关于写图书馆的英语作文 描写图书馆的英语作文初二

图书馆具有保存人类文化遗产、开发信息资源和参与社会教育的功能 。也有关于图书馆的英文作文 。你想知道描写图书馆的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于图书馆的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Now that so much data is stored and circulated electronically, a library might seem to be a slightly outdated concept. However, a huge proportion of the world's information and learning is still not available electronically, so libraries retain their importance for research and study. It is should also be remembered that libraries store books, inscriptions, and documents that are beautiful, and valuable not just for their contents, but also for their historic and artistic significance. Illuminated manuscripts, author's drafts, and the originals of documents such as Magna Carta, or the American Declaration of Independence, can never be properly appreciated online. So, we ought to celebrate the world's great libraries, and the people who work to build and maintain them, and we should visit them when we get the opportunity. Here are the world's ten largest libraries, in reverse order.
在当代,许多数据都以电子方式存储与传播,图书馆似乎已经时过境迁 。但由于人们尚无法通过电子渠道获取大量的世界信息与知识,图书馆对于调查研究依然有其举足轻重的作用 。别忘了,图书馆收藏精美和珍贵的书籍、碑刻与文献并不仅仅是因为它们的内容,还因为其历史意义与艺术意义 。手工绘本、作家手稿以及《大宪章》《独立宣言》等原版文献,是无法通过互联网好好品读的 。因此,我们应该赞美世界各大图书馆,赞美那些参与建造和维护它们的工作人员 。如果有机会,不妨亲自游览一番 。

关于写图书馆的英语作文 描写图书馆的英语作文初二


British Library (United Kingdom, London)
The British Library was created by Act of Parliament in 1972; previously, the library had been part of the British Museum, where the famous circular reading room had accommodated researchers including Karl Marx, who worked on 'Das Kapital' there, as well as Oscar Wide and Mahatma Gandhi. The British Library is now housed in a new building in St. Pancras, London, where its treasures include two Gutenberg bibles, the Lindisfarne Gospels, and one of Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks.
1972年英国议会通过法案,建立大英图书馆;此前,它是大英博物馆的一部分,卡尔·马克思曾在知名的圆形穹顶阅览室编著《资本论》,同样在那里读过书的名人还包括王尔德和圣雄甘地 。大英图书馆的新馆址在伦敦圣潘克拉斯区,馆藏包括:《古登堡圣经》的两个版本、《林迪斯法恩福音书》、达芬奇的一本笔记,等等 。
Russian State Library (Moscow)
Founded in 1862 as the Moscow public library and museum, this collection became the State Library in 1925. In consequence it receives copies of all Russian publications, and also holds large collections of maps, journals, music scores, and recordings. Its possessions include the Archangel Gospel, a codex in the Slavonic language dating from 1092. Like many national libraries, the Russian State Library has encountered repeated problems of space shortage, and has had to move sections of its holdings to repositories elsewhere.
俄罗斯国立图书馆始建于1862年,当时名为莫斯科公共博物馆及鲁缅采夫博物馆图书馆,1925年改名为苏联国立列宁图书馆 。随后,这座图书馆收藏了所有发行的俄文著作,还有大量地图、札记、乐谱和音频文件 。该馆藏有1092年《阿尔汉格尔斯克福音书》的斯拉夫语手抄本 。与很多国家图书馆相似,俄罗斯国立图书馆的贮藏空间日渐不足,他们不得不将部分馆藏转存至其他地方的藏室 。
National Diet Library (Tokyo, Japan)
【关于写图书馆的英语作文 描写图书馆的英语作文初二】The National Diet Library in Tokyo opened in 1948. Until the Second World War and the subsequent American occupation, Japan did not have a national public library. The Diet Library was established because public access to information was seen as a vital part of the post-war democratisation process. It serves as both the library for the Diet, Japan's two-chambered legislature, and a national library, holding copies of every book published in Japanese.
日本在二战后被美国占领之前尚未建立国家公立图书馆 。但因为对公众开放信息被视作推进战后民主化进程的关键内容,所以,东京的国立国会图书馆应运而生,于1948年对外开放 。它不仅是两院制立法机构——国会的图书馆,也是国家图书馆,收藏了所有已出版发行的日文书籍 。
Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Paris)
The French National Library traces its roots to the library of King Louis XI, which he established in 1461. It became accessible to the public at the time of the French Revolution in 1792, and at the same time was expanded to include the confiscated books of many French aristocrats. Napoleon took a great interest in the library and enlarged its collection. At one time during the nineteenth century it was the largest library in the world.
法国国家图书馆的历史可以追溯到路易十一于1461年建立的图书馆 。1792年法国大革命期间,这座图书馆开始对公众开放,从法国贵族们那里没收的书也是在那时收藏入馆的 。当时,拿破仑对这座图书馆燃起浓厚兴趣,还扩大了馆藏,它一度成为十九世纪世界上图书馆 。