下班 英语口语 下班了英文口语

下班 , 就是完成每天的任务 , 每天在规定的时间完成工作 。下班了英语口语怎么说?怎么样?让我们一起来看看:

下班 英语口语 下班了英文口语


come or go off work;
be off duty;
knock off
I went to a cocktail party after work .
下班后我去参加一个鸡尾酒会 。
Workers usually clock off at 5:30 .
工人们通常在五点三十分下班 。
When do you normally get in from work ?
He has to leave work early today .
他今天必须早下班 。
He is released at five o'clock .
他五点钟就下班了 。
"what time do you get relieved, stacey?" he asked .
他问道:“史大赛 , 你几点下班?”
She clocked out early yesterday .
她昨天下班很早 。
You shall be relieved at 10∶30 .
你十点半钟下班 。
I managed to pin him down to meeting us after work .
我设法让他同意下班后和我们见面了 。
It is time to leave off work .
是下班的时候了 。
on/off duty
All the commuters had long since arrived safely home .
所有乘车上下班的人都早已安全无恙地回到家里 。
I used the commuting time to read and answer my mail .
我利用上下班在汽车中的时间来阅读和答复给我的函电 。
It was winter and the streets were dark and crowded with returning commuters .
那时正是冬天 , 街道暗黑 , 挤满了使用月票上下班的回家的人 。
It was the height of the rush hour. an overcrowded bus ploughed its way through the busy streets .
上下班的高峰时刻 , 一辆拥挤不堪的公共汽车缓慢地驶过大街闹市 。
Can he she drive me to and from the office daily
Every day , automobiles drive people to and from work
每天 , 汽车载着人们上下班 。
He has a 10 – miles ' drive each day to and from his work
他每天上下班要开10哩的车 。
A : my dad rides the mrt to and from work everyday

下班 英语口语 下班了英文口语


我爸爸每天坐捷运上下班 。
The guy who gives her a ride to work and back home every day
My dad rides the mrt to and from work everyday
我爸爸每天坐捷运上下班 。
after hours
I went to a cocktail party after work .
下班后我去参加一个鸡尾酒会 。
I managed to pin him down to meeting us after work .
我设法让他同意下班后和我们见面了 。
The nests were often the scene of lively, off-duty parties .
这里经常是下班后举行欢乐聚会的场所 。
Staff must stay behind after hours to catch up on their work .
下班后工作人员需要留下来把工作赶完 。
After every work day he sat into the small house with his wireless, listening to the chatter of morss, logging and analyzing it, ready for the next day .
他每天下班后就钻进小屋摆弄无线电接收机 , 直到深更半夜 。他坐在那里收听莫尔斯电码机的响声 , 对它进行登记和分析 , 为第二天的研究做准备 。
Mrs baker does her hair every friday after work
贝克夫人每星期五下班后做头发 。
What time did katie get home from work yesterday
-昨天下班后 , 凯蒂几点到家的?
She used to employ herself in reading after work
下班后她常常把时间花在看书上 。
Why didn ' t you call me after work last night
A : why didn ' t you call me after work last night
clock off
clock out
Hughes punched out at five o ' clock every afternoon
休斯每天下午5点钟打卡下班 。
Hughes punched out at five o ' clock every afternoon
例:休斯每天下午5点钟打卡下班 。
He punched out and went home at six o ' clock
她六点钟打卡下班回家了 。
Oh , i wanted to make sure you weren ' t slacking off . trying to punch out early
Tina : take the bus , go to work , punch in , punch out . what ' s the point
【下班 英语口语 下班了英文口语】蒂娜:搭公车、去工作、打卡上班、打卡下班 。这样到底有什么意义?