我最喜欢的动物鲨鱼英语作文 描写鲨鱼的英语作文60字

鲨鱼,生活在海洋中,是海洋中的鱼 。在古代,它们被称为鲭鱼、鲭鱼鲨和沙鱼,是海洋中的巨大生物 。英语里也有关于鲨鱼的作文 。你想知道描写鲨鱼的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于鲨鱼的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
We know there are a ton of terrible things more likely to befall you than a shark taking a liking to you. But it does happen (last year, there were about 100 attacks worldwide). So, as you head to the beach, here are some tips to keep you from becoming shark snack.
众所周知,比起被鲨鱼袭击,其它更多更可怕的事情更有可能会发生在你身上 。不过,它的确发生过(去年,全球大约有100起鲨鱼袭击事件) 。所以,当你计划去海滩时,这里有一些建议,能避免你成为鲨鱼的点心 。
Be the bigger man
See a shark and think it's about to attack? Act "big," because sharks respect size and strength, says shark expert George Burgess, director of the International Shark Attack File. And pop it on the nose. "A smack to the nose is startling to a shark," he says.
遇到鲨鱼,发现它将要攻击你?据全球鲨鱼袭击档案负责人、鲨鱼专家乔治.伯杰斯介绍,“表现得强大些,因为鲨鱼敬畏体型和力量 。猛击它的鼻子 。”他说,“这里是鲨鱼最致命的地方 。”
Thrash about
Attacks are rare; deaths are rarer (six worldwide last year). But if you do find yourself in the jaws of a great white — or bull shark, or tiger shark — don't play dead. "If you play dead, you're going to be dead," says Burgess. Because the shark, after taking an exploratory bite of you, will think it's won the battle and will commence to chomping.
鲨鱼袭击很少见,而被鲨鱼吃掉更是少之又少(去年共有6起) 。但是,如果你真的发现自己已经在大白鲨、牛鲨或者虎鲨的嘴里了–别装死 。伯杰斯说:“如果你装死,你真的就要死了 。”因为鲨鱼在试探过之后,会认为自己是赢家了,就会上来大快朵颐 。
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Deal with a shark like you would a neighborhood bully. "So hit him, and maybe he'll go home to mommy," Burgess says. If you got something handy, like your selfie stick or scuba gear, smack the shark with it. Or just use bare hands and go for the nose, gills and eyes — all sensitive areas.
对付鲨鱼,就好像是被邻居欺负一样,“所以你就打它,也许它会回家找妈妈 。”伯杰斯说 。如果你手上有什么工具,比如自拍杆或潜水装备,猛击鲨鱼 。或者就只是赤手空拳的去打它的鼻子,腮和眼睛–这些都是其敏感的部位 。

