电子商务英语作文四级 电子商务英语作文模板

1 电子商务 英语 作文
即便英语语法的学习很枯燥,并且有些部分生僻难懂,但是必要的语法知识能帮助我们在写作的时候知道如何引人入胜,抓住要点,不出错误 。下面介绍电子商务英语作文,希望可以帮助到大家 。

电子商务英语作文四级 电子商务英语作文模板


Online shopping has become very convenient in recent years.Most big name companies have wedsites offering information on their products and online stores allowing shoppers to purchase them in the comfort of their homes.
近年来网上购物已变得非常方便了 。大多数品牌的公司都设有网站来提供他们的产品讯息以及网上商店来让顾客舒舒服服的在自己家里购物 。
The first things that became wide spread online were computer equipment and accessories.It is still very prominent today,but we can find much more on the internet.Some floral shops accept orders for flowers and gifts to be sent to anywhere around the globe.Pizza is delivered by ordering on their web sites.Travelers can easily search for the cheapest airplane tickets,car rentals,and vacation packages.
第一个在网络上广为贩卖的是电脑设备及其附件 。这点到今天都还很突出,但我们还可以在网络上发现更多 。有一些花店可以接受订单把花和礼物送住全球各地 。网站上可以订披蕯送到家 。旅游着能够容易地查到最便宜的飞机票,汽车出租,旅馆房间,以及假日旅游团 。
Almost every type of consumer products can be ordered online.Office supplies,electronics,appliances,clothes,books,furniture,and jewelry are not everything there is.Factor in the auction sites lide eBay,every average computer user can buy and sell virtually anyghing;even automotive parts from junkyards.
几乎每种消费产品都能在网上订购 。办公室用品,电子产品,电器,服装,书,家具,珠宝,而且还不仅是这些 。像eBay这一类的拍卖网站,几乎每一般电脑用户都能在网上买卖任何东西,甚至如废物堆积场的汽车零件 。
The advantages of shopping online include cheaper prices,fast searching and comparing between manufacturers and products,and no time constraints.On the other hand,security might fail and lead to credit card frauds;Viagra ads in our email accounts become a part of life;and atrophy takes over because we are all sitting down.
网上购物的好处包括较便宜的价格,对不同厂商和产品的快速搜寻与比较,并且没有时间限制 。在另一方面,安全性可能会有问题并会导致信用卡的诈欺事件,伟哥广告出现在我们的信箱里并变成生活的一部分,还有因为我们大家一直是坐着而造成身体机能的衰退 。
Dear Mr. Harris,
Mr. Mark Morgan and I are planning a small dinner in honor of John Smith, Executive Vice-president and Chief Technology Officer of the American Auto Company. The dinner will be held at the Hilton Hotel, Detroit, beginning at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 15, and dress will be informal business wear.
We hope that you will be able to join us in this opportunity to meet the senior executive of the American Auto Company.
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, January 15.
Yours sincerely,
Robert Miles
Chief Executive Officer
Dear Mr. Miles,
I am very pleased to accept your kind invitation to the dinner party in honor of John Smith, Executive Vice-president and Chief Technology Officer of the American Auto Company. It will be a great honor to meet the senior executive of one of the largest companies in our country.
Thank you very much for the invitation, and I am looking forward to seeing you in Detroit next Wednesday.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Harris
Managing Director
Dear Mr. Stevens,
Thank you very much for your kind invitation to the party celebrating the 24th anniversary of your company. Please accept my hearty congratulations on this remarkable occasion. We are very pleased that you have achieved great success in your sales during the past decades.
Unfortunately, my schedule in February will not allow me to attend this significant celebration. Urgent matters that cannot be rescheduled make it necessary for me to be in Berlin at that time. I certainly hope you understand the reasons preventing my attendance.
Thank you for the invitation again. I’m looking forward to the long-term smooth and close cooperation between our two corporations.
Yours sincerely,
William Peters
Managing Director
Dear Mr. Garfield,
This is to formally announce the following changes in personnel to improve our service to your firm:
1. Mr. Hong Seong-sik has been designated assistant account executive.
2. Ms.Kim Suk-ja has replaced Ms. Lee Myeong-ok as billing and accounting supervisor.

