校服的英语怎么说说 我们必须穿校服的英语怎么说

校服最早起源于欧洲 。为了规范管理,学校应该穿统一服装 。一般来说,学生在学校的重大活动中都会被要求着装,而一般的校服都有校徽,这也直接影响到学校的形象 。校服的英语怎么说?怎么样?让我们一起来看看:

校服的英语怎么说说 我们必须穿校服的英语怎么说


school uniform
Children wearing school uniform(s)
The boys in their smart school uniforms marched at the head of the parade.
身着整齐校服的男学生走在游行队伍的前列 。
The children needed new school clothes and Kim couldn't afford any.
孩子们需要新校服,可是金一件也买不起 。
School regulations still included the wearing of a uniform and the teachers took a very firm line on this.
学校规章制度仍然要求穿校服,而且老师们对此态度很坚决 。
The sight of sleek well – fed blue – coat boys in pictures,was at that time,little consolatory to her.
当时她看到图片上整洁而又营养充足穿蓝色校服的学童并不感到有多大安慰 。
During the war, the school dress code went out the window.
战争期间穿校服的法规被废弃了 。
It's no good turning you nose up at it, you've got to wear school uniform.
你必须穿校服,不要对这种制度嗤之以鼻 。
school uniform
They are the official school outfitters .
他们是指定的校服供应商 。
Only the uniform of school of riverview categorized him .
只有河景学校的校服才能把他的真实身份确定下来 。
Your skirt ' s too short to cover the acnes on your thighs –
She was wearing a white school uniform when missing
她失踪当日身穿白色校服裙 。
Eighty percent of the students like school uniforms
百分之八十的学生喜欢校服 。
Rita : your school uniform ? why would you do that
He was wearing casual clothes , not his school ones
他穿着他的便服,不是他的校服 。
Girls school uniforms games – 4455 miniclip games
女生校服小游戏- 4399小游戏
【校服的英语怎么说说 我们必须穿校服的英语怎么说】You are stupid if you dirten your school clothes

校服的英语怎么说说 我们必须穿校服的英语怎么说


school unifonn
wear a uniform/sports shoes for
Must you put on school uniform in school
Today is monday . it is school uniform day
今天是星期一,必须穿校服 。
Some middle and high schools have also joined the movement
许多中学和高中也要求学生穿校服 。
Just three years later , estimates were almost double vat
仅三年之后,估计穿校服的几乎成双倍 。
They did away with uniforms at that school years ago
他们几年前就废除了那个学校穿校服的规定 。
The students must wear their school uniforms
学生们必须穿校服 。
Is not meant to wear uniforms because ~
Yet studies find mixed results from requiring uniforms
许多研究发现要求穿校服有各种各样的原因 。
school uniform
The sight of sleek well – fed blue – coat boys in pictures,was at that time,little consolatory to her.
当时她看到图片上整洁而又营养充足穿蓝色校服的学童并不感到有多大安慰 。
Children wearing school uniform(s)
It's no good turning you nose up at it, you've got to wear school uniform.
你必须穿校服,不要对这种制度嗤之以鼻 。
The boys in their smart school uniforms marched at the head of the parade.
身着整齐校服的男学生走在游行队伍的前列 。
During the war, the school dress code went out the window.
战争期间穿校服的法规被废弃了 。
School regulations still included the wearing of a uniform and the teachers took a very firm line on this.
学校规章制度仍然要求穿校服,而且老师们对此态度很坚决 。
The children needed new school clothes and Kim couldn't afford any.
孩子们需要新校服,可是金一件也买不起 。
All the students must be dressed in school uniform on Monday.
星期一所有的学生都必须穿校服 。