关于郑和下西洋的英语作文 介绍郑成功的英语作文

郑和,中国明朝的航海家和外交家,曾用英文写过关于郑和的文章 。你想知道写郑和的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于郑和的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
In the early Ming Dynasty, China was one of the most developed countries in the world. Between 1405 and 1433, the Ming government, sent Zheng He on seven voyages to the Western Ocean with large-scale fleet on diplomatic missions. Zheng He had visited more than 30 countries and territories in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and East Africa He presented to them valuable gifts to show China's sincere desire to develop friendly relations with them and got warm responses. Zheng He,s voyages spread Chinese civilization, strengthened China's contacts and promoted cultural and economic exchanges with other countries in the world.
明朝前期(the early Ming Dynasty),中国是世界上最发达的国家之一 。1405年到1433年间,明政府七次派郑和率领大规模船队出使西洋(the Western Ocean) 。郑和拜访了东南亚(Southeast Asia)、南亚和东非等地区的30多个国家和地区 。他用珍贵的礼物表达中国与他们友好交往的愿望,得到了各国的热情回应 。郑和下西洋传播了中国文明,加强了明政府与世界各国的联系,促进了中国与其他国家文化与经济的交流 。

关于郑和下西洋的英语作文 介绍郑成功的英语作文


Maritime Expeditions of Zheng He
During the Ming period, the emperors sent seven maritime expeditions probing down into the South Seas and across the Indian Ocean.
明朝时期,皇帝共派遣了7支海上探险队去探索南海和整个印度洋 。
Yongle Emperor (永乐帝) strenuously tried to extend China’s influence beyond her borders by encouraging other rulers to send ambassadors to China to present tribute.
永乐帝通过命令他国的派使者前来进贡,费尽心力想要将中国的影响力延伸至版图之外 。
The Chinese armies reconquered Annam and blocked Mongol expansionism, while the Chinese fleet sailed the China seas and the Indian Ocean, cruising as far as the east coast of Africa.
当中国的舰队航行在中国的海域和印度洋上,巡航远至非洲的东海岸时,中国军队夺回了安南,阻止了蒙古的扩张 。
The Chinese gained a certain influence over Turkestan.
中国在土耳其斯坦获得了一定的影响力 。
The maritime Asian nations sent envoys with tribute for the Chinese emperor.
海上的亚洲国家派使者带着超贡品来参见中国皇帝 。
Internally, the Grand Canal was expanded to its farthest limits and proved to be a stimulus to domestic trade.
国内,大运河延伸到了它史上最远的地方,它对于贸易的刺激作用得以证明 。
The most extraordinary venture, however, during this stage was the dispatch Zheng He’s (郑和)seven naval expeditions,which traversed the Indian Ocean and the Southeast Asian archipelago.
然而,在这个时期最超凡的一场冒险是郑和七下西洋,他横渡了印度洋和东南亚群岛 。
An ambitious Muslim eunuch of Hui descent, a quintessential outsider in the establishment of Confucian scholar elites, Zheng He led seven expeditions from 1405 to 1433 with six of them under the auspices of Yongle.
作为一个具有野心的拥有回族血统的穆斯林太监、一个典型的游离于儒家学者精英体制之外的人,郑和在1405到1433年间七下西洋,其中六次都在永乐帝的支持下进行 。
He traversed perhaps as far as the Cape of Good Hope.
他的征程远达好望角 。
The first expedition in 1405 consisted of 62 ships and 28 000 men—- then the largest naval expedition in history.
1405年的第一支探险队由62艘船和28000人组成,这是历史上最庞大的一次海上探险 。
【关于郑和下西洋的英语作文 介绍郑成功的英语作文】Zheng He’s multi-decked ships carried up to 500 troops but also cargoes of export goods, mainly silks and porcelains, and brought back foreign luxuries such as spices and tropical woods.
郑和的多甲板舰船不仅携带了500支军队,还装载了出口货品,其中主要是丝绸和瓷器,他带回了国外的奢侈品如香料和热带森林的木材 。
The economic motive for these huge ventures may have been important , and many of the ships had large private cabins for merchants.
这些大冒险的经济动机是很重要的,大部分船只上都有提供给商人的私人小屋 。
But the chief aim was probably political, to enroll further states as tributaries and mark the reemergence of the Chinese Empire following nearly a century of barbarian rule.
但是探险的主要目的可能还是政治性的,它为了进一步征收其他国家为朝贡国并证明汉人王朝在经历了一个世纪蛮人的统治后的再次复兴 。
The political character of Zheng He’s voyages indicates the primacy of the political elites.
郑和船队的政治特性表明了政治精英的主导地位 。
