英语口语简单的假期生活 寒假生活英语对话

休假的意义在于可以让人身心得到休息和放松,缓解工作压力和疲劳 。此外,假期还可以给忙碌的人充足的时间去做工作之外的事情,比如走亲访友、陪伴孩子、孝敬老人等等 。这是假期生活英语口语对话,让我们来看看:
【英语口语简单的假期生活 寒假生活英语对话】【假期生活英语口语对话】

英语口语简单的假期生活 寒假生活英语对话


丹尼尔: Good evening! Long time no see, how are you?
晚上好! 好久不见.还好吗?
苏珊: Good evening! I`m fine, how about you, beauty?
丹尼尔: Thanks for God! I am fine too.
苏珊: How did you spend your spring festival?
丹尼尔: Aha, it is a long story!
苏珊: I`m willing to listen to you.
丹尼尔: Ok! Actually, I have a wonderful holiday. I spend most of the time with my family members and friends.
苏珊: That sounds great!
丹尼尔: How about your spring festival?
苏珊: I had visited some relatives and spend some time watching TV and surfing internet.
丹尼尔: It seems that both of us are satisfied with our spring festival.
苏珊: Quite right.
丹尼尔: It`s time to say goodbye. See you!
苏珊: See you!
A:Welcome back! How was your vacation?
B:It was fantastic, but I'm glad to be back! Being a tourist is really tiring!
好极了 。不过回到家我还是很高兴 。毕竟出门旅游还是挺累的 。
A:Where did you end up going?
B:Because it's off-season, we got a really good package deal to Paris, so we went there.
由于属于旅游淡季,我们赶上了一个去巴黎的特别优惠的旅游团,所以我们就去那儿了 。
A:I've always wanted to go to Paris. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world! Did you go to the top?
我一直都很想去巴黎 。埃菲尔铁塔是世界上最著名的名胜之一!你登到塔顶了吗?
B:That was the first thing we did. I have a few pictures. Do you want to seet them?
我们第一站就是去那儿 。我拍了一些照片 。你想看看吗?
A:Sure. What's this one a picture of?
当然 。这张拍的是什么?
B:Oh, that's a picture of me on our fourth day of travelling. I'm standing next to a famous founation in the centre of the city.
这是我在旅游第四天拍的 。我站在市中心一个特别有名的喷泉旁边 。
A:You don't look very happy in that picture.
B:No,by that time, I was sick of sightseeing. I had had enough of art galleries, cathedrals, fountains, statues, and palaces!
不是,那时候我对观光已经有点腻了 。我参观了太多的美术馆,教堂,喷泉,雕像和宫殿!
A:So what did you do?
B:We spent that afternoon walking around a flea market. We had a few coffees, watched a movie, and went for a swim in the pool at the hotel.
那天下午我们去逛了逛跳蚤市场 。喝咖啡,看电影,然后回酒店泳池游了泳 。
A:My travel agent always reminds me to plan a day of relaxing for every 3 days of sightseeing. Did you go to the Louvre?
我参加的旅行社总是提醒我每观光3天就要腾出一天时间来放松身心 。你们去卢浮宫了吗?
B:Of course! You can't go to Paris without going to their famous art gallery! I was surprised by how small the Mona Lisa was though.
当然去了!去巴黎怎么能不去最有名的美术馆呢!但是蒙娜丽莎那幅画怎么那么小啊,真让我大吃一惊 。
A:That's what everyone says! I can't wait to see it for myself some day.

英语口语简单的假期生活 寒假生活英语对话


A:The Spring Festival is drawing close. By then we will have five days off. I am expecting it.
A:春节就要到了 。到时我们会放五天假 。我盼着这一天的到来 。
B:Can you tell me something about the Spring Festival?
A:Just like you celebrate Christmas, we celebrate our lunar New Year's Day, the Spring Festival. It is a time for the family members and relatives to have a get-together.
A:就像你们过圣诞节一样,我们庆祝我们的农历新年——春节 。这是家人和亲友团聚的时刻 。
B:Christmas is also a special time for us to have the family reunion and to express our best wishes to those we love and those who love us in the coming new year.
B:圣诞节也是家人和亲友团聚、并向我们爱的入和爱我们的人表达我们对他们来年美好祝愿的一个节日 。
A:Christmas has more religious nature, while our Spring Festival is a more traditional holiday. On the New Year's Eve, we have a big dinner called "Family Reunion Dinner". One of the traditional food to eat at the dinner is dumplings. After that, the adults usually sit chatting, watching TV, or playing cards.
A:圣诞节更具宗教色彩,而我们的春节则是个更为传统的节日,除夕之夜,我们会吃一顿大餐,叫做“午夜饭",有一样传统食物就是“饺子”,吃过饭后,大人们通惜会坐下来聊天,看电视或打牌 。
B:What are the children doing?
A:They usually go outside to play firecrackers and fireworks.
A:他们一般会出去放烟花和爆竹 。
B:I heard one of the purposes to do it Is to frighten the devils so they wtll not come to do any harm to people in the next year.
B:我听说放爆竹的目的是为了吓走恶魔,这样它们就不会在来年危害大家 。
A:Perhaps it is like what people told you. At 24 hours midnight, the time when the New Year real comes, we exchange "Happy New Year" to each other, and parents and grandparents will take out small packages wrapped with red paper, in them are some what we call "Lucky Money".
A:盛许正如人们所告诉你的那样吧 。到了午夜零点时,新年就算真正到来了 。我们互道“新年好”,父母和祖父母们要拿出红纸包来,里面包的是钱,我们把它叫做“压岁钱” 。
B:Who will get the money?
A:Of course the children.
A:当然是孩子们 。
The summer vacation is coming. Tom asks Steven if he has done some arrangement for it.
暑假就要到来了,汤姆问史蒂文是否安排好假期的计划 。
Tom:How do you arrange this summer vacation?
Steven:I want to travel.
史蒂文:我想去旅行 。
Tom:Where would you like to go?
Steven:The seaside.
史蒂文:去海边 。
Tom:That's really a good idea. Taking a walk on the beach and lying in the sun are pretty good. I recommend you Qingdao or Dalian.
汤姆:真是个好主意!在海滩上散散步,晒晒太阳挺不错的 。我推荐你去青岛或是大连 。
Steven:I’ve been to Qingdao before, so I’ll choose Dalian live heard that the environment there is very good.
史蒂文:青岛我去过了,这次我去大连 。听说那里环境很好 。
Tom:Yes, that's a good place to spend a holiday. Last year I went there. It's really a beautiful and clean city. You'll have a good time.
汤姆:没错,那是个度假的好地方,去年我去过了 。大连真是个既干净又漂亮的城市,你肯定会玩儿得很开心的 。没错,那是个度假的好地方,去年我去过了 。大连真是个既干净又漂亮的城市,你肯定会玩儿得很开心的 。没错,那是个度假的好地方,去年我去过了 。大连真是个既干净又漂亮的城市,你肯定会玩儿得很开心的 。
Steven:Thank you!