爱好是跳舞的英语作文 关于跳街舞的英语作文

跳舞,做某些动作,通常是跟着音乐 。英语里也有关于跳舞的作文 。你想知道关于写跳舞的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于舞蹈的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
I like dancing very much. I learn to dance from four years old. Until now, there are already nine years. I take part in many activities, because I think I want to perform in front of people. I have a good dance teacher. She dances very well. She is strict with me. Once I make mistakes, she points it out directly. I learn a lot from her. Now, we are good friends. She always encourages me. I think dance is good to me. I make many dancing friends. And it’s good way to build my body.

爱好是跳舞的英语作文 关于跳街舞的英语作文


Everyone who knows me knows I like dancing. Whenever the music sounded, I will be with the rhythm of rise and dance in a happy mood in the beautiful melody……
On the nursery when aunt taught us dance, I will often show in front of mom and dad. Mother see I love dance, on the first grade to a special class, that is, the Latin American elementary school.
I worked hard in the Latin dance, and we stayed here every day to practice the Latin dance. Unconsciously an hour past the parents are waiting outside, but our teachers and students or seriously dance. "Tap" knock on the door, the teacher can see is the time has been allotted time for half an hour. The teacher said, "school is over". I stopped sweating, with daddy's home. Eat dinner, sleep in the bed, arms and legs ache. But the thought of learning to be able to play on the stage to see the performance of the people do not feel pain, and soon fell asleep.
Finally learned the Latin dance. The school organized a celebration, I can be happy, this can show Dancing on stage. The music is out, the class came to power. Look at the big brother and Big Brother Big brother watching us dance, I secretly want to be good performance. I was very nervous, as the music I slowly entered the best state. Dance is over, only to hear the audience thunderous applause, my heart like to eat the honey as sweet, now I feel I eat bitterness applause in return is worth.
Do you like dancing? Let me be your teacher? If you like dancing, dance with me!
A child, I used to sit in front of the television, dance fascinated, immersed in the beautiful melodies and dancers who dance in the gentle, and since then, I have forged a bond with the dance.
From kindergarten on, I will be practicing dance, to the second grade, my teacher and my dance theater branch Zhuji contest, the results won the second prize, teacher bonuses bought me a beautiful costume so, I would be more interested in dance.
Third grade, my mother gave me a packet of Latin dance training, I feel like I would have been like, a class down, the teacher praised my mother straight high-savvy, smart, studious, I listened to my heart the first flattered at first, but my mother I exercise, but then the more I jump better, skip the more interested, so, I have always been for three years, from the interruption.
Now, my classmates and I are working together to rehearse a dance for the race, trained in the last few days of back pain, I wanted to quit several times to give up, but with perseverance and love of dance led me to produce dispel this idea . What I like to share this awkward dance that dance became my hobby never let go of my dancing career will go on forever.
小时候,我常常坐在电视机前,对舞蹈深深着迷,沉浸在优美地旋律和舞蹈家们柔美的舞姿中,从那时起,我便与舞结下了不解之缘 。
从幼稚园开始,我便在练民族舞,到了小学二年级时,我和我的舞蹈老师支诸暨大剧院参加比赛,结果得了个二等奖,老师用奖金给我买了一件漂亮的舞衣,如此,我就对舞蹈更有兴趣了 。
三年级,妈妈给我报了拉丁舞培训班,我好像本来就会似的,一节课下来,老师直向妈妈夸我悟性高,聪明好学,我听了心里头美滋滋的,起初,妈妈只是让我锻炼身体,但后来我越跳越好,越跳越有兴趣,就这样,我一直坚持了三年,从没有间断过 。
现在,我和同学们正在一起排练一支舞蹈准备参加比赛,近几天练得腰酸背痛的,好几次想放弃想退出,但凭借对舞蹈的热爱而产生的毅力促使我打消了这样的念头 。正是我对舞蹈的这股喜欢的劲儿,使舞蹈成了我永远无法割舍的爱好,我的舞蹈生涯将永远继续下去 。
When I was five years old, my mother decided to send me to learn dance class, at first, I was afraid, because I knew nobody there. But as when I went there, I found there were a lot of children who were at my age, we became friends soon. Now I like the dance class so much, I can dance with my friends, we have great fun.
在我五岁的时候,我的妈妈决定送我去学舞蹈课,刚开始,我很害怕,因为在舞蹈课上一个人也不认识 。但是随着我去到那里,我发现那里有很多和我同龄的孩子,我们很快就成为朋友 。如今我很喜欢舞蹈课,我可以和朋友一起跳舞,我们过得很愉快 。
【爱好是跳舞的英语作文 关于跳街舞的英语作文】Every child has his own hobby, I am no exception, my interest hobby is the dance. I hit the children's art school to study the dance has been four years. Since 7 years old, I am learning Latin dance. I have two dance teacher: Mr Wu and Mr Li, two teachers are very good for us, they lecture attitude is amiable, standards, while doing demonstration action seriously. In hand-holding guide our actions, and is on our side to demonstrate repeatedly, let us learn, and guide us as we are also very patient. In the process of learning dance, I also met many schools outside of the friend, although we can meet once a week, but we always care about each other, care each other. Dance class classmate are very good to me, especially my little partner, she is very kind to me. Remember once, I delayed a lesson because of illness, when I was ill go to class, she offered to help me put the lessons to be missed, also practice with me, tired of her sweating like a pig, I and she said: "let's have a rest, see you sweat." She smiled to me and said: "ok". So we have been serious practice, I soon learned. Since learning dance, has caused me to enhance self-confidence, very have the courage to do anything, no longer afraid. Remember the first time I take part in the game, grandma made a brand new performance clothing for me, it has countless dazzling bright drill and beautiful sequins, although I prepared very full, but I'm still feeling very nervous. Hand in the background of time, I and other friends to come and encourage each other. When the beautiful music sounded, small partner dragged my hand and walk forward, my nervousness on top of the world, came to the middle of the table, I saw so many audience, the audience and the bright lights shine on us, I feel like a little star, immediately relax mood, tensions are also gradually calmed down, confidence is back. Not nervous, fear of mood, I successfully performed a complete set of movements, performance is very good.