商务接机的英语对话 商务接机与客户的对话英语

That'd be great. The flight was ok. Thanks for taking the time to meet me here.太好了 。旅程还可以 。谢谢抽出时间来这里接我 。下面是更多有关接机商务英语对话的内容,希望对您有帮助 。

商务接机的英语对话 商务接机与客户的对话英语


A:How are you, Mr.Brown? How nice to see you again. How is everything going?
A:你好,布朗先生,很高兴能再次见到你 。过得怎么样?
B:Very well. What about you?
A:Not bad,tanks. Our company has sent me to pick you up here.
A:还可以,谢谢 。我们公司派我来这儿接你 。
B:That is so nice of you.
B:你们真是太好了 。
A:How was your flight?
B:Well, generally speaking it was fine. But it is really a long distance from New York to Shanghai. Oh, Mr. Liang, let me introduce my assistant, Mr. Blake.
B:总体来说还好,就是从纽约到上海真的是一次长途旅行啊 。哦,粱先生,让我介绍我的助手布莱克先生给你认识 。
A:How do you do, Mr.Blake? I am Liang Dong.
A:您好,布莱克先生 。我是梁东 。
C:How do you do, Mr.Liang?
C:您好,梁先生 。
A:ls it your first visit to China?
C:Yes, I have been dreaming of coming to China for years. I am so glad that it has come true finally.
C:是的,我多年来一直梦想能来中国 。我很高兴,现在终于实现了 。
A:l hope you will have a nice stay in China.
A:希望您能在中国过得愉快 。
C:Thank you, I am sure I will.
C:谢谢,我相信会的 。
A:You must be very tired after such a long flight. Let me take you to your hotel in my car.
A:你们长途飞行后一定很累了,让我载你们去酒店吧 。
B:Great, thank you.
B:太好了,谢谢 。
A:My pleasure.
A:很荣幸效劳 。
Secretary: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith from the Tiger Trading Company of America?
Guest: Yes, I'm Peter Smith.
客人:是的 。我是彼得·史密斯 。
Secretary: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wang Mei. I'm from the Beijing United Textile Corporation. I'm here to
meet you. Did you have a nice journey, Mr. Smith?
秘书:请允许我介绍一下自己 。我叫王梅,是北京联合纺织公司的 。我是来这儿接您的 。旅途愉快吗?
Guest: Yes, the flight was smooth. The service was good, too.
客人:还不错,飞行很顺利,服务也不错 。
Secretary: I'm glad to hear that. We have a car over there to take you to your hotel. Do you have all your luggage here?
秘书:听您这么说我很高兴 。我们那边有辆车送您;去宾馆 。您的行李都在这儿吗?
Guest: Yes, it's all here.
客人:是的,都在这儿了 。
Secretary: Let me help you with this case.
秘书:我来帮您提这个箱子 。
Guest: Thanks. And thank you for all your trouble.
客人:谢谢 。这么麻烦你 。
Secretary : No trouble at all. This way, please.
秘书:一点儿也不麻烦 。这边请 。
A:Excuse me, but are you Mr.Mattin from England?
B:That's it. I am Joe Martin. You must be Zhang Yao from Beijing Tianfa Foreign Trade Co. Ltd.
B:是啊,我是乔·马丁 。您一定是北京天发对外贸易有限公司的张耀吧?

商务接机的英语对话 商务接机与客户的对话英语


A:Yes. Nice to meet you, Mr. Martin.
A:正是,很高兴见到您,马丁先生 。
B:Nice to meet you too, Mr. Zhang. Now let me introduce my family. This is my wife, Mary, and this is my son, Tom.
B:很高兴见到您,张先生 。哦,让我来介绍一下我的家人,这是我的妻子玛丽,这是 我儿子汤姆 。
A:How do you do?
C:How do you do, Mr.Zhang?
C:您好!张先生 。
A:Let me help you with your luggage.
B:No, thanks. I can manage it.
B:不了,我能行,谢谢 。
A:Did you hcrve a good flight, Mr.Martin?
B:Wonderful! Nice food and good service. But how long will it take us to get to the hotel?
B:很愉快,食物美味,服务也不错 。请问我们多久才能到达宾馆?
A:About 45 minutes' ride. Our car is waiting over there. Let's go.
A:大约45分钟的车程 。我们的车在那边等着呢,走吧!
Hi, you must be Mary?
嗨 。你一定是玛丽?
Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you. How was your flight? Shall we go? I've got a car waiting outside to take us to your hotel.
是的 。很高兴遇见你 。旅程如何?我们可以走了吗?外面已经有辆小车等着接我们回旅馆了 。
That'd be great. The flight was ok. Thanks for taking the time to meet me here.
太好了 。旅程还可以 。谢谢抽出时间来这里接我 。
No worries. Our company wants to make sure you have a pleasant trip.
别担心.我们公司希望确保您旅途愉快 。
I really appreciate it.
Everything has been organized for you. The accommodation, the transport and all the other little things you should need.
一切都已经为您准备好了 。住宿,运输和您可能需要的其它小事 。
Does the conference begin tomorrow?
Yes, there is a welcoming dinner tomorrow night.
是的 。明晚将有一个接风宴 。
That's great. It gives me some time to rest and see some of this city.
真棒 。那我就有时间休息一下并且参观本市 。
It's already been arranged, I will take you on a city tour tomorrow morning.
【商务接机的英语对话 商务接机与客户的对话英语】这也已经安排好了 。明天上午我会带您游览市容 。