电子商务英语作文四级 电子商务英语作文模板


All our assignments remain the same. For your reference we have enclosed a complete list of people assigned to your organization that incorporates the above changes. We trust this new team will result in even smoother handling of your orders.
Your kind understanding and cooperation with these changes will be very much appreciated.
Your sincerely,
Song Tae-gyeong
General Manager
This is to formally announce the following changes in personnel
be designated assistant account executive.
replace sb as billing and accounting supervisor.
For your reference
enclose a complete list of people
incorporate the above changes.
学习英语并不是一蹴而就的事情,这属于长期战斗的项目 。这个项目需要投入大量精力与时间,但是当你学成时,绝对会给你带来丰厚的利润 。今天我们来说说除了学习方法以外的学习态度问题,具备这些素质,学习商务英语也不在话下 。
1、投资我们的时间和心智 。
我们并不傻,有足够的智慧和大脑空间来消化储存那些ABCD.别人能学会,我们也能学会,只要我们善于投资自己的时间 。
上帝赋于我们每日24小时,上班8小时,睡觉7小时,三餐饭2小时,莫名其妙kill2小时,无论如何应有1小时来学习 。越忙的人,越有时间做事;越闲越懒散的人,越找不到时间来做事 。
2、要从心底滋生出一种对英语的喜爱之情 。
把学英语当成一个开心而愉快的美差,而不是硬着头皮、头悬梁、锥刺骨的苦力 。因此,先要从简单的入手,找一本好教材或一本故事书(生词量不超过30%)悉心研读,默识揣摸,就会有收获感,尝到甜头,进而信心更足,如开始就啃一本词汇量太大,没有词典看不下去的书,只会扼杀学习兴趣,降低情绪,最终放弃 。
3、要有自我约束力,且称之为“心力”吧 。
春来不是读书天,夏日炎炎正好眠,秋来蚊虫冬又冷,背起书包待明年 。总有一些理由不学习 。这样下去,我们的英语之树永远长不大 。古人云:“人静而后安,安而能后定,定而能后慧,慧而能后悟,悟而能后得 。”很有道理 。
在四川大足佛教石刻艺术中,有一组大型佛雕《牧牛图》,描绘了一个牧童和牛由斗争、对抗到逐渐融合、协调,最后合而为一的故事 。佛祖说:“人的心魔难伏,就象牛一样,私心杂念太多太多;修行者就要象牧童,修炼他们,驯服他们,以完美自已的人生 。”
我们学英语也一样,要能够驯服那些影响我们学习的大牛、小牛,抵制各种诱惑,集中精力,专心学习 。商务外语:英文合同范文 商务外语:产地证表述
4、要有信心 。
英语不过是表达思想的一种工具、一种说话习惯而已 。我们要坚信,只要有投入,有付出,就会有收获 。绝不会“付出的爱收不回 。”
5、要有实际行动 。
一个真正的马拉松运动员绝不会空等奥林匹克金牌从天下掉下来,现在就行动起来 。
6、要有连续性、持续性 。
学英语是一个漫长的过程,走走停停便难有成就 。比如烧开水,在烧到80度时停下来,等水冷了又烧,没烧开又停,如此周而复始,又费精力又费电,很难喝到水 。
【电子商务英语作文四级 电子商务英语作文模板】学英语要一鼓作气 。天天坚持,在完全忘记之前及时复习、加深印象,如此反复,直至形成永久性记忆 。如果等到忘记了再来复习,就象又学新知识一样,那么,我们就永远是初学者,虽然在辛辛苦苦地烧开水,却难品味到其甘润 。