雅思口语还能预定吗 如果雅思口语考试安排的时候去不了怎么办

雅思口语可以保留 。如果你错过了预约 , 没关系 。下面我们会告诉你解决方法 。以下是边肖收集的关于失踪的雅思口语考试预定怎么办.的信息 , 请参考 。
如果考生在开放预订时段内放弃(错过)预订、取消已有的预订或者可预订的口语考试日期已满 , 官方将稍后通过系统做出随机安排 , 考生最终的口试日期及时间段将显示在准考证上 。
但是今天要说的是关于口试预定时间这件事 , 让人又爱又恨 。

雅思口语还能预定吗 如果雅思口语考试安排的时候去不了怎么办


这个功能出来已经有不少时间了;或许由于设置的不够醒目 , 让很多人压根没发现这个功能 , 或许是很多人没尝试过 , 不敢轻易尝试 。总之很多人对这项功能的态度是——持续观望中 。
事实上 , 根据很多使用过这项功能的考生反馈——这项功能目前还是比较“坑爹”的 。主要问题如下:
按照官方给出的说法 , 口语可预约在笔试前一周的任意时段 。但是根据反馈 , 一般就只有两天左右可以供你预约 。
笔试时间在8月27日 , 但是可选的预约时间只有22 , 23两天 。而且这位考生是在预约开放的当天早上5点起来点开的网页 , 考前三天考位被预约满的可能性极低 。
考前一周只有一天能预约 , 而且还提前6天 , 对于这样的时间 , 预约需要发奖金才对吧?
各种不同的话题都要涉及—比如:关于你自己、你的国家、你的思想和观点等话题都可以用来练习口语 。这会使你的口语表达更加自然并为你为在口语测试中遇到的任何突如其来的话题做好准备 。
他们就会给你提一些建议 , 比如:如何扩大词汇量、如何学习语法 , 如何进行发音等等 。如果那个人对雅思口语测试非常了解 , 将会对你有很大帮助 。
虽然独自练习口语的时候没有人回应你的谈话 , 但是只要开口练习 , 你就能有机会去尝试用不同的方式来说话 , 而这也将增强你的信心 。
四、改进发音 我的发音标准吗?
虽然对于考生的发音没有特别严格的规定 , 但是想要说好口语 , 发音也不能太离谱 , 这就需要考生在考生过程中尽量发音准确 , 考生可以通过词汇听力来纠正自己的发音 , 经过一段时间的练习 , 效果就会好很多 。
Describe a time you spend with your friend in your childhood
【雅思口语还能预定吗 如果雅思口语考试安排的时候去不了怎么办】You should say:
Who is this friend
How did you know about each other
And explain why you describe this time

