关于梵高的英语作文 梵高最著名的作文

文森特威廉梵高是荷兰后印象派画家 。他出生在一个新教牧师的家庭,是后印象主义的先驱,对20世纪艺术产生了深远的影响 。你想知道描写梵高的英语作文写了什么吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于梵高的英文作品 。让我们来看看!
Van Gogh:In His Own Words
The life of Van Gogh is often overshadowed by the incidents that fill it. But look a little deeper, on beneath the sad events, an exceptional character shines out. A person whose days were filled with beauty, passion and love. This is an account of his life in his own words and through his own pictures.
梵高的一生被充斥其中的许多事件遮蔽而变得黯然失色 。但是更深入的探究,在悲伤的事件之上,卓越的品格散发出耀眼的光芒 。一个生活里充满了美、热情和爱的人 。这是一段用他自己的语言以及画作来描绘其一生的阐述 。
Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me.
虽然我常常身处于极端的不幸之中,在我心灵中仍有平静安宁、单纯和谐以及音乐 。
Van Gogh was born in the Netherlands. He began his career as an art dealer, but later chose to become a missionary. In this capacity, he was sent to a mining village in Belgium. But his compassion for the poor, led him to give away all his possessions, for which the church dismissed him. He stayed on in the village, and decided to become an artist at 27 years old. His abundant enthusiasm helped him learn quickly.
梵高出生于荷兰 。他的事业启始于艺术掮客,但是之后他选择当个传教士 。在这职位之时,他被派到一个比利时的矿村 。但由于对穷人的同情心,使得他散尽家产,为此教会还开除了他 。他留在村子里,并在二十七岁的时候,决定当个艺术家 。他丰富的热情帮助了他快速的学习 。
If you hear a voice within you say, "You cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.
如果你听到内心深处有个声音在说“你不能画画”,就想尽办法一定要画,然后那声音就会消失无踪 。
I experience a period of frightening clarity in those moments when nature is so beautiful.
在大自然如此美丽的时刻,我体验到了一段惊人的清澈时光 。
I am no longer sure of myself, and the paintings appear as in a dream.
我陷入迷茫,大自然的画宛如跃然入梦 。
Love many things, for therein lies the true strength.
珍爱很多事物,因为其中存有真实的力量 。
And whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much,
and what is done in love is done well.
况且在爱中完成的事情总是完美的 。
I want to paint men and women with that certain eternal touch.
我要画有着某种永恒感动的男人和女人 。
During his life, this was the only painting Van Gogh managed to sell. As an artist, he was extremely poor, with seldom enough money to buy food, let alone paying some brushes.
在他的生命之中,这是梵高设法成功卖出的一幅画 。身为一个艺术家,他极端穷困,只有仅供购买食物的少许金钱,更别提买一些笔刷了 。
What am I in the eyes of most people? A nonentity, an eccentric, or an unpleasant person, somebody who has no position in society and will never have…
Even if that were absolutely true, then I should one day like to show by my work what such an eccentric, such a nobody, has in his heart.
That is my ambition, based less on resentment than on love in spite of everything.
那是我的抱负,尽管历尽沧桑,它是基于爱而不是怨恨 。
I can't change the fact that my paintings don't sell. But the time will come when people will recognize that they are worth more than the value of the paints used in the picture.
我不能改变我的画作不卖的事实 。但是有一天人们会了解到,他们的价值比起画作里用到的油彩要高得多 。
When Vincent moved to Southern France, his skill further developed, and the paintings he did here are some of his most accomplished. It was during this time that he began to suffer from illness. It will lead to depression, and an inability to paint. But once he recovered, he would return to his art with renewed passion.
当Vincent搬到南法,他的技术更进一步,他在这里完成的画作,有一些是他最有造诣的作品 。也就在这段时间,他开始遭受病魔的侵犯 。它导致忧鬱症,还会无力作画 。但是一旦康复,他会带着崭新的热情回归他的艺术 。
As we advance in life, it becomes more and more difficult.
当我们在人生的进程中,道路会变得越来越崎岖坎坷 。
But in fighting the difficulties, the inmost strength of the heart is developed.
但是在对抗那些困难的过程中,心底最深处的力量因而产生 。
I am no friend of present-day Christianity, though its Founder was sublime…
That God of the clergymen, He is for me as dead as a doornail.
那神职人员的上帝,对我来说他逝去了 。
To believe in God for me is to feel that there is a God. Not a dead one or a stuffed one, but a living one.
对我来说信仰上帝就是要感觉到上帝的存在 。不是一个逝去的或是一个假冒的,而是一个活生生的 。
When I have a terrible need of, dare I say the word, religion, then I go out and paint the stars.
当我很需要,请原谅我用这个字,宗教,那么我出去画星空 。
For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars make me dream.
对我而言,我不确定理解了任何事情,但是星空美景让我做梦 。
There is something inside of me. What can it be?
在我身体里面有某种东西 。到底是什么呢?
After another about to illness, Van Gogh took his life. His career as an artist had lasted only 10 years, but he produced an astonishing eight hundred paintings. "When a human being has found their work," he said, "I consider it such a great blessing that no one should ever count me among the unfortunate."
在另一次快要病发之时,梵高结束了他的生命 。他身为艺术家的事业生涯仅持续了十年,但是他生产了惊人的八百幅画作 。“当一个人找到他要做的事,”他说到:“我认为它是如此美好的祝福,没有任何人应该把我归类为不幸的人 。”

