写一篇关于季节的英语作文50字 写节日的英语作文50词

季节是每年周期性出现的地理景观中具有相对较大差异的几个时间段 。一年分为四季,即春、夏、秋、冬 。英语里也有写季节的作文 。想知道如何写关于写季节的英语作文吗?以下是边肖收藏的写季节的英语作文50词 。我们来看看吧!
I most like the spring, because spring is a vibrant season. You see, the sun with a smile, the bird bathed in warm sunshine, just grow green branches on twitter, as if to greet the arrival of spring.
I like spring best, because All flowers bloom together. spring, winter jasmine, plum…… Contests. The peach blossom endure endure crowded crowded, a group of three, a group of five, like the cute little baby; from afar, like floating clouds from the hillside.
I most like the spring, because spring is a beautiful symphony. Small animal hibernation wake up from the dream. "Ji Ji", "cuckoo"… This is the first symphony always make people intoxicated.
I most like the spring, because spring is a season of dreams. Square, children were flying kites happily. They run fast, kite with their vision and hope to fly high in the blue sky……
I like spring best, it is not so hot in summer, not like autumn leaves, winter is also not so cold, let me enjoy the warmth and hope of spring.

写一篇关于季节的英语作文50字 写节日的英语作文50词


My favorite season is spring.
我最爱的季节是春天 。
After a long and cold winter, spring comes to us like a breath of fresh air.
经过漫长寒冷的冬天后,春天就像一股清新气流来到人间 。
Besides, everything seems to come to life in spring.
而且在春天万物似乎都恢复了生气 。
For example, birds begin to sing again and flowers bloom and sweeten the air.
举例来说,鸟儿再度歌唱,百花也盛开着,使空气充满着芳香 。
【写一篇关于季节的英语作文50字 写节日的英语作文50词】Moreover, the warm glow of the sun makes me feel cozy and comfortable.
此外,暖暖的阳光使我觉得温暖舒适 。
And last but definitely not least, spring means we get a break from school for the spring vacation.
最后但却很重要的一点就是,春天意味着学校会放我们春假 。
Every student welcomes holidays and I am no exception.
每个学生都欢迎假日,我也不例外 。
Like most students, I will make the best use of the vacation to refresh myself.
跟大部分学生一样,我会充分利用春假来给自己充电一番 。
And there's no better season to refresh oneself than in spring, when it's usually cool and bright.
而凉爽明媚的春天是最能使人精神振作的季节了 。
我最喜欢的季节 My favorite season
My favorite season is winter. I love it because on that day, the sky will float too many “cotton”, that is snow. It was beautiful, white, and soft. Met will melt. One to the winter, I will think of a snowman, snowball fights. It is interesting how ah!
Every year the four seasons is very beautiful. Spring, the ice and snow melt, flowers; Summer, hot, cicadas debates; Autumn, fruits, clear sky; Winter, snow or snow mountains. But I think that "the beauty of the Mid-Autumn festival is the most beautiful".
The taste of autumn is full of happy. When the class bell throughout the campus, the students like just cage bird, wriggling up immediately. Students playing together, happily let autumn taste more and more strong.
The taste of autumn is blooming. The chrysanthemum in the flower bed open the screws up doo-yan, some like a dragon claw; Some like a shy girl in the dress. Chrysanthemum petals pale yellow, dark green leaves and mutual set off, appear very harmonious, very perfect. The POTS of Chinese rose are also no less and are out of the handsome face of it, is so noble.
The taste of autumn is the aromas. Everywhere in the market, the street, the supermarket, the melon and fruit aroma. Apple like a kid round face, red; Pears Huang Cheng; Grapes, more glittering and translucent get rid of, it's like a crystal carved; Jujube also playfully escaped from the trees in the mother's arms; Big persimmons as small lanterns, to get the stretch on the shelves. The autumn wind blows, a faint scent came head-on, refreshing.
Autumn is a poem. Autumn is a picture; Autumn is a song; Autumn is a beautiful dream.
每年的四季都很美丽 。春天,冰雪融化,百花齐放;夏天,烈日炎炎,知了争鸣;秋天,硕果累累,天高云淡;冬天,雪花飘飘,银装素裹 。但是,我认为”万美之中秋最美“ 。
秋天的味道是充满快乐地 。当下课的铃声传遍整个校园的时候,同学们就像刚出笼的小鸟,立刻活蹦乱跳起来 。同学们一起玩耍嬉戏,让秋天快乐地味道越来越浓 。
秋天的味道是花团锦簇的 。花坛里的菊花争气斗艳地开放了,有的好似蛟龙探爪;有的好似羞涩的姑娘在打扮自己 。菊花墨绿色的叶片和淡黄色的花瓣互相映衬,显得很和谐,很完美 。那一盆盆月季花也毫不逊色,纷纷露出了它那俊美的脸颊,显得是那么高贵 。
秋天的味道是果香四溢的 。市场里,街上,超市里,到处都飘着瓜果的香气 。苹果好像小孩儿的圆脸蛋,红红的;鸭梨黄澄的;葡萄呢,更加晶莹剔透,真像用水晶雕刻出来的;大枣也顽皮地从树妈妈的怀抱里逃了出来;大柿子好像小灯笼,挨挨挤挤地摆在货架上 。秋风一吹,一股清香迎面扑来,沁人心脾 。
秋天是一首诗;秋天是一副画;秋天是一首歌;秋天是一个美丽的梦 。