什么随便点吧 。
My treat/It's my treat
"treat" 除了有"对待"的意思,它还可以表示"款待、招待";比如 你和别人打赌输了之后,You had to treat her to an ice cream. (你不得不请她吃冰淇淋)
"treat"还有"名词"的身份,表示"请客、做东"; Let me get this 也可表示 "做东",常用于口语
I'm buying/paying.
Listen, please don't argue with me. I'm paying tonight.
行了,都别跟我争啦 。今晚我来买单吧 。
This is my round.
这次轮到我付钱; round 有“回合” 的意思
Please add to my account.
请记在我的账里 。
Let's split the bill.
我们分开付账吧 。
【买单出口用英语怎么说 买单 用英语怎么说】Shall we split the check?
We'd like to pay separately.
我们分开买单 。
Separate check, please.
分别买单,谢谢 。
Let's go Dutch this time.
这次咱们AA制吧 。
Let's go halvsies.
我们各付一半吧 。
How about we pay our own share?
1. Check, please.
结帐 。
check 就是“结帐”的意思,另外也可以说 buy the bill,就是中文里的“埋单” 。其实“埋单”是个地道的粤语词来的,只不过讲的人多了,就成了普通话的一分子了 。
2. Do you want to separate check?
比如说两对夫妻出去吃饭,大家想各自付自己的,就可以主动跟侍者说:We want to separatecheck.有时他们也会主动问:Do you want to separate check? 或是 Do you want separate checks? 这样的话帐单就会有两张了 。如果要一起付,那么简单地说 together 或是 one check 就可以了 。
3. Can you give me a doggie bag?
东西点太多吃不完怎么办? 扔了实在太浪费,现在流行“吃不了,兜着走”–打包 。英语(论坛)里表示这个意思的就是 doggie bag 。为什么是“狗食袋”呢?这是因为不希望别人觉的你太小气,吃不完还要带回家吃,所以就说是给狗吃的 。或是用 doggie box 代替 doggie bag 也可以,因为大部份的餐厅给的都是盒子而不是袋子 。不过最后还得提醒一点,在高级的餐厅就不要说 doggie bag了,那是不太礼貌的 。你可以只说 Can you give me a box? 就可以了 。
还有一种讲法叫 Wrap it up,听起来是不是挺像中文“打包”的直译?其实这也是一个常用的讲法 。
1.Could I have the check, please? =Would you please bring me the check?请给我账单,好吗?
2.Bill, please. = Check. Please.请结账 。
3.It's on me. = Let me get it. = Let me take care of it. = Let me have the check/bill.我来付钱 。
4.This is my round.轮到我来付钱了 。
5.I'II pay for drinks.我来付酒水的钱 。
6.Be my guest. = This is my treat. = I'll treat you.我请客 。
7.How much shall I pay? = What's the bill?我该付多少钱?
8.Please bill me later.请过会儿开账单给我 。
9.I don't think the bill is correct.我觉得这个账单不对 。
10.May I have a receipt, please?能开一张收据吗?
11.I'd like to have the invoice.我想要发票 。
12.We'll take care of the fees.(我们来付费 。)
13.I'll pick up the check.我来结账
14.Please add to my account.请记在我的账里 。
15. Pay together.一起付
pay the bill
foot the bill
Her "cash for grass" was a gentler incentive toward xeriscaping instead of green lawns.
她的“为水买单”政策以期用温和的政策使人们逐渐从浇灌大量草坪改为种植旱生植物 。
Waiter, I'll take the check.
服务员,买单 。
It's on me. How much is it in all?
我买单 。总共多少钱?
To order(goods)by purchase order or official requisition.
So you pay for three things in network access: bandwidth, latency, and jitter.
所以网络接入中你在为三件事买单:带宽、延迟和抖动 。
It's kind of a turn off when you go on a date with a girl and you got crocodile arms all night.
你跟一个女孩约会,却整晚磨磨唧唧不说买单,这意思差不多就是不想跟人家谈了 。
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