关于梵高的英语作文 梵高最著名的作文


Vincent Willem van Gogh (30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890) was a Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose work had a far-reaching influence on 20th century art for its vivid colors and emotional impact. He suffered from anxiety and increasingly frequent bouts of mental illness throughout his life and died largely unknown at the age of 37 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Little appreciated during his lifetime his fame grew in the years after his death. Today he is widely regarded as one of history's greatest painters and an important contributor to the foundations of modern art. Van Gogh did not begin painting until his late twenties and most of his best-known works were produced during his final two years. He produced more than 2000 artworks consisting of around 900 paintings and 1100 drawings and sketches. Although he was little known during his lifetime his work was a strong influence on the Modernist art that followed. Today many of his pieces—including his numerous self portraits landscapes portraits and sunflowers—are among the world's most recognizable and expensive works of art.
To be an educational peopleI think that’s almost impossible without knowing his name. He is one of the greatest artists in the world. He was born in 1850 three or two somedaywhatever. And as a lot of people knowsVan Gogh is the oldest child in their familybut actuallyhis parents had a little baby before himthe baby died the same day just one year before Van Gogh was born. Sothey gave the two babies a identical namethis is why sometime people will call Van Gogh——the second Vincent. Van Gogh’s parentsjust paid too much attention to himbecauseI think probably because they found their another son for just looking in Van Goghso they pampered himspoiled himand gave him too much lovebut three years after thatthey had other children. Van Gogh is a litter bit different from a lot of peoplesome think he is crazyhe always like do things aloneand people cannot understand him. Maybe this is one of the reasons why he’d like thathe felt the love going away from himwhen he wasjust a little boy. And the another oneI thinkcause he need pass a street every day go to the schoolbut his brother’s grave is just by the waysideso he’ll see his name on the grave every dayyeahI said this before Van Gogh and his elder brother—the baby who diedthey have a same name. so just image thatwhat will you think when you see your name on a grave?probably you’ll saywho is that?And is that me?But what did Van Gogh think?We would not know.
If you a fan of Van Gogh, you must know the name of his brotherLike everybody knowsduring Van Gogh’ life he was very poorthe only one he sellname the red vineyardand in that timehe just sell 400 franc.
"Vincent van Gogh was born near Brabant the son of a minister. In 1869 he got a position at the art dealers Goupil and Co. in The Hague through his uncle and worked with them until he was dismissed from the London office in 1873. He worked as a schoolmaster in England (1876) before training for the ministry at Amsterdam University (1877). After he failed to get a post in the Church he went to live as an independent missionary among the Borinage miners. "He was largely self-taught as an artist although he received help from his cousin Mauve. His first works were heavily painted mud-colored and clumsy attempts to represent the life of the poor (e.g. Potato-Eaters 1885 Amsterdam) influenced by one of his artistic heroes Millet. He moved to Paris in 1886 living with his devoted brother Theo who as a dealer introduced him to artists like Gauguin Pissarro Seurat and Toulouse-Lautrec. In Paris he discovered color as well as the divisionist ideas which helped to create the distinctive dashed brushstrokes of his later work (e.g. Pere Tanguy 1887 Paris). He moved to Arles in the south of France in 1888 hoping to establish an artists' colony there and was immediately struck by the hot reds and yellows of the Mediterranean which he increasingly used symbolically to represent his own moods (e.g. Sunflowers 1888 London National Gallery). He was joined briefly by Gauguin in October 1888 and managed in some works to combine his own ideas with the latter's Synthetism (e.g. The Sower 1888 Amsterdam) but the visit was not a success. A final argument led to the infamous episode in which Van Gogh mutilated his ear. "In 1889 he became a voluntary patient at the St. Remy asylum where he continued to paint often making copies of artists he admired. His palette softened to mauves and pinks but his brushwork was increasingly agitated the dashes constructed into swirling twisted shapes often seen as symbolic of his mental state (e.g. Ravine 1889 Otterlo). He moved to Auvers to be closer to Theo in 1890 – his last 70 days spent in a hectic program of painting. He died having sold only one work following a botched suicide attempt. His life is detailed in a series of letters to his brother (published 1959)." Vincent van Gogh is well-regarded as one of the greatest and most famous artists ever. His life and work has inspired and influenced much of art history since his tragic death in 1890. In fact what many people today consider to be the archetypical "artist personna" is largely a result of his influence.
【关于梵高的英语作文 梵高最著名的作文】Van Gogh was born in a small Dutch village on March 30 1853. Vincent started many jobs before he became an artist. He was real close to his family. In 1886 he moved to Paris France to join Theo. Theo introduced Vincent to a lot of painters while they lived in Paris. Gauguin didn't seem to like anything Van Gogh did in Arles. They argued a lot. Gauguin decided to leave Van Gogh. He became so angry he cut off his ear. He did many other paintings before he shot himself and died two days later.