Despite their formidable and unprecedented strength, Zheng He’s voyages were not intended to extend Chinese sovereignty overseas.
尽管具有强大的、前所未有的实力,郑和的舰队并没有打算拓展中国海外的版图 。
Zheng He sailed from China to many places throughout South Pacific, Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf and distant Africa in seven epic voyages from 1405 to 1433,some 80 years before Columbus’s voyages.
郑和在1405到1433年建的7次远航中从中国起航到达了许多地方,包括南太平洋、印度洋、波斯湾和遥远的非洲,这比哥伦布的船队要早了约80年 。
These explorations have impressed themselves deeply into the voyage history of the world.
这些探索使他们在世界航海史上留下了深深的印记 。
In 1405 zheng he sent envoys to (native with a fleet of yunnan) mission western. At that time the western refers to the west of south China sea of the coastal areas. Zheng he's brought twenty thousand DuoRen in addition to soldiers and sailors outside and officials at all levels technical personnel translation and the doctor. They took 62 ship from the article jiangsu province of fujian province taicang through the coastal vastly sail south. Zheng he each to a country he put in to the country's letter submitted the king and brought the gift to them hope to establish friendly relations with them. Three years later he took the angel of the western countries returned to China Ming emperor saw this voyage so successful very happy. In the later twenty DuoNian Ming emperor again and again to western countries zheng he sent. Zheng he's seven times before and after go out to sea to the Indian Ocean DuoGe 30 countries had reached farthest in Africa. Zheng he's seven trips that at that time China shipbuilding and navigation technology has reached very high levels. More important is it broke the between the east and the state is relatively isolated from the let foreigners understand more about China.
In the early Ming Dynasty, China was one of the most developed countries in the world.In order to transmit its national power and strengthen contacts with other countries,Emperor Chengzu sent Zheng He to the Western Ocean many times.In 1405,Zheng He embarked on his first voyage.His fleet was composed of more than 200 ships and carried over 20,000 men,including sailors,soldiers,technical personnel,interpreters etc.,and large amounts of gold and silk to be used for trade and as gifts.The round trip took two years.Some of the countries Zheng He visited dispatched envoys bearing tributes to the Ming court on his ships.Zheng He's voyages were a great feat in the world's navigation history.Today,there are still many buildings in Southeast Asia dedicated to his memory.
明朝(the Ming Dynasty)初期,中国是世界上最发达的国家之一 。为了弘扬国力、加强与其他各国的联系,明成祖多次派遣郑和出使西洋 。1405年,郑和开始了第一次航行 。他的舰队由200多艘船构成,所载人数超过2万人,包括水手、军人、技术人员、译员等,还有大量黄金和丝绸,用于交易和作为礼品 。往返用了两年时间 。郑和出使的一些国家随船派遣使者(envoy),并带来向明朝进贡的贡品(tribute) 。郑和下西洋是世界航海史上的一大壮举(feat) 。今天,东南亚仍有很多纪念郑和的建筑 。
Zheng He was a great Chinese explorer and fleet commander. His seven main expeditions explored the world for the Chinese emperors and established the trade links between China and new areas. The Emperor Yongle wanted to show off the glory and power of the Chinese Empire to the world. He also wanted to establish the business relations with other countries. So, he appointed Zheng He as the Chief Envoy and asked him to set up a fleet to explore the world. Zheng He commanded a large fleet, whose first voyage was estimated to have over 200 ships and nearly 28,000 men.
郑和是一位伟大的中国探险家和舰队指挥官 。他主要进行了七次探险活动,为中国皇帝(Chineseemperor)探索了世界,并在新的区域建立了与中国的贸易联系 。永乐帝(Emperor Yongle)想向世界其他国家展示中华帝国(the Chinese Empire)的荣耀与权力,同时还想与世界其他国家建立贸易联系 。于是他任命郑和为首席特使(ChiefEnvoy),命他成立一个舰队去探索世界 。郑和指挥了一个大型舰队,第一次航海时估计有超过200艘船,将近28000人 。