雅思口语还能预定吗 如果雅思口语考试安排的时候去不了怎么办


I am going to tell you about my first ‘best friend’ from childhood. I’ll explain how we met, how long we were friends, what we got up to and why I liked her so much, and I’ll try and explain our friendship so you can understand why we were so close.
我要告诉你我童年时的第一个“最好的朋友” 。我将解释我们是如何相识的 , 我们是朋友多久 , 我们得到了什么 , 为什么我如此喜欢她 , 我会试着解释我们的友谊 , 这样你就能理解为什么我们如此亲密 。
I first met my friend Tracey when I went to junior school. We were sat next to each other in class, I don’t think we chose to do that particularly, we probably just sat where we were told to on our first day of the school year, but we got on straight away and were firm friends from the age of about 8 until we left school to go to senior school aged about eleven. We happened to go to different schools at that point, and sadly our friendship drifted apart, when we were younger though, we were inseparable.
我第一次见到我的朋友特蕾西是在我上小学的时候 。我们并肩而坐,在课堂上,我不认为我们选择这样做特别,我们可能只是坐在被告知要在我们学校的第一天,但我们立刻上了,是公司的朋友从8岁开始,直到我们离开学校去高级学校大约11岁 。在那个时候 , 我们碰巧去了不同的学校 , 遗憾的是 , 我们的友谊渐渐疏远了 , 当我们年轻的时候 , 我们是形影不离的 。
Tracey and I had similar interests. We liked being outside, we liked horses (although neither of us went riding or had access to ponies back then), we enjoyed doing craft type activities (although she was really talented creating amazing pictures and artwork, whilst I just got stuck at the stage of colouring in!) My main memory is of us heading off together on our bikes for hours and hours at a time. She lived quite near a large park, so I used to cycle to her house, and then we’d go to the park together with a picnic lunch and spend all day playing games together. I’m embarrassed now to think how we galloped around pretending to be horses or whatever the game of the day was, but it was fun at the time. We used to try hula hooping and skipping too, seeing who could hold up a hoop for the longest of skip without stopping using a rope. I have a feeling she was more accomplished than me at both these activities too. Sometimes we would try to find and catch grasshoppers (we always let them go) or we would just laze in the sun until it was time to go home. It was very different then. There were no mobile phones, and people were much more relaxed about letting their children go off and play all day, I’m not sure if you could still do that. Still, we were very happy and used to come back to her house tired and hot and sunburnt, and if we were lucky her mum would give us lemonade to drink and sometimes cheese salad rolls for tea. Happy memories indeed!
特蕾西和我有相似的兴趣 。我们喜欢呆在户外 , 我们喜欢马(尽管当时我们都不骑马 , 也不喜欢小马) , 我们喜欢做工艺品类型的活动(尽管她真的很有天赋 , 创造了令人惊叹的图片和艺术作品 , 而我却被困在了涂色的舞台上!)我的主要记忆是 , 我们一次骑着自行车在一起几个小时 , 几个小时 。她住在一个很大的公园附近 , 所以我经常骑自行车去她家 , 然后我们一起去公园 , 一起吃野餐 , 一起玩游戏 。我现在很尴尬地想 , 我们是如何假装成马或其他什么游戏的 , 但在当时是很有趣的 。我们过去也试过呼啦呼啦 , 也跳了一下 , 看谁能在不停止使用绳子的情况下撑起一个呼啦圈 。我有一种感觉 , 她在这两项活动中都比我更有成就 。有时我们会试图找到并抓住蚱蜢(我们总是让它们走) , 否则我们就会在阳光下懒散地呆着 , 直到回家的时候 。当时情况大不相同 。没有手机 , 人们更放松地让孩子们出去玩一整天 , 我不确定你是否还能这样做 。尽管如此 , 我们还是很高兴 , 习惯了回到她的家 , 她又累又热 , 晒得黝黑 , 如果我们幸运的话 , 她妈妈会给我们喝柠檬水 , 有时还会给我们做奶酪沙拉卷 。记忆真的快乐!
In terms of why we liked each other, well we just did! We enjoyed doing the same things, we could talk about anything to each other – complaining about school work or annoying parents and other such troublesome worries of the time. She had pet rabbits, and I had pet guinea pigs, so looking after our pets was a shared interest too. It probably helped that we lived quite close to each other and both had bikes too. We also both had a vivid imagination, it meant we could have remarkable adventures together pretending to inhabit whole new worlds that we had invented for ourselves.
就我们为什么喜欢对方而言 , 我们就是这么做的!我们喜欢做同样的事情 , 我们可以互相谈论任何事情——抱怨学校的工作或者恼人的父母 , 以及其他一些令人烦恼的事情 。她养了宠物兔子 , 我养了宠物豚鼠 , 所以照顾我们的宠物也是一种共同的兴趣 。我们住得很近 , 而且都有自行车 , 这可能对我们有帮助 。我们俩都有丰富的想象力 , 这意味着我们可以一起进行非凡的冒险 , 假装居住在我们为自己发明的全新世界里 。
We kept in touch for a while, but both eventually moved on. I think she went on to become an artist of some renown, which was not surprising given her early talent for art. Whatever she does and wherever she ended up I hope she is happy and successful too, and I will always remember her as a brilliant companion from when I was young, I wonder if she remembers me too.
我们保持联系有一段时间了 , 但最终还是继续了 。我想她后来成为了一个有名望的艺术家 , 考虑到她早期的艺术天赋 , 这并不奇怪 。无论她做什么 , 无论她到哪里 , 我都希望她也快乐和成功 , 我将永远记住她是我年轻时的一个杰出的伴侣 , 我想知道她是否还记得我 。
What do you think makes someone a good friend to a whole family?你认为什么使一个人成为一个家庭的好朋友?
It seems to me that the main element in order for someone to be considered a friend to all members of a family is having common values and interests. If these two characteristics are absent or not compatible, it's really difficult for someone to be accepted as a family friend or to hang out with.
Moreover, if parents see that someone has a good personality and some basic virtues that support the notion of friendship, it is likely that they will like and accept this person to their family. In my opinion, family friends play an important role as there are many cases when parents consort with some people they consider friends, and many times it is likely that their kids also interact with those people.
此外 , 如果父母认为某人有良好的人格和一些基本的美德来支持友谊的概念 , 他们很可能会喜欢并接受这个人的家庭 。在我看来 , 家庭朋友扮演着重要的角色 , 因为在很多情况下 , 父母和一些他们认为是朋友的人交往 , 很多时候 , 他们的孩子也可能和这些人交流 。