我最喜欢的动物鲨鱼英语作文 描写鲨鱼的英语作文60字


A new high-performance swimsuitdeveloped by mimicking the skin of sharkswill be worn by top athletes in Athens from this week.
The revolutionary new fabricdeveloped by Speedois the result of four years of research and development that began with the study of shark skin at the Natural History Museum .
The new swimsuitcalled Fastskin FSIIincreases a swimmer's speed by reducing passive drag through water by up to 4% more than the next best swimsuit.
Research into shark skin texture and movement through water was carried out under the guidance of Natural History Museum fish expert Ollie Crimmen.
Tiny 'teeth' cover the surface of a shark's skin and the shape and positioning of these 'teeth' vary across the body to manage the flow of water.
With these findings Speedo created a full 'bodyskin' with different fabrics on different parts of the body and for the first timemale- and female-specific and stroke-specific swimsuits.
A new high-performance swimsuit,developed by mimicking the skin of sharks,will be worn by top athletes in Athens from this week.
The revolutionary new fabric,developed by Speedo,is the result of four years of research and development that began with the study of shark skin at the Natural History Museum .
The new swimsuit,called Fastskin FSII,increases a swimmer's speed by reducing passive drag through water by up to 4% more than the next best swimsuit.
Research into shark skin texture and movement through water was carried out under the guidance of Natural History Museum fish expert Ollie Crimmen.
Tiny 'teeth' cover the surface of a shark's skin and the shape and positioning of these 'teeth' vary across the body to manage the flow of water.
With these findings Speedo created a full 'bodyskin' with different fabrics on different parts of the body and for the first time,male- and female-specific and stroke-specific swimsuits.
【我最喜欢的动物鲨鱼英语作文 描写鲨鱼的英语作文60字】Some mob movies are intentionally funny.Others carry all the blunt force of a baseball bat."Shark Tale," a computer-animated mob spoof —- not incidentally featuring the voices of two men previously involved in a mob movie co-starring a baseball bat —- goes for funny.
The end result of a film made by some of the same people who brought us "Shrek" is a visually creative underwater escapade,often charming and amusing,but not supremely clever or all that heart-tugging."Shark Tale" swims as a technically impressive entertainment,hip and supercool,but not totally engaging.
The story is of Oscar,voiced by Will Smith,who is at the bottom of the food chain,working at the local whale wash.Oscar talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk,seeking fame and glamour but never choosing wisely in his attempts to find those things.If it wasn't for the well-meaning advice of co-worker Angie (Renee Zellweger),an angelfish who harbors a secret affection for Oscar,he would be even deeper into his go-nowhere approach.
Things change thanks to happenstance.The mob-boss shark,Don Lino (Robert De Niro),runs things but has trouble getting his vegetarian son,Lenny (Jack Black),to display the toughness necessary to become a boss himself.When Oscar quite accidentally slays Don Lino's other son,Frankie,then takes undeserving credit for the kill,he becomes a hero and cultural superstar,acquiring the wealth and fame he always desired.
Trouble comes when Oscar must then repeatedly prove he's the shark-slayer he claims.Along with the way,and with the help or interference of several other comical characters —- voiced by Martin Scorsese,Angelina Jolie,Peter Falk,Katie Couric and other talents,Oscar learns the true meaning of self-respect.
"Shark Tale" is loaded with amiable gags and likable characters,and some juicy touches that end up very funny,such as when a squirming,squealing shrimp is pleading for his life to great comical effect.It also has a primary lesson of accepting yourself and who you are as its main teaching,along with sidebar issues about respect and playing fair.
It all adds up to a reasonably amusing but not oh-wow experience,lacking the same look-at-that ingenuity as "Shrek," even if some of the small touches are very clever.
The movie gives us a chance to hear old pals De Niro and Scorsese trading funny lines —- many of them improvised —- taking us back to their many collaborations,including "GoodFellas," referenced above.
Smith is ready-made for the role,and other supporting voices fit just fine.Ultimately,"Shark Tale" is just that —- fine —- though nowhere close to a genre breakthrough.Instead,it's a mildly entertaining underwater escapade,a little too aware of itself and its hip intentions,but sometimes dazzling to observe.
The Australian state of New South Wales has announced new measures to prevent shark attacks on its beaches after a teenage surfer was attacked last week.
上周,澳大利亚新南威尔士州一名未成年冲浪者遭到了鲨鱼袭击,对此该州已经出台了一些防止被咬的新措施 。
Programmes to catch, tag and relocate sharks will be stepped up using baited hooks attached to lines of floating drums, officials say.
据澳大利亚官员表示,他们将用浮标绑上饵钩,从而来捕捉鲨鱼,给他们打上记录标签,然后放到其他海域去 。
The system has proved successful at catching sharks but conservationists say it is harmful to wildlife.
该系统已经被证实在捕捉鲨鱼方面很成功,但是环保人士认为这会对野生动物造成伤害 。
The so-called smart drum lines alert officials when creatures are captured.
当有动物被捉到时,这些所谓的智能浮标线就会向政府发出警报 。
There are already 15 of them off the state and 85 others would be rolled out, a statement said.
据一份声明表示,新南威尔士已经赶走了15条鲨鱼,并且还将驱逐85条 。
New South Wales Premier Mike Baird said 31 great white and five bull sharks have tagged and relocated since May, according to Australia's ABC broadcaster.
据澳大利亚ABC广播电台报道,新南威尔士总督麦克·贝尔德表示,自从今年5月以来,已经有31条大白鲨和5条公牛鲨被打上标签、重新放回大海 。