关于樱花的英语作文 描写樱花的英文短句

樱花原产于北半球喜玛拉雅山周围的温带,世界各地都有,主要是日本 。英语里也有关于樱花的作文 。你想知道描写樱花的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于樱花的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
New shoots and first blooms are nature's signal that spring has arrived – even if warmer weather hasn't made an appearance.
新生的嫩芽和初绽的花朵是大自然的信号,预示着春天已经到来——即使更温暖的天气还没有出现 。
As these vibrant photographs show, cherry blossom trees are set to create glorious floral displays around the world.
从这些充满生机的照片中,我们可以看出全世界的樱花树都会营造出美伦美奂的花景 。
These stunning images, taken in Japan and in South Korea, show their picturesque landscapes being transformed into a sea of pink as cherry trees bloom.
这些惊艳的美图摄于日本和韩国,盛开的樱花把这两个风景如画的国家变成了粉红的花海 。
Japan has celebrations for cherry blossoms every year from about the end of March to the beginning of April.
日本每年三月底到四月初都会庆祝樱花盛开 。
Yoshiki Fujiwara, a photographer based in Japan, has travelled to different parts of the country, including Kyoto, Kansai and Honshu, to capture the cherry blossom in 2015.
藤原喜章(Yoshiki Fujiwara)是一位日本摄影师,他曾在2015年到京都、关西和本州等不同地区拍摄樱花 。
Some of his images showed the surreal landscape covered in pink while in others, the bright flowers arenestled amongst forest green trees.
他的作品有的展示了大地一片粉红的超现实美景,有的则是鲜艳的花朵静栖于绿色的树林之中 。

关于樱花的英语作文 描写樱花的英文短句


One of the most popular events in Washington, D.C. each year is the National Cherry Blossom Festival. It takes place in early April.
People from around the world come to see the beautiful pink and white blossoms on almost 1,700 flowering cherry trees.
The city's first cherry trees were a gift from Japan to the United States in 1912. About 100 of them are still alive. They are planted in Southwest Washington, along the Potomac River and a body of water called the Tidal Basin.
The cherry trees are a short walk from a number of major monuments, like the Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument.
Over 1 million people travel to Washington each year to see the trees.
However, there is a small problem. The weather in Washington has been unusually warm the past few weeks.
On March 1, the temperature rose to about 27 degrees Celsius!
Small buds can already be seen on the cherry trees. These growths will turn into flowers sooner than usual.
In fact, this may be the earliest year ever for cherry blossoms. Experts say the trees will look their best between March 14 and March 17.
The U.S. National Park Service says that may break the record of March 15, set in 1990.
Many people would like to see the blossoms come later.
One Facebook user says Washington needs a break from large crowds. Jack Potter wrote: "we just had the inauguration, we don't need more tourists!"
Twitter user April Wolfe is worried that the early bloom is evidence of climate change. She wrote: "I want to like this, because who doesn't like cherry blossoms? But then I think #climatechange."
The cherry blossoms are fragile. They do not last long and easily break apart. High winds or a heavy rain storm can knock them off the trees.
That is why there are still a lot of springtime events planned to celebrate the ties between Japan and the United States. If you like things that fly high in the sky, there is the Blossom Kite Festival on April 1 and 2. And the National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade will take place on April 8.
华盛顿哥伦比亚特区最受欢迎的盛事之一就是一年一度的国家樱花节 。樱花节每年四月初举行 。
全球各地的人都会来看粉白相间的樱花在近1700多棵樱花树上美丽地盛开 。
华盛顿市的第一批樱桃树是日本于1912送给美国的一份礼物 。其中有大约100棵还活着 。这些樱花树苗种在了华盛顿西南部——波托马克河和一个叫潮汐湖的水域沿岸 。
这片樱花树不多远处有很多大型纪念遗迹,如林肯纪念堂、杰弗逊纪念堂和华盛顿纪念碑 。
每年有100多万人去华盛顿欣赏樱花树 。
不过有一个小问题 。华盛顿的天气过去的几周都很暖和 。
3月1日,温度就升到了近27摄氏度 。
樱桃树上已经能看到小小的花骨朵 。而花期要比往常早一些 。
实际上,今年可能是樱花花期最早的一年 。有专家说,这片樱花树在3月14-17日之间是开得最美的时段 。
美国国家公园管理局说,今年可能会打破1990年3月15日创下的纪录 。
很多人都希望花期能来得晚一点 。
脸书上的一名网友写道,华盛顿需要远离人群休息一下 。杰克 波特写道,“总统的就职典礼刚举行过,我们不需要更多游客了!”
而推特用户艾谱莉 乌尔夫担心,花期提前是气候变化的表现 。艾谱莉写道:“我想这样,毕竟谁不喜欢樱花盛开呢?但是随后我又想到#气候变化 。”
樱花盛开如昙花一现 。花期不会持续很久,而且很快就会散开 。疾风或是大雨就能让樱花从树上坠落 。
这也是人们依然策划很多春季活动来纪念美日关系的原因 。如果你喜欢在天上放风筝,这里在4月1日和2日会有风筝节 。4月8日还有樱花节大游行 。
When we say about Cherry Blossom the first expression appears in our head is the national flower of Japan.Cherry Blossom is emblem of purity and it represents the pure love and hope.
The legend of the Cherry Blossom was romantic. A fairy called sakurasamei had sowed the seed of cherry blossom into the land of Japan to propagate the hope and love to the people who had fell into penury . In order to remember the kindness fairy Japanese call the flower sakura.
Cherry blossom's florescence is just 7 days like a meteoric Catharine.However It is the true meaning and spirit of sakura that is fascinated japan people.
No matter how short the life is we have responsibility to make it glitter and glamorous!
There are about 1,700 cherry trees planted in the southwestern part of Washington, D.C. They live along the Potomac River and around a connecting body of water called the Tidal Basin.
The city's first cherry trees were a gift from Japan to the United States in 1912.
Each year, about 1 million people travel to Washington to see cherry blossoms growing on the trees. The best time to see the blossoms usually is in late March through early April. There are parades and other events to celebrate the flowering trees and the return of spring.
About two weeks ago, we reported that an unusually warm winter had forecasters worried that the blossoms might come out early.
After all, on March 1, the air temperature in Washington reached 27 degrees Celsius.
Some of the trees were already producing pink and white blossoms.
But then the weather began acting more like winter. It got colder and snowy.
In fact, last Wednesday, the temperature was – 5 degrees Celsius. There was snow on the ground. Many of the blossoms and buds froze when the snow turned to ice.
The U.S. National Park Service says about half of the blossoms were destroyed.
But there are so many trees, and so many buds, that experts think visitors to Washington will still enjoy the cherry trees.
Michael Stachowicz studies the trees for the park service. He told the Washington Post newspaper that many of the buds were not harmed by the cold weather.
"Our blooms are just so dense and lush and just overwhelming," he said. "There might be some trees that don't blossom at all, but I think that will be in the minority."
While the cherry trees may not look their best this year because of the late winter weather, trees in some other cities are expected to look great.
For example, people in Korea and Japan are already celebrating cherry blossom season and posting beautiful photographs on Twitter.
And in Japan, McDonald's restaurants are getting into the spirit. There are cherry blossom-themed drinks and sandwich wrappers. Twitter users in other countries say they wish they were in Japan to enjoy them.
华盛顿西南部地区生长着约1700株樱花树 。这些樱花树集中在波托马克河沿岸以及潮汐湖周围 。
1912年,第一批樱花树被日本当做礼物送给美国 。
每年,华盛顿的樱花都会吸引百万游客前来观赏 。最佳观赏季节通常为3月末至4月初 。人们还会举办游行和其他活动庆祝樱花节,迎接春天 。
大概两周前,气象预报专家担心,异常暖冬或导致樱花提前盛开 。
毕竟在3月1日,华盛顿地区的气温高达27摄氏度 。
其中一些樱花树的枝头已经缀着粉白相间的花苞 。
但是,气温骤降,凛如寒冬 。天气转冷,雪花飘飘 。
其实,上周三的气温曾一度降至5摄氏度 。路面也出现积雪 。很多花朵和花苞因积雪融化后结冰 。
美国国家公园管理部门称,约一半的樱花受到寒潮摧残 。
不过专家表示,樱花树数量多,花朵面积广,到华盛顿赏花的游客不会受太大影响 。
迈克尔(Michael Stachowicz)负责国家公园的树木研究工作 。他对《华盛顿邮报》表示,很多花苞并未受寒潮天气影响 。
他说,“这里的樱花分布密集,长势喜人,美不胜收” 。“有的樱花树甚至不开花,但那只是少数 。”
虽然今年华盛顿的樱花因寒潮天气不甚完美,不过其他城市的樱花倒是盛开似锦 。
例如,韩国和日本已经开始庆祝樱花节了,网友纷纷在推特晒出唯美的樱花照片 。
【关于樱花的英语作文 描写樱花的英文短句】日本一家麦当劳餐厅抓住了这一节日的精髓 。他们推出樱花主题的饮品和三明治包装 。其他国家的推特网友不禁眼红:要是在日本就好了 。